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ImageBox Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by ImageBox.

Public Constructors

Name Description
ImageBox Initializes a new instance of the ImageBox class.

Public Methods

Name Description
BeginUpdate Stops the viewer from being updated if any change is applied. This is useful to increase the control speed efficiency.
BoundsFromImageCoordinates Converts a rectangle from image to control (display) coordinates.
BoundsToImageCoordinates Converts a rectangle from control (display) to image coordinates.
EndUpdate Refreshes the control to include all the changes made after using the BeginUpdate method.
PointFromImageCoordinates Converts a point from image to control (display) coordinates.
PointToImageCoordinates Converts a point from control (display) to image coordinates.

Protected Methods

Name Description
ArrangeOverride Arranges and sizes the content of this control.
MeasureOverride Measures the child elements of this control before they are arranged during the ArrangeOverride pass.
OnAspectRatioCorrectionChanged Raises the AspectRatioCorrectionChanged event.
OnBitmapScalingModeChanged Raises the BitmapScalingModeChanged event.
OnFlipChanged Raises the FlipChanged event.
OnResetImageViewOptionsChanged Raises the ResetImageViewOptionsChanged event.
OnReverseChanged Raises the ReverseChanged event.
OnRotateAngleChanged Raises the RotateAngleChanged event.
OnScaleFactorChanged Raises the ScaleFactorChanged event.
OnScreenDpiXChanged Raises the ScreenDpiXChanged event.
OnScreenDpiYChanged Raises the ScreenDpiXChanged event.
OnSizeModeChanged Raises the SizeModeChanged event.
OnSourceChanged Raises the SourceChanged event.
OnSourceDpiXChanged Raises the SourceDpiXChanged event.
OnSourceDpiYChanged Raises the SourceDpiYChanged event.
OnTransformChanged Raises the TransformChanged event.
OnTransitionChanged Raises the TransitionChanged event.
OnUseDpiChanged Raises the UseDpiChanged event.

Public Properties

Name Description
AspectRatioCorrection Gets or sets the manual aspect ratio correction value. This is a dependency property.
BitmapScalingMode Gets or sets the algorithm used to scale bitmap images. This is a dependency property.
CurrentXScaleFactor Gets the current horizontal scale factor
CurrentYScaleFactor Gets the current vertical scale factor
Flip Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the image in the control will be flipped vertically. This is a dependency property.
PhysicalSize Gets the physical (screen) viewing size.
ResetImageViewOptions Gets or sets a value that determines which properties gets reset when a new image is set into the Source property. This is a dependency property.
Reverse Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the image in the control will be flipped horizontally. This is a dependency property.
RotateAngle Gets or sets a value that indicates the rotation angle in degrees to apply to the image in the control. This is a dependency property.
ScaleFactor Gets or sets the zoom factor used to display the image. This is a dependency property.
ScreenDpiX Gets or sets the current screen horizontal resolution in dots/inch (or DPI). This is a dependency property.
ScreenDpiY Gets or sets the current screen vertical resolution in dots/inch (or DPI). This is a dependency property.
SizeMode Gets or sets a value that determine how the control displays the image and the automatic adjustments of the display. This is a dependency property.
Source Gets or sets the System.Windows.Media.ImageSource to be displayed in this control. This is a dependency property.
SourceDpiX Gets or sets the horizontal resolution in dots/inch (or DPI) of the image in Source. This is a dependency property.
SourceDpiY Gets or sets the vertical resolution in dots/inch (or DPI) of the image in Source. This is a dependency property.
Transform Gets the current display matrix used in this control.
Transition Gets or sets the Leadtools.Windows.Media.Transitions.TransitionBase that specifies the type of transition or animation to be applied on this control.
UseDpi Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control must account for the physical resolution of the image when calculating the display properties. This is a dependency property.

Public Events

Name Description
AspectRatioCorrectionChanged Occurs when the value of the AspectRatioCorrection property changes.
BitmapScalingModeChanged Occurs when the value of the BitmapScalingMode property changes.
FlipChanged Occurs when the value of the Flip property changes.
ResetImageViewOptionsChanged Occurs when the value of the ResetImageViewOptions property changes.
ReverseChanged Occurs when the value of the Reverse property changes.
RotateAngleChanged Occurs when the value of the RotateAngle property changes.
ScaleFactorChanged Occurs when the value of the ScaleFactor property changes.
ScreenDpiXChanged Occurs when the value of the ScreenDpiX property changes.
ScreenDpiYChanged Occurs when the value of the ScreenDpiY property changes.
SizeModeChanged Occurs when the value of the SizeMode property changes.
SourceChanged Occurs when the value of the Source property changes.
SourceDpiXChanged Occurs when the value of the SourceDpiX property changes.
SourceDpiYChanged Occurs when the value of the SourceDpiY property changes.
TransformChanged Occurs when any visual transformation properties changes in the control.
TransitionChanged Occurs when the value of the Transition property changes.
UseDpiChanged Occurs when the value of the UseDpi property changes.

Public Fields

Name Description
AspectRatioCorrectionProperty Identifies the AspectRatioCorrection dependency property.
BitmapScalingModeProperty Identifies the BitmapScalingMode dependency property.
FlipProperty Identifies the Flip dependency property.
ResetImageViewOptionsProperty Identifies the ResetImageViewOptions dependency property.
ReverseProperty Identifies the Reverse dependency property.
RotateAngleProperty Identifies the RotateAngle dependency property.
ScaleFactorProperty Identifies the ScaleFactor dependency property.
ScreenDpiXProperty Identifies the ScreenDpiX dependency property.
ScreenDpiYProperty Identifies the ScreenDpiY dependency property.
SizeModeProperty Identifies the SizeMode dependency property.
SourceDpiXProperty Identifies the SourceDpiX dependency property.
SourceDpiYProperty Identifies the SourceDpiY dependency property.
SourceProperty Identifies the Source dependency property.
TransitionProperty Identifies the Transition dependency property.
UseDpiProperty Identifies the UseDpi dependency property.
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