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Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core Classes


Overview and description of Leadtools ImageProcessing Core classes.


Class Description
Class AlignImagesCommand Aligns two images (the reference and template images) based on the locations of the input points. The images are combined, creating the RegisteredImage.
Class AnisotropicDiffusionCommand Performs a 2-Dimensional Anisotropic Diffusion filter on an image for reduction of varied patterned and non-patterned noise.
Class ApplyLinearModalityLookupTableCommand Remaps the image pixels by applying a linear transformation described by a rescale slope and an intercept.
Class ApplyLinearVoiLookupTableCommand Sets up the paint or paint and image processing methods window leveling options for a specific image through a linear transformation described by the window center and width.
Class ApplyModalityLookupTableCommand Remaps the image pixels using a LookupTable (LookupTable).
Class ApplyTransformationParametersCommand Corrects the image by removing the translation, rotation, and scaling deformations that have been applied to the image.
Class ApplyVoiLookupTableCommand Sets up the paint or paint and image processing methods' window leveling options for a specific image through a lookup-table (LookupTable).
Class AutoBinarizeCommand This function applies binary segmentation to a bitmap automatically. This class is available in the Document/Medical toolkits only.
Class AutoCropCommand Trims the current image, removing blank space around the edges.
Class AutoCropRectangleCommand Gets the rectangle to be used to trim the image if AutoCropCommand were used.
Class AutoDocumentBinarizationCommand This function applies binary segmentation to a bitmap automatically.
Class AutoLineRemoveCommand This class automatically detects and removes straight lines from document images.
Class AutoPageSplitterCommand The AutoPageSplitterCommand automatically splits an image of two document pages that are side-by-side.
Class AutoSegmentCommand Performs automated segmentation of a user-specified rectangular area in an image.
Class AutoZoningCommand Detects different zones (Text, Graphic and Tables) in an image automatically. This is an important feature for OCR pre-processing to improve the recognition results. This function is useful for any application that needs to automatically separate images, tables and text within mixed raster content (MRC) images.
Class BackGroundRemovalCommand Removes the background from an image by applying sigmoid curve to attenuate non-anatomic areas.
Class BarCodeReadPreprocessCommand Detects the type of the barcode in the image, and binarizes (makes it black and white) the image in preparation for the recognition process.
Class BezierPathCommand Returns a list of points from a Bezier curve of the given points.
Class BlankPageDetectorCommand Detects whether an image is a blank page. This command is available in the Document/Medical Toolkits.
Class BlurDetectionCommand Determines whether an image is blurred.
Class BorderRemoveCommand Removes the black borders in a 1-bit black and white image. This command is available in the Document/Medical Toolkits.
Class BorderRemoveCommandEventArgs Handles each border found by BorderRemoveCommand.
Class BrightnessDetectionCommand Finds the brightness amount in an image.
Class CannyEdgeDetectorCommand Performs Canny edge detection for the master channel of the image, or for one or more of the three channels (Red, Green, Blue) if the image is colored.
Class CLAHECommand Adjusts the image contrast using the Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalizer (CLAHE) method, Which uses several histograms, each corresponding to a distinct section in the image, while limiting the amplification of the noise in the image.
Class CMC7CodeDetectionCommand Command to automatically detect a CMC7 Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) zone in a document image.
Class ColorizeGrayCommand Colors an 8, 12 or 16-bit grayscale image. The class changes the color bits/pixel of the image from the specified formats into 24-bit RGB format.
Class ColorizeGrayCommandData The ColorizeGrayCommandData class contains information about gray color intensities (Threshold) and the associated colors (Color) used in the coloration methods of the ColorizeGrayCommand class.
Class CompareBitmapCommand Compares two images for additions, deletions, and changes and generates an image with the differences highlighted.
Class ConvertSignedToUnsignedCommand Converts a signed image to unsigned.
Class ConvertUnsignedToSignedCommand Converts an unsigned image to signed.
Class CoreUtilities Core utility class.
Class CorrelationCommand This command compares the correlation image(or part of the correlation image) with all the areas of the same dimensions in the image to be searched (the Run method image) and finds those portions that match according to the measure of correlation. This command is available in the Document/Medical Toolkits.
Class CorrelationListCommand Compares the images in a list with all the areas of the same dimensions in an image and finds those portions that match according to the measure of correlation. This method is only available in the Document/Medical toolkits.
Class DeskewCommand Rotates the specified image to straighten it.
Class DeskewDetectionData Provides deskew detection information for the DetectDeskewOrientationCommand command.
Class DespeckleCommand Removes speckles from an image. Typically, this command is used to clean up scanned images (such as FAX images). This command is available in the Document/Medical Toolkits.
Class DetectDeskewOrientationCommand This command supports detecting deskew and orientation angles.
Class DicomLookupTableDescriptor This is used by other structures to define a LookupTable (LookupTable) descriptor.
Class DigitalSubtractCommand Subtracts the live image from the mask image to show the differences between the two images.
Class DiscreteFourierTransformCommand Computes the Discrete Fourier transform of an image or the Inverse Discrete Fourier transform as specified by the flags.
Class DotRemoveCommand Finds and removes dots and specks of various sizes. This method is available in the Document/Medical Toolkits.
Class DotRemoveCommandEventArgs Handles each dot found by DotRemoveCommand.
Class ExObjContentBound Stores the information for calculating the content bounds.
Class ExObjContentBoundOptions Provides the options for calculating the content bounds.
Class ExObjData The data extracted by ExtractObjectsCommand.
Class ExObjFilterOptions Provides the options for filtering the objects.
Class ExObjObject Contains the information about the extracted object.
Class ExObjObjectList A list of the extracted objects.
Class ExObjOutlinePointList Stores the outline information for an object.
Class ExObjResult Stores the extraction results for a single color.
Class ExObjSegmentList Stores a list of rectangular segments which represent an object's region.
Class ExpandContentCommand Detects the boundaries of the document's content and expands it to fill the entire page space.
Class ExtractObjectsCommand Extracts the connected groups of pixels from a bitmap using various options.
Class FastFourierTransformCommand Computes the Fast Fourier Transform of an image or the Inverse Fast Fourier Transform as specified by flags.
Class FastMagicWandCommand Updates a region through the ObjectRectangle and the ObjectData variables according to the color value at Xposition and Yposition.
Class FindBarcodeCandidateAreasCommand Detects potential barcode candidates in an image.
Class FindCandidateFormFieldsCommand Extracts the candidate form fields from a bitmap using various options. There are two types of fields that can be extracted: OMR fields and text fields.
Class FourierTransformDisplayCommand This command is used to display the results of a Fast Fourier Transform or a Discrete Fourier analysis as an image.
Class FourierTransformInformation The FourierTransformInformation class contains information about the complex 2D array that will hold the frequency components of the image.
Class FrequencyFilterCommand Filters the frequency harmonics data produced by a Fourier Transform method using a range rectangle.
Class FrequencyFilterMaskCommand Creates a mask filter to remove specific frequency components from the image. This command is available in the Imaging and above toolkits.
Class GetLinearVoiLookupTableCommand Gets the window center and the window width, if the LookupTable stored inside the image is linear. If the LookupTable stored inside the image is not linear, the command will fail.
Class GlareDetectionCommand Automatically detects the glare zone in an image.
Class GWireCommand Performs semi-automatic segmentation by creating minimal paths that follow the boundaries of the objects in the image.
Class HalfToneCommand Converts a 1-bit, 4-bit, 8-bit, 16-bit, 24-bit, or 32-bit image to a halftoned image, with a specified pattern rotation. A halftoned image is a 1-bit image that has been dithered for black and white printing or display.
Class HalfTonePatternCommand Creates a halftone screen effect for an image while keeping its continuous range of tones. This method is available in the Document/Medical toolkits.
Class HighQualityRotateCommand Performs high quality rotation on a black and white image.
Class HolePunchRemoveCommand Finds and removes hole punches.
Class HolePunchRemoveCommandEventArgs Handles each hole punch found by HolePunchRemoveCommand.
Class ICRBinarizeCommand Performs binarization on images containing handwritten text.
Class ImageColorTypeCommand This command investigates the image and returns its type: colored, grayscale, or black-and-white.
Class InvertedPageCommand Checks and auto-corrects an inverted image.
Class InvertedTextCommand Finds and modifies areas of inverted text in a 1-bit black and white image.
Class InvertedTextCommandEventArgs Handles each inverted text segment found by InvertedTextCommand.
Class KaufmannRegionCommand Sets a Kaufmann region based on the color value of the specified point in the enhanced image (KaufmannProcessedImage).
Class KeyStoneCommand Performs inverse perspective transformation (keystoning) on an image.
Class KMeansCommand Performs image segmentation and color reduction using the K-means algorithm.
Class LambdaConnectednessCommand Performs image segmentation using a special region-growing algorithm called Lambda Connectedness.
Class LeadZone Represents the class that is used to return the details about the detected zone.
Class LeadZoneDotLineData Represents the class that is used to return the details about the detected dotted line zone.
Class LeadZoneTableData Represents the class that is used to return the details about the detected table zone.
Class LeadZoneTextData Represents the class that is used to return the details about the detected text zone.
Class LevelsetCommand Performs semi-automatic segmentation (using the Levelset algorithm) by shrinking or expanding a contour represented by a region to the objects in the image.
Class LineRemoveCommand Removes horizontal and vertical lines in a 1-bit black and white image.
Class LineRemoveCommandEventArgs Handles each line found by LineRemoveCommand.
Class ManualPerspectiveDeskewCommand Corrects the view perspective.
Class MaximumCommand Erodes dark objects by the specified amount.
Class MeanShiftCommand Performs a detail preserving noise reduction.
Class MedianCommand Changes the color of each pixel in an image to the median color of pixels in its neighborhood. This is similar to the AverageCommand, but it is used for noise reduction, rather than a blur effect.
Class MICRCodeDetectionCommand Automatically detects a Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) zone in a document image.
Class MinimumCommand Dilates dark objects by the specified amount. This command is available in the Document/Medical toolkits.
Class MinimumToZeroCommand Converts grayscale signed image to an unsigned one by shifting all the negative value of the image data, so the minimum negative value will be zero.
Class MinMaxBitsCommand Gets the low and high bits of the values present in a 12 or 16-bit grayscale or a 48 or 64-bit color image. This class is available in the Medical Toolkits.
Class MinMaxValuesCommand Gets the minimum and maximum intensity values present in a 12 or 16-bit grayscale or a 48 or 64-bit color image. This class is available in the Medical Toolkits.
Class MRZCodeDetectionCommand Automatically detects a machine-readable passport (MRZ) zone in a document image.
Class MultiscaleEnhancementCommand Enhances an image's contrast, edges, and density range for use in Computed Radiography (CR), in a way that all relevant image features are rendered with an appropriate level of visibility. This command is available in the Medical toolkits.
Class ObjectCounterCommand Gets the number of black objects in a binary image.
Class ObjectCounterCommandEventArgs Handles each object found by the ObjectCounterCommand.
Class OmrCommand This class represents the OMR detection engine, which detects OMR marks and returns a value indicating whether the OMR is filled.
Class OrientationDetectionData Represents the class that is used to return the orientation angle and whether to process the image.
Class OtsuThresholdCommand Performs image segmentation and color reduction using Otsu clustering on grayscale images.
Class PerspectiveDeskewCommand Detects and automatically deskews a document in three dimensions. Usually used to correct perspective distortion (deskew) introduced by the camera’s perspective in relation to the subject (usually a document).
Class PointSpreadFunctionData This class holds the point spread function that will be used when applying the Wiener filter on an image.
Class PreDefinedFilterCommand Generates a point spread function (PSF) to be used with the WienerFilterCommand.
Class RakeRemoveCommand Removes isolated Data Rakes in 1-bit black and white images.
Class RakeRemoveCommandEventArgs Handles each rake found by RakeRemoveCommand.
Class RemoveSaltPepperCommand Removes the salt and pepper noise from the specified image.
Class ResizeInterpolateCommand Applies different kinds of algorithms on images to resize them into the desired size.
Class SauvolaBinarizeCommand This function applies Sauvola binarizer to a bitmap. This class is available in the Document/Medical toolkits only.
Class SearchRegistrationMarksCommand Searches the image for the registration marks according to the information in SearchMarks. This command is available in the Document/Medical toolkits.
Class SearchRegistrationMarksCommandData Provides registration mark search information to the SearchRegistrationMarksCommand. The SearchRegistrationMarksCommand also stores information in this structure about the registration marks that it finds.
Class SelectDataCommand Selects a specific number of bits of an 8, 12 or 16-bit grayscale image and puts them into a mask, then colors the image depending on the mask. This can show image variances depending on user-defined conditions. This command is available in the Medical toolkits.
Class ShiftDataCommand Selects a specific number of bits from an 8, 12 or 16-bit grayscale image to create a mask and places the mask in a new 8, 12 or 16-bit grayscale image. This command is available in the Medical toolkits.
Class ShrinkWrapCommand Performs automated segmentation of a rectangular or circular area in the specified image using the specified threshold.
Class SigmaCommand Performs an edge preserving average filter on bitmap.
Class SignalToNoiseRatioCommand Finds the signal to noise ratio (SNR) in an image.
Class SliceCommand Extracts individual slices from a radiographic scanned film. This method is available in the Imaging and above toolkits.
Class SliceCommandEventArgs Handles each slice segment found by SliceCommand.
Class SmoothCommand Smooths the bumps and fills in the nicks of a 1-bit black and white image. This command is available in the Document/Medical toolkits.
Class SmoothCommandEventArgs Handles each bump or nick found by the SmoothCommand.
Class SRADAnisotropicDiffusionCommand Applies a 2-Dimensional Anisotropic Diffusion filter on an image in order to reduce noise and speckling.
Class StentEnhancementCommand Performs a digital stent enhancement on a sequence of X-Ray frames. This enhances the visibility of the stent device in X-Ray angiography sequence of the coronary arteries.
Class SubtractBackgroundCommand Removes the background from the image.
Class TADAnisotropicDiffusionCommand An iterative filter that performs tensor-guided anisotropic diffusion in order to reduce noise while preserving the edges in the image.
Class TextBlurDetectorCommand Finds in-focus and out-of-focus blocks in any image.
Class TissueEqualizeCommand This function performs an Equalization between the Hard Tissue and the Soft Tissue in X-Ray Images.
Class UnWarpCommand Removes the distortion in an image of a cylindrical object, as if removing a label from off of the cylinder and flattening it out.
Class WatershedCommand Separates the image into different segments using the Watershed algorithm.
Class WienerFilterCommand Applies the Wiener filter to deblur the image.
Class WindowLevelCommand Converts a 12 or 16-bit grayscale image to an 8-bit grayscale or a 24-bit RGB image. This class is available in Medical toolkits only.
Class WindowLevelExtCommand Converts a 12 or 16-bit grayscale image to a 16-bit grayscale or a 48-bit RGB image. This class is available in Document/Medical toolkits only.
Class ZeroToNegativeCommand Converts a grayscale unsigned image to a signed image by shifting the image data to the negative side by the amount specified by the user.
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Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core Assembly
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