AnnFontWeight Enumeration


Refers to the density of a typeface, in terms of the lightness or heaviness of the strokes.


JavaScript Syntax
lt.Annotations.Core.AnnFontWeight = { 
	Normal: 0, 
	Thin: 1, 
	ExtraLight: 2, 
	Light: 3, 
	Medium: 4, 
	SemiBold: 5, 
	Bold: 6, 
	ExtraBold: 7, 
	Black: 8, 
	ExtraBlack: 9 
TypeScript Syntax
lt.Annotations.Core.AnnFontWeight = { 
	Normal: 0, 
	Thin: 1, 
	ExtraLight: 2, 
	Light: 3, 
	Medium: 4, 
	SemiBold: 5, 
	Bold: 6, 
	ExtraBold: 7, 
	Black: 8, 
	ExtraBlack: 9 


0 Normal

(0)400 font weight

1 Thin

(1)100 font weight

2 ExtraLight

(2)200 font weight

3 Light

(2)200 font weight

4 Medium

(4)500 font weight

5 SemiBold

(5)600 font weight

6 Bold

(5)600 font weight

7 ExtraBold

(7)800 font weight

8 Black

(8)900 font weight

9 ExtraBlack

(9)950 font weight


Weight differences are generally differentiated by an increased stroke or thickness that is associated with a given character in a typeface, as compared to a "normal" character from that same typeface.

An example of Normal and UltraBold weights for the Palatino Linotype typeface.

Not all weights are available for all typefaces. When a weight is not available for a typeface, the closest matching weight is returned.


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