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AnnCodecs Class Methods


For a list of all members of this type, see AnnCodecs members

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method static  | Shared in VB ConvertAllFromIBMDaeja Converts all IBM Daeja annotations to LEADTOOLS annotations.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB ConvertFromIBMDaeja Converts IBM Daeja annotations to LEADTOOLS annotations.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB ConvertFromIBMP8 Converts a P8 annotation object to a LEADTOOLS AnnObject.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB ConvertToIBMDaeja Converts LEADTOOLS annotations to IBM Daeja annotations.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB ConvertToIBMP8 Converts a LEADTOOLS AnnObject to P8 annotation object.
Public Method GetInfo Gets information about the specified annotation file.
Public Method GetInfoFromString Gets information about the specified annotation xml data.
Public Method getInfoFromXmlDocument Gets information about the specified XML document.
Public Method GetInfoFromXmlDocument Gets information about the specified XML document.
Public Method Load Loads an annotation container from the specified file with the specified resolution (for annotation files saved with LEADTOOLS prior to version 15).
Public Method LoadAll Loads all the annotation containers from the specified multipage annotation file with the specified resolution (for annotation files saved with LEADTOOLS prior to version 15).
Public Method LoadAllFromString Loads an array of annotation containers from the specified xml data.
Public Method LoadFromString Loads an annotation container from the specified xml data.
Public Method loadFromXmlDocument Loads an annotation container from the specified XML document.
Public Method LoadFromXmlDocument Loads an annotation container from the specified XML document.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB ReadIBMP8PropDescAttr Gets the value of an attribute from the P8 data.
Public Method Save Saves an annotation container to a writer.
Public Method SaveAll Saves an array of annotation containers to a Writer stream.
Public Method SaveAllToString Saves an array of annotation containers to a string.
Public Method SaveLayer Saves an annotation layer to a file.
Public Method saveLayer Saves an annotation layer to a writer.
Public Method SaveLayerToString Saves an annotation layer to a string.
Public Method SaveToCdllAnnotations Saves from the new annotations format in Leadtools.Annotations.Engine, into legacy CDLL ANN annotations format. Available for backward compatibility with previous version.
Public Method SaveToString Saves an annotation container to a string.
Public Method SaveToTag Saves the annotation objects in a container to a TIFF tag.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB WriteIBMP8PropDescAttr Sets or replaces the value of an attribute in the P8 data.

See Also

AnnCodecs Class

Leadtools.Annotations.Engine Namespace

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Leadtools.Annotations.Engine Assembly
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