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SetInteractiveModeCursor Method


Sets the mouse cursors associated with an interactive mode


public virtual void SetInteractiveModeCursor(  
   Leadtools.Windows.Controls.InteractiveMode interactiveMode, 
   Cursor idleCursor, 
   Cursor workingCursor 
Public Overridable Sub SetInteractiveModeCursor( _ 
   ByVal interactiveMode As Leadtools.Windows.Controls.InteractiveMode, _ 
   ByVal idleCursor As Cursor, _ 
   ByVal workingCursor As Cursor _ 
virtual void SetInteractiveModeCursor(  
   Leadtools.Windows.Controls.InteractiveMode interactiveMode, 
   Cursor^ idleCursor, 
   Cursor^ workingCursor 


A InteractiveMode enumeration member that specifies the interactive mode to set the mouse cursors for.

A System.Windows.Input.Cursor that defines the mouse cursor to use when the interactive mode is idle.

A System.Windows.Input.Cursor that defines the mouse cursor to use when the interactive mode is working.


Use this method to set different mouse cursors for each interactive mode used in this RasterImageViewer. A value of null (Nothing in VB) for any of the cursors instructs the viewer to use the default cursor set in the System.Windows.Input.Cursor property either by the designer or through code.

By default, all the interactive modes have a cursor value of null (Nothing in VB) and changing the interactive mode will not change the mouse cursor unless you call this method first to set the desired cursors to use.

The idle cursor is used when the interactive mode is not working, in other words, when the user has set the interactive mode to a value but has not clicked the mouse button to initiate it yet. The working cursor is used when the interactive mode is working, in other words, when the user has clicked and start dragging the mouse button.

Note that when you call this method, the current interactive mode will be canceled if it is working.


For C#/VB examples, refer to InteractivePan.


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