AnnTextDecorations Enumeration


Controls options for the AnnFont used by various LEADTOOLS annotation objects.


JavaScript Syntax
lt.Annotations.Core.AnnTextDecorations = { 
	None: 0x00000000, 
	Baseline: 0x00000001, 
	OverLine: 0x00000002, 
	Strikethrough: 0x00000004, 
	Underline: 0x00000008 
TypeScript Syntax
lt.Annotations.Core.AnnTextDecorations = { 
	None: 0x00000000, 
	Baseline: 0x00000001, 
	OverLine: 0x00000002, 
	Strikethrough: 0x00000004, 
	Underline: 0x00000008 


0x00000000 None

(0)No text decorations.

0x00000001 Baseline

(1)The text should include a baseline decoration.

0x00000002 OverLine

(2)The text should include an overline decoration.

0x00000004 Strikethrough

(4)The text should include a strikethrough decoration.

0x00000008 Underline

(8)The text should include an underline decoration.


The following illustrates the various text decoration options:


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