AnnFontStyle Enumeration


Defines the style of an AnnFont.


JavaScript Syntax
lt.Annotations.Core.AnnFontStyle = { 
	Normal: 0, 
	Italic: 1, 
	Oblique: 2 
TypeScript Syntax
lt.Annotations.Core.AnnFontStyle = { 
	Normal: 0, 
	Italic: 1, 
	Oblique: 2 


0 Normal

(0)The characters in a normal, or roman, font is upright.

1 Italic

(1) The characters in an italic font are truly slanted and appear as they were designed.

2 Oblique

(2)The characters in an oblique font are artificially slanted. The slant is achieved by performing a shear transformation on the characters from a normal font. When a true italic font is not available on a computer or printer, an oblique style can generated from the normal font and used to simulate an italic font.


Three terms categorize the slant of a font: normal, italic, and oblique.


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