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ImageViewer Class


For a list of all members of this type, see ImageViewer members

Public Events

Name Description
AspectRatioCorrectionChanged Occurs when the value of the AspectRatioCorrection property changes.
BitmapScalingModeChanged Occurs when the value of the BitmapScalingMode property changes.
FlipChanged Occurs when the value of the Flip property changes.
GeometryChanged Occurs when the value of the Geometry property changes.
GeometryFrameTypeChanged Occurs when the value of the GeometryFrameType property changes.
ImageEffectChanged Occurs when the value of the ImageEffect property changes.
ImageHorizontalAlignmentChanged Occurs when the value of the ImageHorizontalAlignment property changes.
ImageSizeChanged Occurs when the control size changes.
ImageVerticalAlignmentChanged Occurs when the value of the ImageVerticalAlignment property changes.
InteractiveCenterAt Occurs when the user performs interactive centering of the image display.
InteractiveMagnifyGlass Occurs when the user is using the MagnifyGlass on this control.
InteractiveModeChanged Occurs when the value of the InteractiveMode property changes.
InteractiveModeEnded Occurs when the operation of the current InteractiveMode ended successfully.
InteractivePan Occurs when the user performs interactive panning of the image display.
InteractiveScale Occurs when the user performs interactive scaling of the image display.
InteractiveUserRectangle Occurs when the user performs user-defined interactive drawing of a rectangle.
InteractiveZoomTo Occurs when the user performs interactive zoom to rectangle of the image display.
ResetImageViewOptionsChanged Occurs when the value of the ResetImageViewOptions property changes.
ReverseChanged Occurs when the value of the Reverse property changes.
RotateAngleChanged Occurs when the value of the RotateAngle property changes.
ScaleFactorChanged Occurs when the value of the ScaleFactor property changes.
ScreenDpiXChanged Occurs when the value of the ScreenDpiX property changes.
ScreenDpiYChanged Occurs when the value of the ScreenDpiY property changes.
ScrollChanged Occurs when changes are detected to the scrollbars position, extent, viewport size or visibility of the control.
SizeModeChanged Occurs when the value of the SizeMode property changes.
SourceChanged Occurs when the value of the Source property changes.
SourceDpiXChanged Occurs when the value of the SourceDpiX property changes.
SourceDpiYChanged Occurs when the value of the SourceDpiY property changes.
TransformChanged Occurs when any visual transformation properties changes in the control.
TransitionChanged Occurs when the value of the Transition property changes.
UseDpiChanged Occurs when the value of the UseDpi property changes.
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