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LeadRectD Structure Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see LeadRectD members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property Bottom Gets the y-axis value of the bottom side of the rectangle.
Public Property BottomLeft Gets the position of the bottom-left corner of the rectangle.
Public Property BottomRight Gets the position of the bottom-right corner of the rectangle.
Public Property static  | Shared in VB Empty Gets a special value that represents a rectangle with no coordinates.
Public Property Height Gets or sets the height of the rectangle.
Public Property IsEmpty Gets a value that indicates whether the rectangle is the Empty rectangle.
Public Property IsZero Determine if this LeadRectD object has zero values for x, y, width and height.
Public Property Left Gets the x-axis value of the left side of the rectangle.
Public Property Location Gets or sets the position of the top-left corner of the rectangle.
Public Property Right Gets the x-axis value of the right side of the rectangle.
Public Property Size Gets or sets the width and height of the rectangle.
Public Property Top Gets the y-axis value of the top side of the rectangle.
Public Property TopLeft Gets the position of the top-left corner of the rectangle.
Public Property TopRight Gets the position of the top-right corner of the rectangle.
Public Property Width Gets or sets the width of the rectangle.
Public Property X Gets or sets the x-axis value of the left side of the rectangle.
Public Property Y Gets or sets the y-axis value of the top side of the rectangle.
Public Property static  | Shared in VB Zero Gets a rectangle that contains 0 for x, y, width and height.

See Also

LeadRectD Structure

Leadtools Namespace

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