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ImageList Class


For a list of all members of this type, see ImageList members

Public Fields

Name Description
AutoDisposeImagesProperty Identifies the AutoDisposeImages dependency property.
BitmapScalingModeProperty Identifies the BitmapScalingMode dependency property.
EnableRubberBandSelectionProperty Identifies the EnableRubberBandSelection dependency property.
ItemBackgroundProperty Identifies the ItemBackground dependency property.
ItemBorderBrushProperty Identifies the ItemBorderBrush dependency property.
ItemBorderThicknessProperty Identifies the ItemBorderThickness dependency property.
ItemForegroundProperty Identifies the ItemForeground dependency property.
ItemImageSizeProperty Identifies the ItemImageSize dependency property.
ItemMarginProperty Identifies the ItemMargin dependency property.
ItemSelectedBackgroundProperty Identifies the ItemSelectedBackground dependency property.
ItemSelectedForegroundProperty Identifies the ItemSelectedForeground dependency property.
ItemSizeProperty Identifies the ItemSize dependency property.
ItemStyleProperty Identifies the ItemStyle dependency property.
OrientationProperty Identifies the Orientation dependency property.
RubberBandFillProperty Identifies the RubberBandFill dependency property.
ShowTextProperty Identifies the ShowText dependency property.
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