The following tables list the members exposed by AnnObject.
Public Constructors
Name | Description | |
AnnObject | Initializes a new AnnObject class object. |
Public Methods
Name | Description | |
clone | Creates an exact copy of this AnnObject. | |
create | Creates a new instance of AnnObject. | |
dateFromString | Converts a string value to a date time. | |
dateToString | Converts a date time to a string. | |
deserialize | Loads this object with data from the specified XML. | |
getArea | Returns the pixel count of this AnnObject. | |
getBoundingRectangle | Gets the bounding rectangle for this AnnObject. | |
getInvalidateRect | Gets a LeadRectD object that specifies the current physical rectangle of this AnnObject. | |
hitTest | Performs hit-testing on this AnnObject. | |
lock | Locks this AnnObject with the specified password. | |
onPointsChanged | Occurs when the Points for this AnnObject have changed. | |
onPropertyChanged | Raises the PropertyChanged event. | |
rotate | Rotates the AnnObject around a point. | |
scale | Scales the AnnObject by the specified ratios. | |
scaleVector | Scales the AnnObject by the specified ratios, unit vector and center point. | |
serialize | Serializes the object to an XML document. | |
setId | Sets the ID of this AnnObject. | |
translate | Translates the AnnObject by the specified values. | |
unlock | Unlocks this AnnObject with the specified password. |
Public Properties
Name | Description | |
bounds | Gets a LeadRectD object that indicates the bounds of this AnnObject. | |
canRotate | Indicates if this object supports rotation. | |
contentPicture | Gets or sets the id of the picture used when drawing the content of this object. | |
fill | Gets or sets the AnnBrush associated with this AnnObject. | |
fixedStateOperations | Gets or sets the fixed state for this AnnObject. | |
font | Gets or sets the AnnFont used associated with this AnnObject. | |
friendlyName | Gets the friendly name for AnnObject. | |
groupName | For future use. | |
hitTestInterior | Indicates if this AnnObject supports hit testing of its interior. | |
hyperlink | Gets or sets a string which represents the hyperlink for this AnnObject. | |
id | Gets the ID of this AnnObject. | |
isLocked | Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnObject is locked. | |
isSelected | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the object is selected. | |
isVisible | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the object is visible. | |
labels | Gets a dictionary of AnnLabel objects used by this AnnObject. | |
layer | Gets the optional layer that contains this object. | |
lockPicture | Gets or sets the id of the picture used when drawing the locked symbol for locked objects. | |
metadata | Gets the metadata associated with this object. | |
opacity | Gets or sets a value indicating the opacity value to use when rendering this object. | |
password | Gets or sets the password used in the last successful lock operation of this AnnObject. | |
points | Gets the collection of LeadPointD objects that define this AnnObject. | |
renderedObjectBounds | Gets or sets the bounding rectangle of the object as it was last rendered. | |
reviews | Gets the items that can be used to add review comments and replies to this AnnObject. | |
rotateCenter | Gets or sets the location of the rotate center control point. | |
rotateGripper | Gets or sets the length of the rotate gripper control point. | |
selectionStroke | Gets or sets the stroke to use when drawing the frame of this object. | |
stateId | Gets or sets the optional state ID of this object to be used with state rendering engines. | |
stroke | Gets or sets the AnnStroke associated with this AnnObject. | |
supportsContent | Indicates if this object supports content. | |
supportsFill | Indicates if this object supports a fill. | |
supportsFont | Indicates if this object supports a font. | |
supportsOpacity | Indicates if this object supports an opacity. | |
supportsSelectionStroke | Indicates if this object supports a selection stroke. | |
supportsStroke | Indicates if this object supports a stroke. | |
tag | Gets or sets a user-defined data object that is associated with this object. | |
userId | Gets or sets the user ID of this AnnObject. |
Public Events
Name | Description | |
propertyChanged | Occurs when a property value changes.AnnPropertyChangedEventArgs |
Public Fields
Name | Description | |
audioObjectId | Returns the ID for an "audio" object. Not used in this version of the annotation framework. | |
authorMetadataKey | Author metadata key. | |
buttonObjectId | Specifies the ID for a "button" object. Not used in this version of the annotation framework. | |
closedCurveObjectId | Specifies the ID for an AnnCurveObject that is a closed figure. | |
contentMetadataKey | Content metadata key. | |
createdMetadataKey | Created metadata key. | |
crossProductObjectId | Specifies the ID for an AnnCrossProductObject. | |
curveObjectId | Specifies the ID for an AnnCurveObject. | |
ellipseObjectId | Specifies the ID for an AnnEllipseObject. | |
encryptObjectId | Returns the ID for an "encrypt" object. Not used in this version of the annotation framework. | |
freehandHotspotObjectId | Specifies the ID for an AnnFreehandHotspotObject. | |
freehandObjectId | Specifies the ID for an AnnPolylineObject that is draw freehand style. | |
groupObjectId | Specifies the ID for an AnnGroupObject. | |
hiliteObjectId | Specifies the ID for an AnnHiliteObject. | |
hotspotObjectId | Specifies the ID for an AnnHotspotObject. | |
imageObjectId | Returns the ID for an AnnImageObject. | |
lineObjectId | Specifies the ID for an AnnPolylineObject that has a single line. | |
mediaObjectId | Returns the ID for an AnnMediaObject. | |
modifiedMetadataKey | Modified metadata key. | |
none | Specifies the ID for no annotation object. | |
noteObjectId | Specifies the ID for an AnnNoteObject. | |
pointerObjectId | Specifies the ID for an AnnPointerObject. | |
pointObjectId | Specifies the ID for an AnnPointObject. | |
polygonObjectId | Specifies the ID for an AnnPolylineObject that is a closed figure. | |
polylineObjectId | Specifies the ID for an AnnPolylineObject. | |
polyRulerObjectId | Specifies the ID for an AnnPolyRulerObject. | |
protractorObjectId | Specifies the ID for an AnnProtractorObject. | |
rectangleObjectId | Specifies the ID for an AnnRectangleObject. | |
redactionObjectId | Specifies the ID for an AnnRedactionObject. | |
richTextObjectId | Returns the ID for a "rich text" object. Not used in this version of the annotation framework. | |
rubberStampObjectId | Specifies the ID for an AnnRubberStampObject. | |
rulerObjectId | Specifies the ID for an AnnPolyRulerObject that has a single ruler. | |
selectObjectId | Specifies the ID for an AnnSelectionObject. | |
stampObjectId | Specifies the ID for an AnnStampObject. | |
stickyNoteObjectId | Returns the ID for an AnnStickyNoteObject. | |
subjectMetadataKey | Subject metadata key. | |
textHiliteObjectId | Returns the ID for an AnnTextHiliteObject. | |
textObjectId | Specifies the ID for an AnnTextObject. | |
textPointerObjectId | Specifies the ID for an AnnTextPointerObject. | |
textRedactionObjectId | Returns the ID for an AnnTextRedactionObject. | |
textRollupObjectId | Specifies the ID for an AnnTextRollupObject. | |
textStrikeoutObjectId | Returns the ID for an AnnTextStrikeoutObject. | |
textUnderlineObjectId | Returns the ID for an AnnTextUnderlineObject. | |
titleMetadataKey | Title metadata key. | |
userObjectId | Specifies the ID for a user defined AnnObject. |
Products |
Support |
Feedback: AnnObject Class Members - Leadtools.Annotations.Core |
Introduction |
Help Version 19.0.2017.3.21