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TVTuner Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see TVTuner members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property AudioFrequency Gets the tuned audio frequency, in Hertz, for the currently selected channel.
Public Property AudioSubChannel Gets the currently set audio subchannel.
Public Property AudioSubChannelCount Gets the audio subchannel count for a multifunction tuner.
Public Property AvailableModes Gets the modes supported by the installed tuner
Public Property AvailableTVFormats Gets the analog video TV standards supported by the installed tuner.
Public Property Channel Gets the current channel.
Public Property ChannelMax Gets the highest channel available.
Public Property ChannelMin Gets the lowest channel available.
Public Property ConnectInput Gets or sets the input pin that has the current connection.
Public Property CountryCode Gets or sets the country or region code that is used in channel to frequency conversion.
Public Property Mode Gets or sets the current mode of a multifunction tuner.
Public Property NumInputConnections Gets the number of TV sources plugged into the tuner filter.
Public Property SignalPresent Gets a value which indicates whether a signal is present on the current channel.
Public Property TuningSpace Gets or sets the current tuning space.
Public Property TVFormat Gets the analog video TV standard format in use.
Public Property VideoFrequency Gets the video frequency, in Hertz, for the current channel.
Public Property VideoSubChannel Gets the current video sub-channel.
Public Property VideoSubChannelCount Gets the video subchannel count for a multifunction tuner.

See Also

TVTuner Class

Leadtools.Multimedia Namespace

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