AnnUnit Enumeration


For a list of all members of this type, see AnnUnit members

Public Fields

Name Description
centimeter (11)Specifies the centimeter as the unit of measure.
display (1)Specifies 1/75 inch as the unit of measure.
document (2)Specifies 1/300 inch as the unit of measure.
feet (8)Specifies feet as the unit of measure.
inch (5)Specifies the inch as the unit of measure.
meter (12)Specifies the meter as the unit of measure.
micrometer (10)Specifies the micrometer (1/1000 millimeter) as the unit of measure.
millimeter (6)Specifies the millimeter as the unit of measure.
pixel (14)Specifies the pixel as the unit of measure.
point (7)Specifies a printer's point (1/72 inch) as the unit of measure.
smartEnglish (3)Specifies that measurement in "smart" English. A "smart" unit is a unit that can be automatically promoted to the next higher unit.The length displayed will be in the most appropriate unit.
smartMetric (4)Specifies that measurement is in "smart" metric. A "smart" unit is a unit that can be automatically promoted to the next higher unit.The length displayed will be in the most appropriate unit.
twip (13)Specifies the twip (TWentIeth of a Point) as the unit of measure.
unit (0)Specifies an annotation unit (1/72 of an inch).
yard (9)Specifies the yard as the unit of measure.
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