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Leadtools Structures


Overview and description of Leadtools structures.


Structure Description
Structure AutoFixImageResolutionOptions Provides the information needed to automatically convert the resolution of digital photos in LEADTOOLS toolkits.
Structure DrawEngineOptions Drawing and fonts options used globally by LEADTOOLS.
Structure GlobalMemoryThresholds Holds conventional memory restrictions used when allocating new RasterImage objects.
Structure LeadLengthD Defines a double length value.
Structure LeadMatrix Represents a 3x3 affine transformation matrix used for transformations in 2-D space.
Structure LeadPoint Stores two integer numbers that represent the coordinates of a point (X and Y).
Structure LeadPointD Stores two double numbers that represent the coordinates of a point (X and Y).
Structure LeadRect Stores four integer numbers that represent the coordinates and size of a rectangle (X, Y, Width, and Height).
Structure LeadRectD Describes the width, height, and location of a rectangle in double numbers.
Structure LeadSize Stores two integer numbers that represent a size (Width and Height).
Structure LeadSizeD Stores two double numbers that represent the size of an object.
Structure RasterColor Describes a color consisting of relative intensities of alpha, red, green, and blue.
Structure RasterColor16 Describes a color consisting of relative intensities of alpha, red, green, and blue.
Structure RasterHsvColor Describes a color consisting of relative intensities of hue, saturation, value.
Structure RasterImageMemoryInformation Stores information about the memory allocated for the RasterImage's data.
Structure RasterMemoryThreshold Holds the memory restrictions used when allocating new RasterImage objects.
Structure RasterMetadataRational Encapsulates a rational value, for use with classes derived from RasterMetadata.
Structure RasterMetadataURational Encapsulates an unsigned rational value, for use with classes derived from RasterMetadata.
Structure RasterNativeBuffer Holds a native (unmanaged) pointer and its length.
Help Version 22.0.2023.5.16
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Leadtools Assembly
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