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ImageList Class


For a list of all members of this type, see ImageList members

Public Events

Name Description
AutoDisposeImagesChanged Occurs when the value of the AutoDisposeImages property changes.
BitmapScalingModeChanged Occurs when the value of the BitmapScalingMode property changes.
EnableRubberBandSelectionChanged Occurs when the value of the EnableRubberBandSelection property changes.
ItemBackgroundChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemBackground property changes.
ItemBorderBrushChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemBorderBrush property changes.
ItemBorderThicknessChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemBorderThickness property changes.
ItemForegroundChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemForeground property changes.
ItemImageSizeChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemImageSize property changes.
ItemMarginChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemMargin property changes.
ItemSelectedBackgroundChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemSelectedBackground property changes.
ItemSelectedForegroundChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemSelectedForeground property changes.
ItemSizeChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemSize property changes.
ItemStyleChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemStyle property changes.
OrientationChanged Occurs when the value of the Orientation property changes.
RubberBandFillChanged Occurs when the value of the RubberBandFill property changes.
ShowTextChanged Occurs when the value of the ShowText property changes.
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