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ImagePanViewer Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by ImagePanViewer.

Public Constructors

Name Description
ImagePanViewer Initializes a new instance of the ImagePanViewer class.

Public Methods

Name Description
CenterPan Centers the current view inside the ImagePanViewer
InitializeComponent InitializeComponent

Protected Methods

Name Description
MeasureOverride Measures the child elements of this control before they are arranged during the System.Windows.FrameworkElement.ArrangeOverride(System.Windows.Size) pass.
OnInnerBrushChanged Raises the InnerBrushChanged event.
OnMouseLeftButtonDown Overrides System.Windows.UIElement.OnMouseLeftButtonDown(System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs)
OnMouseLeftButtonUp Overrides System.Windows.UIElement.OnMouseLeftButtonUp(System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs)
OnMouseMove Overrides System.Windows.UIElement.OnMouseMove(System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs)
OnOuterBrushChanged Raises the OuterBrushChanged event.
OnPan Raises the Pan event.
OnPositionChanged Raises the PositionChanged event.
OnSourceChanged Raises the SourceChanged event.
OnStrokeChanged Raises the StrokeChanged event.
OnStrokeThicknessChanged Raises the StrokeThicknessChanged event.

Public Properties

Name Description
InnerBrush Gets or sets the brush used to fill the area inside the pan rectangle.
OuterBrush Gets or sets the brush used to fill the area outside the pan rectangle.
Position Gets or sets the current pan rectangle position.
Source Gets or sets the image viewer currently assigned for panning process by the control.
Stroke Gets or sets brush used to draw the pan rectangle.
StrokeThickness Gets or sets a value that indicates the size of the pan rectangle border.

Public Events

Name Description
InnerBrushChanged Occurs when the value of the InnerBrush property changes.
OuterBrushChanged Occurs when the value of the OuterBrush property changes.
Pan Occurs when the user performs a panning process in this control.
PositionChanged Occurs when the value of the Position property changes.
SourceChanged Occurs when the value of the Source property changes.
StrokeChanged Occurs when the value of the Stroke property changes.
StrokeThicknessChanged Occurs when the value of the StrokeThickness property changes.

Public Fields

Name Description
InnerBrushProperty Identifies the InnerBrush dependency property.
OuterBrushProperty Identifies the OuterBrush dependency property.
PositionProperty Identifies the Position dependency property.
SourceProperty Identifies the Source dependency property.
StrokeProperty Identifies the Stroke dependency property.
StrokeThicknessProperty Identifies the StrokeThickness dependency property.
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