
#include "ltwrappr.h"

L_BOOL LVectorDialog::IsValid(L_VOID)

Determines whether the LVectorDialog object is valid.


Value Meaning
TRUE There is a pointer to a valid bitmap object.
FALSE There is not a pointer to a valid bitmap object.


Call this function to check if the class object has been associated with a valid LVectorBase object.

Before you can use some of the LVectorDialog functions, a vector must be associated with the class object. Until you have associated a valid vector object with the LVectorDialog object, this function will return false.

In particular, you cannot perform auto-processing without a valid bitmap.

Required DLLs and Libraries

See Also



L_INT LVectorDialog__IsValidExample(HWND hWnd) 
   L_INT          nRet; 
   LVectorBase    Vector; 
   LVectorDialog  VectorDlg; 
   //Dialog is invalid unless associated with a vector 
   if (VectorDlg.IsValid ()) 
      MessageBox(hWnd, TEXT("IsValid() returns TRUE"), TEXT(""), MB_OK); 
      MessageBox(hWnd, TEXT("IsValid() returns FALSE"), TEXT(""), MB_OK); 
   nRet = Vector.Load(MAKE_IMAGE_PATH(TEXT("random.dxf"))); 
   if(nRet != SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   //Now dialog is valid 
   if (VectorDlg.IsValid()) 
      MessageBox(hWnd, TEXT("IsValid() returns TRUE"), TEXT(""), MB_OK); 
      MessageBox(hWnd, TEXT("IsValid() returns FALSE"), TEXT(""), MB_OK); 
   //destructor called when out of scope 
   return SUCCESS; 
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