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MagnifyGlass Class


For a list of all members of this type, see MagnifyGlass members

Public Properties

Name Description
Background Gets or sets the background used to fill the interior of this magnify glass. This is a dependency property.
BorderBrush Gets or sets the brush used to draw the border of the magnify glass. This is a dependency property.
BorderThickness Gets or sets the size of the magnify glass border in pixels. This is a dependency property.
Crosshair Gets or sets the type of the crosshair used in this magnify glass. This is a dependency property.
CrosshairBrush Gets or sets the brush used to draw the crosshair of this magnify glass. This is a dependency property.
CrosshairThickness Gets or sets the width of the crosshair of this magnify glass in pixels. This is a dependency property.
RoundRectangleRadius Gets or sets the width and height of the ellipse that describes the arc of the rounded corners of this magnify glass. This is a dependency property.
ScaleFactor Gets or sets the zoom factor used to display the magnified image. This is a dependency property.
Shape Gets or sets the shape of the magnify glass. This is a dependency property.
Size Gets or sets the size of the magnify glass in pixels. This is a dependency property.
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