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Leadtools.Windows.Controls Classes


Overview and description of Leadtools Windows Controls classes.

Class Description
ImageBox Represents a control that displays a WPF/Silverlight System.Windows.Media.ImageSource.
ImageList Represents a WPF/Silverlight image list control, which displays a collection of items that can be displayed using one of the ImageListItemStyle styles.
ImageListItem Represents an item in a ImageList control containing an System.Windows.Media.ImageSource.
ImagePanViewer Represents a LEADTOOLS image pan control for displaying a scaled view of an image.
ImagePanViewerEventArgs Provides information about the ImagePanViewer.Pan event.
ImageViewer Represents a scrollable control that displays a WPF/Silverlight System.Windows.Media.ImageSource with interactive UI operations.
ImageViewerScrollChangedEventArgs Describes a change in the scrolling state and contains the required arguments for a ScrollChanged event.
InteractiveEventArgs Base class for other ImageViewer and RasterImageViewer interactive events.
LineInteractiveEventArgs Provides data for the pan, scale and magnify glass interactive mode events in ImageViewer and RasterImageViewer
MagnifyGlass Represents a LEADTOOLS magnify glass object for "zooming in" a portion of an image.
PointInteractiveEventArgs Provides data for the center at interactive mode events in ImageViewer and RasterImageViewer
RasterImageBox Represents a control that displays a LEADTOOLS Leadtools.RasterImage in WPF/Silverlight.
RasterImageListItem Represents an item in a ImageList control containing a LEADTOOLS Leadtools.RasterImage.
RasterImageViewer Represents a scrollable control that displays a LEADTOOLS Leadtools.RasterImage in WPF/Silverlight with interactive UI operations.
RectangleInteractiveEventArgs Provides data for the zoom to and user rectangle interactive mode events in ImageViewer and RasterImageViewer
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Leadtools.Windows.Controls Assembly
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