
#include "ltwrappr.h"

LVectorEllipticalArc::LVectorEllipticalArc(pEllipticalArc =NULL)

LVectorEllipticalArc::LVectorEllipticalArc (pObject, pVector =NULL)

Constructs and initializes the different member variables of the LVectorEllipticalArc object.



Pointer to a VECTORELLIPTICALARC structure that contains information used to create and initialize the new vector elliptical arc object.


Pointer to a VECTOROBJECT structure that contains information used to create and initialize the new vector elliptical arc object.

LVectorBase *pVector

Pointer to an LVectorBase object with which the newly constructed Vector Elliptical Arc object will be associated.




LVectorEllipticalArc::LVectorEllipticalArc(pEllipticalArc) is a constructor for the LVectorEllipticalArc object. It takes a valid pVECTORELLIPTICALARC pointer and creates an LVectorEllipticalArc object.

LVectorEllipticalArc::LVectorEllipticalArc(pObject, pVector=NULL) creates an LVectorEllipticalArc object based on the information provided in pObject and associates the newly created LVectorEllipticalArc object with the specified LVectorBase object. This constructor can be used with the LVectorLayer::EnumObjects function, which returns a valid pVECTOROBJECT pointer in the LVectorLayer::EnumObjectsCallBack member function. It can also be used with LVectorBase::VectorEventProcCallBack, which can also return a pObject.

Note that it is possible to construct an invalid LVectorEllipticalArc object using the LVectorEllipticalArc::LVectorEllipticalArc(pObject, pVector=NULL) constructor. For example:

   //pObject->nType == type other than VECTOR_ELLIPTICALARC   
   //LVectorBase *pVector is valid   
   LVectorEllipticalArc MyVectorEllipticalArc(pObject, pVectorBase);   
   if (MyVectorEllipticalArc.IsTypeValid() == FALSE)   
      MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Invalid Vector Object"), TEXT(""), MB_OK); 

Required DLLs and Libraries

See Also



For an example for LVectorEllipticalArc::LVectorEllipticalArc(pEllipticalArc), refer to LVectorEllipticalArc::LockObject.
For an example for LVectorEllipticalArc::LVectorEllipticalArc(pObject, pVector=NULL), refer to LVectorArc::LVectorArc(pObject, pVector = NULL).

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