CaptureSettings Enumeration

The CaptureSettings enumeration values control saving and loading settings for the CaptureCtrl object.
public enum CaptureSettings 
public enum class CaptureSettings   
0xFF000000Flags Set all flags on. Currently this only affects the rewind flag, CaptureSettings.Rewind.
0x00000001AudioProcessors The audio processors settings.
0x00000002VideoProcessors The video processors settings.
0x0000000FProcessors The selected video and audio processors settings.
0x00000010AudioCompressors The audio compressor used.
0x00000020VideoCompressors The video compressor used.
0x000000F0Compressors The audio and video compressors used.
0x00000100AudioDevices The selected audio device.
0x00000200VideoDevices The selected video device. This flag includes video inputs, capture sizes, subtypes, Tuners, Crossbars, etc.
0x00000400MidiDevices The selected MIDI device.
0x00000F00Devices The selected audio, video, and MIDI devices.
0x00001000MiscControls The miscellaneous properties that affect the operation of the CaptureCtrl object.
0x0000F000Controls All the properties that affect the operation of the CaptureCtrl object. Currently this includes only the CaptureSettings.MiscControls option.
0x00FFFFFFAll All settings.
0x01000000Rewind Rewind the stream to position zero before reading from or writing to it using functions like CaptureCtrl.SaveSettingsToStream and CaptureCtrl.LoadSettingsFromStream.

Target Platforms

See Also


Leadtools.Multimedia Namespace

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