
#include "ltwrappr.h"

virtual L_INT LVectorBase::GetGroupByName(pszName, pVectorGroup)

Gets the group with the specified name, in the class object's associated vector handle.


const L_TCHAR * pszName

Character string that contains the name of the group to get.

LVectorGroup *pVectorGroup

Pointer to an LVectorGroup object to be updated with the group handle, if the group is found. If the group is not found, this function will return ERROR_VECTOR_GROUP_NOT_FOUND.


Value Meaning
SUCCESS The function was successful.
< 1 An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


If two or more groups in a vector handle have the same name, this function will get the first group found.

Required DLLs and Libraries

See Also




This example will delete all clones of the named group from pVector.

L_INT LVectorBase__GetGroupByNameExample(HWND hWnd, LVectorBase *pVector) 
   LVectorGroup   VectorGroup; 
   L_INT          nRet; 
   L_TCHAR*       pszName = TEXT("TerryGroup1"); 
   // Get the group with the given name  
   nRet = pVector->GetGroupByName(pszName, &VectorGroup ); 
   if( nRet == SUCCESS ) 
      // Delete its clones 
      nRet = VectorGroup.DeleteGroupClones(); 
      if(nRet != SUCCESS) 
         return nRet; 
      return nRet; 
   return SUCCESS; 

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