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AnnOperationType Enumeration

Specifies an annotation operation type.
public enum AnnOperationType  
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, LTAnnOperationType) { 
 LTAnnOperationTypeCreateObjects = 0,  
 LTAnnOperationTypeDeleteObject = 1,  
 LTAnnOperationTypeEditObjects = 2,  
 LTAnnOperationTypeLockObjects = 3,  
 LTAnnOperationTypeUnlockObjects = 4,  
 LTAnnOperationTypeRealizeRedact = 5,  
 LTAnnOperationTypeRestoreRedact = 6,  
 LTAnnOperationTypeSave = 7,  
 LTAnnOperationTypeLoad = 8,  
 LTAnnOperationTypeBurnObjecs = 9,  
 LTAnnOperationTypeCopyObjects = 10,  
 LTAnnOperationTypePasteObjects = 11,  
 LTAnnOperationTypeEncryptObjects = 12,  
 LTAnnOperationTypeDecryptObjects = 13,  
 LTAnnOperationTypeRenderingObjects = 14,  
 LTAnnOperationTypeHitTestObjects = 15,  
public enum AnnOperationType 
   enum class AnnOperationType sealed 
class AnnOperationType(Enum): 
   CreateObjects = 0 
   DeleteObjects = 1 
   EditObjects = 2 
   LockObjects = 3 
   UnlockObjects = 4 
   RealizeRedact = 5 
   RestoreRedact = 6 
   Save = 7 
   Load = 8 
   BurnObjects = 9 
   CopyObjects = 10 
   PasteObjects = 11 
   EncryptObjects = 12 
   DecryptObjects = 13 
   RenderingObjects = 14 
   HitTestObjects = 15 
0CreateObjects New annotation object is being created and added to the container.
1DeleteObjects Annotation objects are being deleted and removed the container.
2EditObjects Annotation objects are being modified.
3LockObjects The objects are being locked with a password.
4UnlockObjects The objects are being unlocked with a password.
5RealizeRedact Aedaction object being realized.
6RestoreRedact Redaction object being restored.
7Save Container is being saved.
8Load Container is being loaded.
9BurnObjects Objects being burned on the surface of the image being annotated.
10CopyObjects Objects being copied to the clipboard.
11PasteObjects Objects being pasted from the clipboard into the container.
12EncryptObjects Encryption objects are applied to scramble the image data.
13DecryptObjects Encryption objects are applied to de-scramble the image data.
14RenderingObjects Objects are rendered on the image being annotated.
15HitTestObjects Object is being hit-tested.

User by AnnOperationInfoEventArgs.Type to specify the type of the operation being invoked.


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