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FrequencyFilterCommandFlags Enumeration

Flags that indicate the operation to be performed on the specified X and Y harmonics ranges. This command is available in the Imaging and above toolkits. This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

public enum FrequencyFilterCommandFlags   
public enum class FrequencyFilterCommandFlags   
class FrequencyFilterCommandFlags(Enum): 
   None = 0 
   InsideX = 1 
   OutsideX = 2 
   InsideY = 16 
   OutsideY = 32 
0x00000000None No change.
0x00000001InsideX Keep the X harmonics inside the X range and remove outside ones.
0x00000002OutsideX Remove the X harmonics inside the X range and keep outside ones.
0x00000010InsideY Keep the Y harmonics inside the Y range and remove outside ones.
0x00000020OutsideY Remove the Y harmonics inside the Y range and keep outside ones.

You can use a bitwise OR ( | ) to specify one flag from each group.

Group Flags
Flags that indicate how to handle peripherally exposed areas Color, Repeat, NoChange
Flags that indicate how to handle exposed areas inside the surface Rotate, WithoutRotate

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