loadUseDpi Property (AnnCodecs)


Gets or sets a value that indicate whether to use the target resolution during load.


JavaScript Syntax
Object.defineProperty(AnnCodecs.prototype, 'loadUseDpi', 
	get: function(), 
	set: function(value) 
TypeScript Syntax
loadUseDpi: boolean;

Property Value

true to use the target resolution during load, otherwise; false. Default value is false.


LoadSourceResolution, LoadTargetResolution and LoadUseDpi can be used to map the resolution of the container as follows:

If the values of LoadSourceResolution and LoadTargetResolution are not 0, then this AnnCodecs will call MapResolutions on the loaded AnnContainer before loading any of the children AnnObject's using the following values:

If the value of LoadUseDpi is true, then MapResolutions is called with LoadSourceResolution as the values for sourceDpiX and sourceDpiY and LoadTargetResolution as the values for targetDpiX and _targetDpiY_.

If the value of LoadUseDpi is false, then MapResolutions is called with LoadSourceResolution as the values for both sourceDpiX and sourceDpiY and targetDpiX and _targetDpiY_.

This allow the application to modify the resolution of container as it is being loaded.


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