←Select platform

RasterExceptionCode Enumeration

Used as a value for the RasterException.Code property.
public enum RasterExceptionCode 
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, LTErrorCode) { 
 LTErrorCodeSuccess = 1,  
 LTErrorCodeFailure = 0,  
 LTErrorCodeSuccessDelete = 3,  
 LTErrorCodeSuccessRetry = 4,  
 LTErrorCodeSuccessPartialFailure = 8,  
 LTErrorCodeKernelExpired = -1591,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidParameter = -13,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidStructSize = -789,  
 LTErrorCodeBitsPerPixel = -27,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidRange = -11,  
 LTErrorCodeIncorrectWidthAdjusted = -1753,  
 LTErrorCodeNoImage = -2,  
 LTErrorCodeNullPointer = -814,  
 LTErrorCodeNotInitialized = -30,  
 LTErrorCodeSignedDataNotSupported = -1360,  
 LTErrorCodeBufferTooSmall = -290,  
 LTErrorCodeException = -149,  
 LTErrorCodeNothingToDo = -351,  
 LTErrorCodeImageEmpty = -144,  
 LTErrorCodeInternal = -74,  
 LTErrorCodeQFactor = -21,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidHandle = -261,  
 LTErrorCodeBadPointer = -60,  
 LTErrorCodeGray32Unsupported = -1364,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidLutLength = -1486,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidDib = -1491,  
 LTErrorCodeBitmapFormatUnsupported = -1541,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidYuvFormat = -1782,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidYuvSize = -1783,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidUnicodeString = -1851,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidFileHandle = -1852,  
 LTErrorCodeTempFileDiskDisabled = -1853,  
 LTErrorCodeSuccessAbort = 2,  
 LTErrorCodeUserAbort = -100,  
 LTErrorCodeNormalAbort = -29,  
 LTErrorCodeNoMemory = -1,  
 LTErrorCodeMemoryTooLow = -3,  
 LTErrorCodeFeatureNotSupported = -16,  
 LTErrorCodeFeatureNotSupportedOnThisPlatform = -1858,  
 LTErrorCodeDocumentNotEnabled = -143,  
 LTErrorCodeMedicalNotEnabled = -314,  
 LTErrorCodeProNotEnabled = -930,  
 LTErrorCodeLzwLocked = -146,  
 LTErrorCodeJbigNotEnabled = -315,  
 LTErrorCodeJbig2Locked = -1362,  
 LTErrorCodeJ2kLocked = -542,  
 LTErrorCodePdfNotEnabled = -408,  
 LTErrorCodeCmwLocked = -354,  
 LTErrorCodeMedicalNetNotEnabled = -318,  
 LTErrorCodeNitfLocked = -1363,  
 LTErrorCodeDicomNotEnabled = -803,  
 LTErrorCodeJpipLocked = -1477,  
 LTErrorCodeFormsLocked = -1478,  
 LTErrorCodeDocumentWritersNotEnabled = -1493,  
 LTErrorCodeMediaWriterNotEnabled = -1494,  
 LTErrorCodeDocumentWritersPdfNotEnabled = -1495,  
 LTErrorCodeLeadPrinterNotEnabled = -1535,  
 LTErrorCodeLeadPrinterServerNotEnabled = -1536,  
 LTErrorCodeLeadPrinterNetworkNotEnabled = -1628,  
 LTErrorCodeAppStoreNotEnabled = -1750,  
 LTErrorCodeBasicNotEnabled = -1751,  
 LTErrorCodeNoServerLicense = -1752,  
 LTErrorCodeMediaStreamingNotEnabled = -1775,  
 LTErrorCodeSvgNotEnabled = -1873,  
 LTErrorCodeAnnotationsNotEnabled = -1874,  
 LTErrorCodeDocumentEditingNotEnabled = -1897,  
 LTErrorCodeNoLicense = -1790,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidLicense = -1754,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidServerLicense = -1755,  
 LTErrorCodeUserNotRegisteredForServerLicense = -1756,  
 LTErrorCodeAppNotRegisteredForServerLicense = -1757,  
 LTErrorCodeConnectionToLicenseServerFailed = -1758,  
 LTErrorCodeServerLicenseNotActivated = -1759,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidLicenseVersion = -1785,  
 LTErrorCodeFileNotFound = -10,  
 LTErrorCodeFileOpen = -14,  
 LTErrorCodeFileWrite = -5,  
 LTErrorCodeFileGone = -6,  
 LTErrorCodeFileRead = -7,  
 LTErrorCodeFileSeek = -4,  
 LTErrorCodeDiskIsFull = -295,  
 LTErrorCodeFileReadOnly = -805,  
 LTErrorCodeFileWriteOnly = -1854,  
 LTErrorCodeFileFormat = -9,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidFileName = -8,  
 LTErrorCodeFileCreate = -1490,  
 LTErrorCodeMaxOpenFiles = -1786,  
 LTErrorCodeFileAccessDenined = -1846,  
 LTErrorCodeFileDelete = -1847,  
 LTErrorCodeFolderCreate = -1849,  
 LTErrorCodeFileNameAlreadyRegistered = -1850,  
 LTErrorCodeTooManyTempFiles = -1894,  
 LTErrorCodeCodecIgnored = -1841,  
 LTErrorCodeDxfCodecMissing = -309,  
 LTErrorCodeJbigCodecMissing = -319,  
 LTErrorCodeWmfCodecMissing = -349,  
 LTErrorCodeCmwCodecMissing = -355,  
 LTErrorCodeCmpCodecMissing = -356,  
 LTErrorCodeFaxCodecMissing = -357,  
 LTErrorCodePdfCodecMissing = -358,  
 LTErrorCodeTifCodecMissing = -359,  
 LTErrorCodeDcrCodecMissing = -819,  
 LTErrorCodeKdcCodecMissing = -820,  
 LTErrorCodeDcsCodecMissing = -821,  
 LTErrorCodeAbiCodecMissing = -823,  
 LTErrorCodeJb2CodecMissing = -824,  
 LTErrorCodeJ2kCodecMissing = -541,  
 LTErrorCodePngCodecMissing = -825,  
 LTErrorCodeColorConversionFrameworkMissing = -807,  
 LTErrorCodeVectorKernelMissing = -353,  
 LTErrorCodeSegmentationFrameworkMissing = -818,  
 LTErrorCodeImageProcessingFrameworkMissing = -1480,  
 LTErrorCodeCodecsFrameworkMissing = -1483,  
 LTErrorCodeDicomFrameworkMissing = -1485,  
 LTErrorCodeDocumentWriterMissing = -1788,  
 LTErrorCodeDrawingFrameworkMissing = -1784,  
 LTErrorCodeDrawingMPFrameworkMissing = -1826,  
 LTErrorCodeSpecialEffectsFrameworkMissing = -1791,  
 LTErrorCodeMrcFrameworkMissing = -1793,  
 LTErrorCodePdfCompressorFrameworkMissing = -1794,  
 LTErrorCodeCreditCardFrameworkMissing = -1795,  
 LTErrorCodePdfFrameworkMissing = -1796,  
 LTErrorCodeBmpCodecMissing = -1496,  
 LTErrorCodeRawCodecMissing = -1497,  
 LTErrorCodeClrCodecMissing = -900,  
 LTErrorCodeRtfCodecMissing = -1537,  
 LTErrorCodePdfUtilitiesMissing = -1540,  
 LTErrorCodeCgmCodecMissing = -1543,  
 LTErrorCodeClpCodecMissing = -1544,  
 LTErrorCodeCrwCodecMissing = -1545,  
 LTErrorCodeDrwCodecMissing = -1547,  
 LTErrorCodeDwfCodecMissing = -1548,  
 LTErrorCodeDwgCodecMissing = -1549,  
 LTErrorCodeEpsCodecMissing = -1550,  
 LTErrorCodeFitCodecMissing = -1551,  
 LTErrorCodeFlcCodecMissing = -1552,  
 LTErrorCodeGifCodecMissing = -1553,  
 LTErrorCodeHdpCodecMissing = -1554,  
 LTErrorCodeIffCodecMissing = -1555,  
 LTErrorCodeJp2CodecMissing = -1556,  
 LTErrorCodeJpmCodecMissing = -1557,  
 LTErrorCodeCinCodecMissing = -1558,  
 LTErrorCodeLmbCodecMissing = -1559,  
 LTErrorCodeMifCodecMissing = -1560,  
 LTErrorCodeMngCodecMissing = -1561,  
 LTErrorCodeMspCodecMissing = -1562,  
 LTErrorCodeNtfCodecMissing = -1563,  
 LTErrorCodePcdCodecMissing = -1564,  
 LTErrorCodePcxCodecMissing = -1565,  
 LTErrorCodePsdCodecMissing = -1566,  
 LTErrorCodePspCodecMissing = -1567,  
 LTErrorCodeRasCodecMissing = -1568,  
 LTErrorCodeSffCodecMissing = -1569,  
 LTErrorCodeSgiCodecMissing = -1570,  
 LTErrorCodeSgmCodecMissing = -1571,  
 LTErrorCodeShpCodecMissing = -1572,  
 LTErrorCodeSnpCodecMissing = -1574,  
 LTErrorCodeSvgCodecMissing = -1575,  
 LTErrorCodeTdbCodecMissing = -1576,  
 LTErrorCodeTgaCodecMissing = -1577,  
 LTErrorCodeVecCodecMissing = -1578,  
 LTErrorCodeVpgCodecMissing = -1579,  
 LTErrorCodeWfxCodecMissing = -1580,  
 LTErrorCodeWmzCodecMissing = -1581,  
 LTErrorCodeWpgCodecMissing = -1582,  
 LTErrorCodeXpsCodecMissing = -1583,  
 LTErrorCodeXwdCodecMissing = -1584,  
 LTErrorCodeItgCodecMissing = -1585,  
 LTErrorCodeVffCodecMissing = -1586,  
 LTErrorCodeJxrCodecMissing = -1587,  
 LTErrorCodeJlsCodecMissing = -1588,  
 LTErrorCodeDcfCodecMissing = -1589,  
 LTErrorCodeHtmCodecMissing = -1595,  
 LTErrorCodeMobCodecMissing = -1596,  
 LTErrorCodePubCodecMissing = -1597,  
 LTErrorCodeIngCodecMissing = -1598,  
 LTErrorCodePstCodecMissing = -1773,  
 LTErrorCodeXmpCodecMissing = -1776,  
 LTErrorCodeX9fCodecMissing = -1777,  
 LTErrorCodeThreeJSCodecMissing = -1789,  
 LTErrorCodeStlCodecMissing = -1835,  
 LTErrorCodeTxtCodecMissing = -1792,  
 LTErrorCodeCmxCodecMissing = -1797,  
 LTErrorCodeDgnCodecMissing = -1798,  
 LTErrorCodeE00CodecMissing = -1799,  
 LTErrorCodeGbrCodecMissing = -1827,  
 LTErrorCodeNapCodecMissing = -1828,  
 LTErrorCodePclCodecMissing = -1829,  
 LTErrorCodePctCodecMissing = -1830,  
 LTErrorCodeAfpCodecMissing = -1831,  
 LTErrorCodeCalCodecMissing = -1832,  
 LTErrorCodeIcaCodecMissing = -1833,  
 LTErrorCodeLmaCodecMissing = -1834,  
 LTErrorCodePtkCodecMissing = -1808,  
 LTErrorCodeDocCodecMissing = -1809,  
 LTErrorCodeDoxCodecMissing = -1810,  
 LTErrorCodePptCodecMissing = -1811,  
 LTErrorCodePpxCodecMissing = -1812,  
 LTErrorCodeXlsCodecMissing = -1813,  
 LTErrorCodeXlxCodecMissing = -1814,  
 LTErrorCodePnmCodecMissing = -1815,  
 LTErrorCodeWmpCodecMissing = -1816,  
 LTErrorCodeCutCodecMissing = -1817,  
 LTErrorCodeImgCodecMissing = -1818,  
 LTErrorCodeMacCodecMissing = -1819,  
 LTErrorCodeSmpCodecMissing = -1820,  
 LTErrorCodeXpmCodecMissing = -1821,  
 LTErrorCodeAnzCodecMissing = -1822,  
 LTErrorCodeSctCodecMissing = -1823,  
 LTErrorCodeTfxCodecMissing = -1824,  
 LTErrorCodeAniCodecMissing = -1825,  
 LTErrorCodeEcwCodecMissing = -1842,  
 LTErrorCodeFpxCodecMissing = -1843,  
 LTErrorCodeAwdCodecMissing = -1844,  
 LTErrorCodeXbmCodecMissing = -1845,  
 LTErrorCodeBarcode1dWriteMissing = -1836,  
 LTErrorCodeBarcodePdfWriteMissing = -1837,  
 LTErrorCodeBarcodeDatamatrixWriteMissing = -1838,  
 LTErrorCodeBarcodeQrWriteMissing = -1839,  
 LTErrorCodeBarcode2dWriteMissing = -1840,  
 LTErrorCodeWebKitEngineMissing = -1857,  
 LTErrorCodeOpenSSLDllMissing = -1864,  
 LTErrorCodeIcrMissing = -1875,  
 LTErrorCodeMLMissing = -1878,  
 LTErrorCodeHeicCodecMissing = -1883,  
 LTErrorCodeNoOverlay = -815,  
 LTErrorCodeOverlayIndex = -816,  
 LTErrorCodeAllPagesOutRange = -1896,  
 LTErrorCodeWindowSize = -28,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidCodecName = -1353,  
 LTErrorCodePageNotFound = -310,  
 LTErrorCodeDeleteLastPage = -311,  
 LTErrorCodeImageType = -12,  
 LTErrorCodeBadDecodeState = -77,  
 LTErrorCodeLayerMissing = -800,  
 LTErrorCodeOutputType = -23,  
 LTErrorCodeVersionNumber = -78,  
 LTErrorCodeChannelMissing = -1492,  
 LTErrorCodeFileSizeTooBig = -1778,  
 LTErrorCodeFormatMismatch = -1779,  
 LTErrorCodeFileInfoUpdated = -1780,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidPageNumbers = -1787,  
 LTErrorCodeNoPages = -1848,  
 LTErrorCodeFileCorrupted = -1859,  
 LTErrorCodeFileOperationFailed = -1863,  
 LTErrorCodeAttachmentNotFound = -1869,  
 LTErrorCodeNoAttachments = -1870,  
 LTErrorCodeEncrypted = -1876,  
 LTErrorCodeRedirectToFilter = -1877,  
 LTErrorCodeNoExifMetadata = -1893,  
 LTErrorCodeJp2Failure = -530,  
 LTErrorCodeJp2Signature = -531,  
 LTErrorCodeJp2Unsupported = -532,  
 LTErrorCodeJ2kFailure = -533,  
 LTErrorCodeJ2kNoSoc = -534,  
 LTErrorCodeJ2kNoSot = -535,  
 LTErrorCodeJ2kInformationSet = -536,  
 LTErrorCodeJ2kLowTargetSize = -537,  
 LTErrorCodeJ2kDecompositionLevel = -538,  
 LTErrorCodeJ2kMarkerValue = -539,  
 LTErrorCodeJ2kUnsupported = -540,  
 LTErrorCodeJ2kBoxNotAvailable = -1501,  
 LTErrorCodeNoStamp = -65,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidStampSize = -141,  
 LTErrorCodeBadStamp = -142,  
 LTErrorCodeBadMarker = -801,  
 LTErrorCodeBadResyncMarker = -806,  
 LTErrorCodeMarkerSizeTooBig = -808,  
 LTErrorCodeMarkerMissing = -809,  
 LTErrorCodeMarkerIndex = -811,  
 LTErrorCodeAudioMissing = -802,  
 LTErrorCodeExtensionsMissing = -810,  
 LTErrorCodeNoChange = -145,  
 LTErrorCodeImageSize = -910,  
 LTErrorCodeNoMessage = -911,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidPassword = -912,  
 LTErrorCodeNotEnoughImages = -92,  
 LTErrorCodeUnknownCompression = -15,  
 LTErrorCodeCompactAborted = -917,  
 LTErrorCodeBadTag = -140,  
 LTErrorCodeTagMissing = -404,  
 LTErrorCodeTagValueTooBig = -1781,  
 LTErrorCodeCUBusy = -31,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidTableType = -32,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidBuffer = -34,  
 LTErrorCodeMissingTileData = -35,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidQValue = -36,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidData = -37,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidCompressedType = -38,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidComponentNumber = -39,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidPixelType = -40,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidPixelSampling = -41,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidImageDimensions = -44,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidTileDimension = -45,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidPixBufferDimensions = -46,  
 LTErrorCodeSegmentOverflow = -47,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidSubsampling = -48,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidQVisTable = -49,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidDCCodeTable = -50,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidACCodeTable = -51,  
 LTErrorCodeInsufficientData = -52,  
 LTErrorCodeMissingFunctionPointer = -53,  
 LTErrorCodeTooManyDCCodeTables = -54,  
 LTErrorCodeTooManyACCodeTables = -55,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidSubImage = -56,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidAbortion = -57,  
 LTErrorCodeCUNoSupport = -58,  
 LTErrorCodeCUFailure = -59,  
 LTErrorCodeCompressedDataFailure = -62,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidColorspace = -918,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidFormat = -785,  
 LTErrorCodeUnsupportedMethod = -786,  
 LTErrorCodeOpeningProfile = -787,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidColorProfile = -788,  
 LTErrorCodeUVNotMultiples = -791,  
 LTErrorCodeNoNonplanarVerticalSubsamplingSupported = -792,  
 LTErrorCodePlanarAlignmentNotSupported = -793,  
 LTErrorCodeUnsupportedConversion = -794,  
 LTErrorCodeTruncateHeight = -795,  
 LTErrorCodeTruncateWidth = -796,  
 LTErrorCodeTruncateWidthAndHeight = -797,  
 LTErrorColorConversionDllInvalid = -1870,  
 LTErrorCodeICCUnknownTag = -1150,  
 LTErrorCodeICCUnknownType = -1151,  
 LTErrorCodeICCUnknownTagAndType = -1152,  
 LTErrorCodeInvalidICCProfile = -1153,  
 LTErrorCodeICCImageNotSupported = -1154,  
 LTErrorCodeNoProfile = -812,  
 LTErrorCodeCorruptProfile = -817,  
 LTErrorCodeDecodingProfile = -813,  
 LTErrorCodePdfFileEncrypted = -721,  
 LTErrorCodePdfInvalidPassword = -722,  
 LTErrorCodePdfFaxNotEnabled = -723,  
 LTErrorCodePdfJpegNotEnabled = -724,  
 LTErrorCodePdfInvDocStructuringComments = -725,  
 LTErrorCodePdfFontsDirectoryNotFound = -726,  
 LTErrorCodePdfCannotEditFile = -727,  
 LTErrorCodePdfBadContent = -728,  
 LTErrorCodePdfBadInitializationFiles = -729,  
 LTErrorCodePdfBadInterpageLinks = -1599,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessBadState = -1503,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessInit = -1504,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessCantScaleEdgeSteps = -1505,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessWrongWord = -1506,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessCantFindPointBand = -1507,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessUnmatchedBlockRight = -1508,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessUnmatchedBlockLeft = -1509,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessUnmatchedBlockRightRemaining = -1510,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessCodesIllegalsum = -1511,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessIllegalSampleSize = -1512,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessIllegalCircularSpec = -1513,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessIllegalEssentialSpec = -1514,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessIllegalMinMaxSpec = -1515,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessIllegalSampleCount = -1516,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessIllegalMeadnSpec = -1517,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessIllegalVarianceSpec = -1518,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessIllegalDistribution = -1519,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessIllegalSignificanceSpec = -1520,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessIllegalStyleSpec = -1521,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessIllegalFloat = -1522,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessIllegalNumSets = -1523,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessIllegalShortName = -1524,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessIllegalFeatureParam = -1525,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessIllegalNumFeatures = -1526,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessHeapFull = -1527,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessIllegalAmbiguitySpecification = -1528,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessInvalidUnicodeCharset = -1529,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessBadOkMode = -1530,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessBadRejectMode = -1531,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessReadingTemplateFile = -1532,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessReadingEdgesFile = -1533,  
 LTErrorCodePreProcessCantOpenChoiceFile = -1534,  
 LTErrorCodeMedicalViewerActionNotAdded = -1538,  
 LTErrorCodeMedicalViewerActionAlreadyAdded = -1539,  
 LTErrorCodeSvgFileSizeRead = -770,  
 LTErrorCodeSvgRootNotFound = -771,  
 LTErrorCodeSvgInvalidElement = -773,  
 LTErrorCodeSvgDuplicatedAttribute = -774,  
 LTErrorCodeSvgInvalidAttribute = -775,  
 LTErrorCodeSvgInvalidAttributeValue = -776,  
 LTErrorCodeSvgBadCssProperty = -777,  
 LTErrorCodeSvgMissingRequiredAttribute = -778,  
 LTErrorCodeSvgDuplicatedID = -779,  
 LTErrorCodeSvgInvalidCoordinatesNumber = -780,  
 LTErrorCodeSvgInvalidStringComma = -781,  
 LTErrorCodeSvgAttributeNotFound = -782,  
 LTErrorCodeSvgFileNotFlat = -783,  
 LTErrorCodeOcrNotEnabled = -1760,  
 LTErrorCodeOcrPdfNotEnabled = -1761,  
 LTErrorCodeOcrOmrNotEnabled = -1762,  
 LTErrorCodeOcrEngineNotStarted = -1763,  
 LTErrorCodeOcrLanguageNotSupported = -1764,  
 LTErrorCodeOcrComponentMissing = -1765,  
 LTErrorCodeOcrInvalidSettingName = -1766,  
 LTErrorCodeOcrInvalidSettingType = -1767,  
 LTErrorCodeOcrInvalidSettingValue = -1768,  
 LTErrorCodeOcrInvalidZoneType = -1769,  
 LTErrorCodeOcrInitialization = -1770,  
 LTErrorCodeOcrError = -1771,  
 LTErrorCodeOcrSpellcheckerNotFound = -1772,  
 LTErrorCodeOcrMultipleAsianLanguagesNotAllowed = -1774,  
 LTErrorCodeOcrZoneOutsideBitmap = -1867,  
 LTErrorCodeDocWrtInvalidAltoXmlIndentation = -1866,  
 LTErrorCodeHeifGettingItemData = -1879,  
 LTErrorCodeHeifTilesDifferentSize = -1880,  
 LTErrorCodeHeifInvalidGridData = -1881,  
 LTErrorCodeHeifInvalidCompressionParams = -1882,  
 LTErrorCodeHeifInvalidBoxSize = -1884,  
 LTErrorCodeHeifComponentsHaveDifferentBitDepths = -1885,  
 LTErrorCodeHeifInvalidExifMetadata = -1886,  
 LTErrorCodeHeifUnsupportedImageType = -1887,  
 LTErrorCodeHeifReferencesMissing = -1888,  
 LTErrorCodeHeifEncoderFailure = -1889,  
 LTErrorCodeHeifUnsupportedChromaFormat = -1890,  
 LTErrorCodeHeifDecoderFailure = -1891,  
 LTErrorCodeHeifCompressedDataHasNoFrame = -1892 
public final class RasterExceptionCode 
    extends java.lang.Enum<RasterExceptionCode> 
public enum class RasterExceptionCode 
class RasterExceptionCode(Enum): 
   Failure = 0 
   Success = 1 
   SuccessAbort = 2 
   SuccessDelete = 3 
   SuccessRetry = 4 
   SuccessPartialFailure = 8 
   MedicalImageViewerMissing = -1931 
   JpipClientDecoderMissing = -1930 
   JpipServerParserMissing = -1929 
   WebpInvalidAnimationWidthOrHeight = -1928 
   FloatDataConversionNotSupported = -1927 
   FloatDataNotSupported = -1926 
   WebpEncoderFailure = -1925 
   WebpFramesOfDifferentSizesNotSupported = -1924 
   EncoderFailure = -1923 
   WebpCodecMissing = -1922 
   SpeechRecognitionMissing = -1921 
   CommonDialogsControlsMissing = -1919 
   CommonDialogsCommonMissing = -1918 
   CommonDialogsUtilitiesMissing = -1917 
   CommonDialogsKernelMissing = -1916 
   PrinterMissing = -1915 
   SpecialEffectsMissing = -1914 
   ScreenCaptureMissing = -1913 
   CommonDialogsFileMissing = -1912 
   ColorConversion = -1911 
   InvalidCodecsRasterizeDocumentOptions = -1910 
   WiaMissing = -1909 
   TwainMissing = -1908 
   FeatureNotSupportedOnThisOperatingSystem = -1907 
   BitmapTooBig = -1906 
   MemoryLimit = -1905 
   FeatureNotSupportedForThisFormat = -1904 
   TempFileCreate = -1903 
   TempFileCreateAccessDenied = -1902 
   ImageReadOnly = -1901 
   DocumentWriterTxtMissing = -1900 
   DocumentWriterRtfMissing = -1899 
   DocumentWriterDocxMissing = -1898 
   DocumentEditingNotEnabled = -1897 
   AllPagesOutRange = -1896 
   DocumentCoreMissing = -1895 
   TooManyTempFiles = -1894 
   NoExifMetadata = -1893 
   HeifCompressedDataHasNoFrame = -1892 
   HeifDecoderFailure = -1891 
   HeifUnsupportedChromaFormat = -1890 
   HeifEncoderFailure = -1889 
   HeifReferencesMissing = -1888 
   HeifUnsupportedImageType = -1887 
   HeifInvalidExifMetadata = -1886 
   HeifComponentsHaveDifferentBitDepths = -1885 
   HeifInvalidBoxSize = -1884 
   HeifCodecMissing = -1883 
   HeifInvalidCompressionParams = -1882 
   HeifInvalidGridData = -1881 
   HeifTilesDifferentSize = -1880 
   HeifGettingItemData = -1879 
   MLMissing = -1878 
   RedirectToFilter = -1877 
   Encrypted = -1876 
   IcrMissing = -1875 
   AnnotationsNotEnabled = -1874 
   SvgNotEnabled = -1873 
   NotTiffFile = -1872 
   ColorConversionDllInvalid = -1871 
   NoAttachments = -1870 
   AttachmentNotFound = -1869 
   PdfUtilitiesInvalid = -1868 
   OcrZoneOutsideBitmap = -1867 
   DocWrtInvalidAltoXmlIndentation = -1866 
   ExternalProcessTerminated = -1865 
   OpenSSLDllMissing = -1864 
   FileOperationFailed = -1863 
   DocumentWriterAltoMissing = -1862 
   GdiError = -1861 
   InvalidIndex = -1860 
   FileCorrupted = -1859 
   FeatureNotSupportedOnThisPlatform = -1858 
   WebKitEngineMissing = -1857 
   FileWriteDenied = -1856 
   FileReadDenied = -1855 
   FileWriteOnly = -1854 
   TempFileDiskDisabled = -1853 
   InvalidFileHandle = -1852 
   InvalidUnicodeString = -1851 
   FilenameAlreadyRegistered = -1850 
   FolderCreate = -1849 
   NoPages = -1848 
   FileDelete = -1847 
   FileAccessDenied = -1846 
   XbmCodecMissing = -1845 
   AwdCodecMissing = -1844 
   FpxCodecMissing = -1843 
   EcwCodecMissing = -1842 
   CodecIgnored = -1841 
   Barcode2dWriteMissing = -1840 
   BarcodeQrWriteMissing = -1839 
   BarcodeDatamatrixWriteMissing = -1838 
   BarcodePdfWriteMissing = -1837 
   Barcode1dWriteMissing = -1836 
   StlCodecMissing = -1835 
   LmaCodecMissing = -1834 
   IcaCodecMissing = -1833 
   CalCodecMissing = -1832 
   AfpCodecMissing = -1831 
   PctCodecMissing = -1830 
   PclCodecMissing = -1829 
   NapCodecMissing = -1828 
   GbrCodecMissing = -1827 
   DrawingMPDllMissing = -1826 
   AniCodecMissing = -1825 
   TfxCodecMissing = -1824 
   SctCodecMissing = -1823 
   AnzCodecMissing = -1822 
   XpmCodecMissing = -1821 
   SmpCodecMissing = -1820 
   MacCodecMissing = -1819 
   ImgCodecMissing = -1818 
   CutCodecMissing = -1817 
   WmpCodecMissing = -1816 
   PnmCodecMissing = -1815 
   XlxCodecMissing = -1814 
   XlsCodecMissing = -1813 
   PpxCodecMissing = -1812 
   PptCodecMissing = -1811 
   DoxCodecMissing = -1810 
   DocCodecMissing = -1809 
   PtkCodecMissing = -1808 
   E00CodecMissing = -1799 
   DgnCodecMissing = -1798 
   CmxCodecMissing = -1797 
   PdfDllMissing = -1796 
   CreditCardDllMissing = -1795 
   PdfCompressorDllMissing = -1794 
   MrcDllMissing = -1793 
   TxtCodecMissing = -1792 
   SpecialEffectsDllMissing = -1791 
   NoLicense = -1790 
   ThreeJSCodecMissing = -1789 
   DocumentWriterMissing = -1788 
   InvalidPageNumbers = -1787 
   MaxOpenFiles = -1786 
   InvalidLicenseVersion = -1785 
   DrawingDllMissing = -1784 
   InvalidYuvSize = -1783 
   InvalidYuvFormat = -1782 
   TagValueTooBig = -1781 
   FileInfoUpdated = -1780 
   FormatMismatch = -1779 
   FileSizeTooBig = -1778 
   X9fCodecMissing = -1777 
   XmpCodecMissing = -1776 
   MediaStreamingNotEnabled = -1775 
   OcrMultipleAsianLanguagesNotAllowed = -1774 
   PstCodecMissing = -1773 
   OcrSpellcheckerNotFound = -1772 
   OcrError = -1771 
   OcrInitialization = -1770 
   OcrInvalidZoneType = -1769 
   OcrInvalidSettingValue = -1768 
   OcrInvalidSettingType = -1767 
   OcrInvalidSettingName = -1766 
   OcrComponentMissing = -1765 
   OcrLanguageNotSupported = -1764 
   OcrEngineNotStarted = -1763 
   OcrOmrNotEnabled = -1762 
   OcrPdfNotEnabled = -1761 
   OcrNotEnabled = -1760 
   ServerLicenseNotActivated = -1759 
   ConnectionToLicenseServerFailed = -1758 
   AppNotRegisteredForServerLicense = -1757 
   UserNotRegisteredForServerLicense = -1756 
   InvalidServerLicense = -1755 
   InvalidLicense = -1754 
   IncorrectWidthAdjusted = -1753 
   NoServerLicense = -1752 
   BasicNotEnabled = -1751 
   AppStoreNotEnabled = -1750 
   LeadPrinterNetworkNotEnabled = -1628 
   PdfBadInterpageLinks = -1599 
   IngCodecMissing = -1598 
   PubCodecMissing = -1597 
   MobCodecMissing = -1596 
   HtmCodecMissing = -1595 
   KernelExpired = -1591 
   DcfCodecMissing = -1589 
   JlsCodecMissing = -1588 
   JxrCodecMissing = -1587 
   VffCodecMissing = -1586 
   ItgCodecMissing = -1585 
   XwdCodecMissing = -1584 
   XpsCodecMissing = -1583 
   WpgCodecMissing = -1582 
   WmzCodecMissing = -1581 
   WfxCodecMissing = -1580 
   VpgCodecMissing = -1579 
   VecCodecMissing = -1578 
   TgaCodecMissing = -1577 
   TdbCodecMissing = -1576 
   SvgCodecMissing = -1575 
   SnpCodecMissing = -1574 
   ShpCodecMissing = -1572 
   SgmCodecMissing = -1571 
   SgiCodecMissing = -1570 
   SffCodecMissing = -1569 
   RasCodecMissing = -1568 
   PspCodecMissing = -1567 
   PsdCodecMissing = -1566 
   PcxCodecMissing = -1565 
   PcdCodecMissing = -1564 
   NtfCodecMissing = -1563 
   MspCodecMissing = -1562 
   MngCodecMissing = -1561 
   MifCodecMissing = -1560 
   LmbCodecMissing = -1559 
   CinCodecMissing = -1558 
   JpmCodecMissing = -1557 
   Jp2CodecMissing = -1556 
   IffCodecMissing = -1555 
   HdpCodecMissing = -1554 
   GifCodecMissing = -1553 
   FlcCodecMissing = -1552 
   FitCodecMissing = -1551 
   EpsCodecMissing = -1550 
   DwgCodecMissing = -1549 
   DwfCodecMissing = -1548 
   DrwCodecMissing = -1547 
   CrwCodecMissing = -1545 
   ClpCodecMissing = -1544 
   CgmCodecMissing = -1543 
   BitmapFormatUnsupported = -1541 
   PdfUtilitiesMissing = -1540 
   MedicalViewerActionAlreadyAdded = -1539 
   MedicalViewerActionNotAdded = -1538 
   RtfCodecMissing = -1537 
   LeadPrinterServerNotEnabled = -1536 
   LeadPrinterNotEnabled = -1535 
   PreProcessCantOpenChoiceFile = -1534 
   PreProcessReadingEdgesFile = -1533 
   PreProcessReadingTemplateFile = -1532 
   PreProcessBadRejectMode = -1531 
   PreProcessBadOkMode = -1530 
   PreProcessInvalidUnicodeCharset = -1529 
   PreProcessIllegalAmbiguitySpecification = -1528 
   PreProcessHeapFull = -1527 
   PreProcessIllegalNumFeatures = -1526 
   PreProcessIllegalFeatureParam = -1525 
   PreProcessIllegalShortName = -1524 
   PreProcessIllegalNumSets = -1523 
   PreProcessIllegalFloat = -1522 
   PreProcessIllegalStyleSpec = -1521 
   PreProcessIllegalSignificanceSpec = -1520 
   PreProcessIllegalDistribution = -1519 
   PreProcessIllegalVarianceSpec = -1518 
   PreProcessIllegalMeadnSpec = -1517 
   PreProcessIllegalSampleCount = -1516 
   PreProcessIllegalMinMaxSpec = -1515 
   PreProcessIllegalEssentialSpec = -1514 
   PreProcessIllegalCircularSpec = -1513 
   PreProcessIllegalSampleSize = -1512 
   PreProcessCodesIllegalsum = -1511 
   PreProcessUnmatchedBlockRightRemaining = -1510 
   PreProcessUnmatchedBlockLeft = -1509 
   PreProcessUnmatchedBlockRight = -1508 
   PreProcessCantFindPointBand = -1507 
   PreProcessWrongWord = -1506 
   PreProcessCantScaleEdgeSteps = -1505 
   PreProcessInit = -1504 
   PreProcessBadState = -1503 
   J2kBoxNotAvailable = -1501 
   RawCodecMissing = -1497 
   BmpCodecMissing = -1496 
   DocumentWritersPdfNotEnabled = -1495 
   MediaWriterNotEnabled = -1494 
   DocumentWritersNotEnabled = -1493 
   ChannelMissing = -1492 
   InvalidDib = -1491 
   FileCreate = -1490 
   InvalidLutLength = -1486 
   DicomDllMissing = -1485 
   CodecsDllMissing = -1483 
   ImageProcessingDllMissing = -1480 
   FormsLocked = -1478 
   JpipLocked = -1477 
   Gray32Unsupported = -1364 
   NitfLocked = -1363 
   Jbig2Locked = -1362 
   AbcLocked = -1361 
   SignedDataNotSupported = -1360 
   InvalidCodecName = -1353 
   ICCImageNotSupported = -1154 
   InvalidICCProfile = -1153 
   ICCUnknownTagAndType = -1152 
   ICCUnknownType = -1151 
   ICCUnknownTag = -1150 
   ProNotEnabled = -930 
   InvalidColorspace = -918 
   CompactAborted = -917 
   InvalidPassword = -912 
   NoMessage = -911 
   ImageSize = -910 
   ClrCodecMissing = -900 
   PngCodecMissing = -825 
   Jb2CodecMissing = -824 
   AbiCodecMissing = -823 
   AbcCodecMissing = -822 
   DcsCodecMissing = -821 
   KdcCodecMissing = -820 
   DcrCodecMissing = -819 
   SegmentationDllMissing = -818 
   CorruptProfile = -817 
   OverlayIndex = -816 
   NoOverlay = -815 
   NullPointer = -814 
   DecodingProfile = -813 
   NoProfile = -812 
   MarkerIndex = -811 
   ExtensionsMissing = -810 
   MarkerMissing = -809 
   MarkerSizeTooBig = -808 
   ColorConversionDllMissing = -807 
   BadResyncMarker = -806 
   FileReadOnly = -805 
   DicomNotEnabled = -803 
   AudioMissing = -802 
   BadMarker = -801 
   LayerMissing = -800 
   TruncateWidthAndHeight = -797 
   TruncateWidth = -796 
   TruncateHeight = -795 
   UnsupportedConversion = -794 
   PlanarAlignmentNotSupported = -793 
   NoNonplanarVerticalSubsamplingSupported = -792 
   UVNotMultiples = -791 
   InvalidStructSize = -789 
   InvalidColorProfile = -788 
   OpeningProfile = -787 
   UnsupportedMethod = -786 
   InvalidFormat = -785 
   SvgFileNotFlat = -783 
   SvgAttributeNotFound = -782 
   SvgInvalidStringComma = -781 
   SvgInvalidCoordinatesNumber = -780 
   SvgDuplicatedID = -779 
   SvgMissingRequiredAttribute = -778 
   SvgBadCssProperty = -777 
   SvgInvalidAttributeValue = -776 
   SvgInvalidAttribute = -775 
   SvgDuplicatedAttribute = -774 
   SvgInvalidElement = -773 
   SvgRootNotFound = -771 
   SvgFileSizeRead = -770 
   PdfBadInitializationFiles = -729 
   PdfBadContent = -728 
   PdfCannotEditFile = -727 
   PdfFontsDirectoryNotFound = -726 
   PdfInvDocStructuringComments = -725 
   PdfJpegNotEnabled = -724 
   PdfFaxNotEnabled = -723 
   PdfInvalidPassword = -722 
   PdfFileEncrypted = -721 
   J2kLocked = -542 
   J2kCodecMissing = -541 
   J2kUnsupported = -540 
   J2kMarkerValue = -539 
   J2kDecompositionLevel = -538 
   J2kLowTargetSize = -537 
   J2kInformationSet = -536 
   J2kNoSot = -535 
   J2kNoSoc = -534 
   J2kFailure = -533 
   Jp2Unsupported = -532 
   Jp2Signature = -531 
   Jp2Failure = -530 
   PdfNotEnabled = -408 
   TagMissing = -404 
   TifCodecMissing = -359 
   PdfCodecMissing = -358 
   FaxCodecMissing = -357 
   CmpCodecMissing = -356 
   CmwCodecMissing = -355 
   CmwLocked = -354 
   VectorKernelMissing = -353 
   NothingToDo = -351 
   WmfCodecMissing = -349 
   JbigCodecMissing = -319 
   MedicalNetNotEnabled = -318 
   JbigNotEnabled = -315 
   MedicalNotEnabled = -314 
   DeleteLastPage = -311 
   PageNotFound = -310 
   DxfCodecMissing = -309 
   DiskIsFull = -295 
   BufferTooSmall = -290 
   InvalidHandle = -261 
   Exception = -149 
   LzwLocked = -146 
   NoChange = -145 
   ImageEmpty = -144 
   DocumentNotEnabled = -143 
   BadStamp = -142 
   InvalidStampSize = -141 
   BadTag = -140 
   UserAbort = -100 
   NotEnoughImages = -92 
   VersionNumber = -78 
   BadDecodeState = -77 
   Internal = -74 
   NoStamp = -65 
   CompressedDataFailure = -62 
   BadPointer = -60 
   CUFailure = -59 
   CUNoSupport = -58 
   InvalidAbortion = -57 
   InvalidSubImage = -56 
   TooManyACCodeTables = -55 
   TooManyDCCodeTables = -54 
   MissingFunctionPointer = -53 
   InsufficientData = -52 
   InvalidACCodeTable = -51 
   InvalidDCCodeTable = -50 
   InvalidQVisTable = -49 
   InvalidSubsampling = -48 
   SegmentOverflow = -47 
   InvalidPixBufferDimensions = -46 
   InvalidTileDimension = -45 
   InvalidImageDimensions = -44 
   InvalidPixelSampling = -41 
   InvalidPixelType = -40 
   InvalidComponentNumber = -39 
   InvalidCompressedType = -38 
   InvalidData = -37 
   InvalidQValue = -36 
   MissingTileData = -35 
   InvalidBuffer = -34 
   InvalidTableType = -32 
   CUBusy = -31 
   NotInitialized = -30 
   NormalAbort = -29 
   WindowSize = -28 
   BitsPerPixel = -27 
   OutputType = -23 
   QFactor = -21 
   FeatureNotSupported = -16 
   UnknownCompression = -15 
   FileOpen = -14 
   InvalidParameter = -13 
   ImageType = -12 
   InvalidRange = -11 
   FileNotFound = -10 
   FileFormat = -9 
   InvalidFileName = -8 
   FileRead = -7 
   FileGone = -6 
   FileWrite = -5 
   FileSeek = -4 
   MemoryTooLow = -3 
   NoImage = -2 
   NoMemory = -1 
Value Member Description
8 SuccessPartialFailure Function called recursively. A least one call was successful, but some failed.
4 SuccessRetry Function successful. Retry the failed operation.
3 SuccessDelete Function successful. Delete file before quiting.
2 SuccessAbort Successful. You can quit now.
1 Success Success.
0 Failure Function not successful.
-1 NoMemory Not enough memory available.
-2 NoImage Invalid image.
-3 MemoryTooLow Not enough memory available.
-4 FileSeek Error seeking to position.
-5 FileWrite Error writing file.
-6 FileGone File not present - abort.
-7 FileRead Error reading file.
-8 InvalidFileName Invalid filename specified.
-9 FileFormat Invalid file format.
-10 FileNotFound File not found.
-11 InvalidRange Invalid width or height.
-12 ImageType Image format recognized, but sub-type not supported.
-13 InvalidParameter Invalid parameter passed.
-14 FileOpen Not able to open file.
-15 UnknownCompression Unknown compression format.
-16 FeatureNotSupported Feature not supported.
Support for the requested feature is unavailable.
This could be due to:
* The file format does not support this feature.
* The required dll is missing from your system.
* The required file filter dll is disabled in this demo (ex. vector formats).
* Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality.
-21 QFactor Invalid QFactor specified.
-23 OutputType Invalid compression format.
-27 BitsPerPixel Invalid bits per pixel.
-28 WindowSize Invalid window size.
-29 NormalAbort Escape key pressed - or user aborted operation.
-30 NotInitialized Internal error - call LEAD.
-31 CUBusy Internal error - call LEAD.
-32 InvalidTableType Internal error - call LEAD.
-34 InvalidBuffer Internal error - call LEAD.
-35 MissingTileData Internal error - call LEAD.
-36 InvalidQValue Internal error - call LEAD.
-37 InvalidData Internal error - call LEAD.
-38 InvalidCompressedType Internal error - call LEAD.
-39 InvalidComponentNumber Internal error - call LEAD.
-40 InvalidPixelType Internal error - call LEAD.
-41 InvalidPixelSampling Internal error - call LEAD.
-44 InvalidImageDimensions Internal error - call LEAD.
-45 InvalidTileDimension Internal error - call LEAD.
-46 InvalidPixBufferDimensions Internal error - call LEAD.
-47 SegmentOverflow Internal error - call LEAD.
-48 InvalidSubsampling Internal error - call LEAD.
-49 InvalidQVisTable Internal error - call LEAD.
-50 InvalidDCCodeTable Internal error - call LEAD.
-51 InvalidACCodeTable Internal error - call LEAD.
-52 InsufficientData Internal error - call LEAD.
-53 MissingFunctionPointer Internal error - call LEAD.
-54 TooManyDCCodeTables Internal error - call LEAD.
-55 TooManyACCodeTables Internal error - call LEAD.
-56 InvalidSubImage Internal error - call LEAD.
-57 InvalidAbortion Internal error - call LEAD.
-58 CUNoSupport Internal error - call LEAD.
-59 CUFailure Internal error - call LEAD.
-60 BadPointer Internal error - call LEAD.
-62 CompressedDataFailure The compressed data is corrupted.
-65 NoStamp Stamp not found.
-74 Internal Internal error.
-77 BadDecodeState Premature end-of-line code.
-78 VersionNumber Bad version number.
-92 NotEnoughImages There are not enough images to complete the task.
-100 UserAbort User has aborted operation.
-140 BadTag Bad TIFF tag.
-141 InvalidStampSize Stamp size is too big or invalid bits per pixel, etc.
-142 BadStamp Stamp is present but data is corrupted.
-143 DocumentNotEnabled Document capability is required to use this function
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality.
Contact LEAD.
-144 ImageEmpty Image is empty.
-145 NoChange The image has not changed.
-146 LzwLocked The LZW capabilities are locked
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality.
Contact LEAD.
-149 Exception An unspecified exception occurred - could be memory access violations.
-261 InvalidHandle Invalid handle.
-290 BufferTooSmall The buffer size is too small.
-295 DiskIsFull Not enough disk space.
-309 DxfCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Dxf.dll library is missing.
-310 PageNotFound Page not found.
-311 DeleteLastPage You cannot delete a page from a file containing only one page.
-314 MedicalNotEnabled Medical capability is required to use this function
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality.
Contact LEAD.
-315 JbigNotEnabled JBIG capability is required to use this function
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality.
Contact LEAD.
-318 MedicalNetNotEnabled Medical Network capability is required to use this function
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality.
Contact LEAD.
-319 JbigCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Jbg.dll library is missing.
-349 WmfCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Wmf.dll library is missing.
-351 NothingToDo There is nothing to do. No items were found.
-353 VectorKernelMissing The Leadtools.Vector.dll library is missing.
-354 CmwLocked The CMW support is locked
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality.
Contact LEAD.
-355 CmwCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Cmw.dll library is missing.
-356 CmpCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Cmp.dll library is missing.
-357 FaxCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Fax.dll library is missing.
-358 PdfCodecMissing The Leadtools.Pdf.dll library is missing.
-359 TifCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Tif.dll library is missing.
-404 TagMissing Tag not found.
-408 PdfNotEnabled PDF support is locked
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality.
Contact LEAD.
-530 Jp2Failure Error in JP2 Box values.
-531 Jp2Signature The header does not match the JP2 signature - not a JP2 file.
-532 Jp2Unsupported JP2 file has a feature that is unsupported.
-533 J2kFailure Invalid save options were specified to the encoder.
-534 J2kNoSoc File header does not contain SOC marker.
-535 J2kNoSot File contains complete header but no compressed image data.
-536 J2kInformationSet Invalid save options were specified or file includes invalid encoded values.
-537 J2kLowTargetSize Compression ratio, target file size, or tile size was too small for encoder.
-538 J2kDecompositionLevel Specified Wavelet decomposition level was too high.
-539 J2kMarkerValue Decoder could not translate J2K marker - file is corrupt or invalid.
-540 J2kUnsupported J2K file has image with more than 30 bits per component.
-541 J2kCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.J2k.dll library is missing.
-542 J2kLocked J2K support is locked
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality.
Contact LEAD.
-721 PdfFileEncrypted The Pdf file is encrypted and the Password was not set (no password).
-722 PdfInvalidPassword Invalid password specified.
-723 PdfFaxNotEnabled FAX filter is required for this function.
-724 PdfJpegNotEnabled CMP and JPEG filter is required for this function.
-725 PdfInvDocStructuringComments Invalid Document Structuring comments (PS and EPS).
-726 PdfFontsDirectoryNotFound Could not find Fonts directory.
-727 PdfCannotEditFile Cannot insert, delete, append or replace pages.
-728 PdfBadContent File is corrupted.
-729 PdfBadInitializationFiles Either the files required for initializing the PDF engine were not found or they were found but they are incorrect.
-770 SvgFileSizeRead SVG File size read error.
-771 SvgRootNotFound Root element of XML data is not found or not SVG.
-773 SvgInvalidElement Invalid SVG element in the XML data.
-774 SvgDuplicatedAttribute Duplicated SVG attribute in the XML data.
-775 SvgInvalidAttribute Invalid SVG attribute in the XML data.
-776 SvgInvalidAttributeValue Invalid SVG attribute value in the XML data.
-777 SvgBadCssProperty Bad SVG CSS property in the XML data.
-778 SvgMissingRequiredAttribute Missing required SVG attribute in the XML data.
-779 SvgDuplicatedID Duplicated SVG element ID in the XML data.
-780 SvgInvalidCoordinatesNumber Invalid SVG coordinates number in the XML data.
-781 SvgInvalidStringComma Invalid SVG string comma.
-782 SvgAttributeNotFound SVG Attribute not found in the XML data.
-783 SvgFileNotFlat This functionality requires a flat SVG document.
-785 InvalidFormat Invalid format.
-786 UnsupportedMethod Method not supported.
-787 OpeningProfile Error opening profile.
-788 InvalidColorProfile Invalid color profile.
-789 InvalidStructSize The structure size is invalid.
-791 UVNotMultiples U and V are not multiples.
-792 NoNonplanarVerticalSubsamplingSupported No non planar vertical sub sampling supported.
-793 PlanarAlignmentNotSupported Planar alignment not supported.
-794 UnsupportedConversion Unsupported conversion.
-795 TruncateHeight Truncate height.
-796 TruncateWidth Truncate width.
-797 TruncateWidthAndHeight Truncate width and height.
-800 LayerMissing The PSD Layer is missing.
-801 BadMarker Bad JPEG marker.
-802 AudioMissing The audio data is not present.
-803 DicomNotEnabled Internal or Unrecognized Error.
-805 FileReadOnly File/stream is read-only. Cannot open file/stream with write access.
-806 BadResyncMarker Bad JPEG Resync marker.
-807 ColorConversionDllMissing The Leadtools.ColorConversion.dll library is missing.
-808 MarkerSizeTooBig The size of the JPEG marker cannot exceed 64K.
-809 MarkerMissing The required JPEG marker is missing.
-810 ExtensionsMissing This file does not contain EXIF extensions.
-811 MarkerIndex The marker index is invalid (too big).
-812 NoProfile The ICC profile was not found.
-813 DecodingProfile An error has occurred while decoding the profile.
-814 NullPointer A NULL pointer was passed.
-815 NoOverlay The overlay does not exist.
-816 OverlayIndex Something is wrong with the overlay index.
-817 CorruptProfile The ICC profile was invalid.
-818 SegmentationDllMissing The Leadtools.Mrc.dll library is missing.
-819 DcrCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Dcr.dll library is missing.
-820 KdcCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Kdc.dll library is missing.
-821 DcsCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Dcs.dll library is missing.
-823 AbiCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Abi.dll library is missing.
-824 Jb2CodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Jb2.dll library is missing.
-825 PngCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Png.dll library is missing.
-900 ClrCodecMissing Failed to load Leadtools.ColorConversion.dll.
-910 ImageSize Image size not sufficient.
-911 NoMessage There is no message.
-912 InvalidPassword Invalid password.
-917 CompactAborted The compact function finished without copying all the pages.
-918 InvalidColorspace Invalid colorspace.
-930 ProNotEnabled LEADTOOLS Pro Features are not enabled
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality.
Contact LEAD.
-1150 ICCUnknownTag Unknown ICC profile Tag.
-1151 ICCUnknownType Unknown ICC profile Type.
-1152 ICCUnknownTagAndType Unknown ICC profile Tag and Type.
-1153 InvalidICCProfile Invalid ICC profile.
-1154 ICCImageNotSupported Invalid ICC profile.
-1353 InvalidCodecName Invalid filter name.
-1360 SignedDataNotSupported Signed image data not supported.
-1362 Jbig2Locked JBIG2 file format is locked
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality.
Contact LEAD.
-1363 NitfLocked NITF support is locked
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality.
Contact LEAD.
-1364 Gray32Unsupported 32-bit grayscale bitmaps are not supported.
-1477 JpipLocked JPIP support is locked
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality.
Contact LEAD.
-1478 FormsLocked FORMS support is locked
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality.
Contact LEAD.
-1480 ImageProcessingDllMissing Internal or Unrecognized Error.
-1483 CodecsDllMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.dll library is missing.
-1485 DicomDllMissing The Leadtools.Dicom.dll library is missing.
-1486 InvalidLutLength The LUT length is invalid. LUTLength should be 1 << (HighBit - LowBit + 1).
-1490 FileCreate Error creating file.
-1491 InvalidDib The DIB is invalid.
-1492 ChannelMissing The PSD Channel is missing.
-1493 DocumentWritersNotEnabled Document Writers capability is required to use this function
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality.
Contact LEAD.
-1494 MediaWriterNotEnabled Media writer capability is required to use this function
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality.
Contact LEAD.
-1495 DocumentWritersPdfNotEnabled Document Writer PDF support is locked
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality.
Contact LEAD.
-1496 BmpCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Bmp.dll library is missing.
-1497 RawCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Raw.dll library is missing.
-1501 J2kBoxNotAvailable The required box is not available.
-1503 PreProcessBadState Preprocessing engine is in a bad state.
-1504 PreProcessInit Preprocessing engine initialization error or no appropriate license.
-1505 PreProcessCantScaleEdgeSteps Preprocessing engine attempted to scale an edge steps format word.
-1506 PreProcessWrongWord Preprocessing engine word does not have blobs of that type.
-1507 PreProcessCantFindPointBand Preprocessing engine cannot find point band.
-1508 PreProcessUnmatchedBlockRight Preprocessing engine unmatched block right.
-1509 PreProcessUnmatchedBlockLeft Preprocessing engine unmatched block left.
-1510 PreProcessUnmatchedBlockRightRemaining Preprocessing engine unmatched block right remaining.
-1511 PreProcessCodesIllegalsum Preprocessing engine illegal sum of chain codes.
-1512 PreProcessIllegalSampleSize Preprocessing engine illegal sample size.
-1513 PreProcessIllegalCircularSpec Preprocessing engine illegal circular/linear specification.
-1514 PreProcessIllegalEssentialSpec Preprocessing engine illegal essential/non-essential specification.
-1515 PreProcessIllegalMinMaxSpec Preprocessing engine illegal min or max specification.
-1516 PreProcessIllegalSampleCount Preprocessing engine illegal sample count.
-1517 PreProcessIllegalMeadnSpec Preprocessing engine illegal prototype mean.
-1518 PreProcessIllegalVarianceSpec Preprocessing engine illegal prototype variance.
-1519 PreProcessIllegalDistribution Preprocessing engine illegal prototype distribution.
-1520 PreProcessIllegalSignificanceSpec Preprocessing engine illegal significance specification.
-1521 PreProcessIllegalStyleSpec Preprocessing engine illegal prototype style specification.
-1522 PreProcessIllegalFloat Preprocessing engine illegal float specification.
-1523 PreProcessIllegalNumSets Preprocessing engine illegal number of feature sets.
-1524 PreProcessIllegalShortName Preprocessing engine illegal short name for a feature.
-1525 PreProcessIllegalFeatureParam Preprocessing engine illegal feature parameter spec.
-1526 PreProcessIllegalNumFeatures Preprocessing engine illegal number of features in set.
-1527 PreProcessHeapFull Preprocessing engine heap size exceeded.
-1528 PreProcessIllegalAmbiguitySpecification Preprocessing engine illegal ambiguity specification.
-1529 PreProcessInvalidUnicodeCharset Preprocessing engine invalid Unicode character set.
-1530 PreProcessBadOkMode Preprocessing engine bad OK mode.
-1531 PreProcessBadRejectMode Preprocessing engine bad reject mode.
-1532 PreProcessReadingTemplateFile Preprocessing engine error reading template file.
-1533 PreProcessReadingEdgesFile Preprocessing engine error while reading edges from file.
-1534 PreProcessCantOpenChoiceFile Preprocessing engine could not open choice file.
-1535 LeadPrinterNotEnabled LEADTOOLS Printer Driver is required to use this function
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality.
Contact LEAD.
-1536 LeadPrinterServerNotEnabled LEADTOOLS Printer Driver Server is required to use this function
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality.
Contact LEAD.
-1537 RtfCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Rtf.dll library is missing.
-1538 MedicalViewerActionNotAdded The specified action is not added to the Image Viewer Cell.
-1539 MedicalViewerActionAlreadyAdded The specified action is already added to the Image Viewer Cell.
-1540 PdfUtilitiesMissing The Leadtools.Pdf.Utilities.dll library is missing.
-1541 BitmapFormatUnsupported The bitmap format is not supported.
-1543 CgmCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Cgm.dll library is missing.
-1544 ClpCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Clp.dll library is missing.
-1545 CrwCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Crw.dll library is missing.
-1547 DrwCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Drw.dll library is missing.
-1548 DwfCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Dwf.dll library is missing.
-1549 DwgCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Dwg.dll library is missing.
-1550 EpsCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Eps.dll library is missing.
-1551 FitCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Fit.dll library is missing.
-1552 FlcCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Flc.dll library is missing.
-1553 GifCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Gif.dll library is missing.
-1554 HdpCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Hdp.dll library is missing.
-1555 IffCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Iff.dll library is missing.
-1556 Jp2CodecMissing The Leadtools.Jpeg2000.dll library is missing.
-1557 JpmCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Jpm.dll library is missing.
-1558 CinCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Cin.dll library is missing.
-1559 LmbCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Lmb.dll library is missing.
-1560 MifCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Mif.dll library is missing.
-1561 MngCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Mng.dll library is missing.
-1562 MspCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Msp.dll library is missing.
-1563 NtfCodecMissing The library is missing.
-1564 PcdCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Pcd.dll library is missing.
-1565 PcxCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Pcx.dll library is missing.
-1566 PsdCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Psd.dll library is missing.
-1567 PspCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Psp.dll library is missing.
-1568 RasCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Ras.dll library is missing.
-1569 SffCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Sff.dll library is missing.
-1570 SgiCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Sgi.dll library is missing.
-1571 SgmCodecMissing The Leadtools.Mrc.dll library is missing.
-1572 ShpCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Shp.dll library is missing.
-1574 SnpCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Snp.dll library is missing.
-1575 SvgCodecMissing The Leadtools.Svg.dll library is missing.
-1576 TdbCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Tdb.dll library is missing.
-1577 TgaCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Tga.dll library is missing.
-1578 VecCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Vec.dll library is missing.
-1579 VpgCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Vpg.dll library is missing.
-1580 WfxCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Wfx.dll library is missing.
-1581 WmzCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Wmz.dll library is missing.
-1582 WpgCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Wpg.dll library is missing.
-1583 XpsCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Xps.dll library is missing.
-1584 XwdCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Xwd.dll library is missing.
-1585 ItgCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Itg.dll library is missing.
-1586 VffCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Vff.dll library is missing.
-1587 JxrCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Jxr.dll library is missing.
-1588 JlsCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Jls.dll library is missing.
-1589 DcfCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Dcf.dll library is missing.
-1591 KernelExpired LEADTOOLS Kernel has expired.
Contact LEAD for an updated runtime license file.
-1595 HtmCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Htm.dll library is missing.
-1596 MobCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Mob.dll library is missing.
-1597 PubCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Pub.dll library is missing.
-1598 IngCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Ing.dll library is missing.
-1599 PdfBadInterpageLinks PDF has internal links which refer to other pages that do not exist.
-1628 LeadPrinterNetworkNotEnabled LEADTOOLS Printer Driver Network is required to use this function
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality.
Contact LEAD.
-1750 AppStoreNotEnabled LEADTOOLS App Store license is required to use this function
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality.
Contact LEAD.
-1751 BasicNotEnabled LEADTOOLS Basic license is required to use this function.
You must set a LEADTOOLS runtime license. For more information see Setting a Runtime license.
-1752 NoServerLicense Requires a LEADTOOLS server license.
You are trying to create a server application but your LEADTOOLS runtime license does not unlock server application support. Contact LEAD
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality.
Contact LEAD.
-1753 IncorrectWidthAdjusted The width seems to be incorrect and has been automatically adjusted.
-1754 InvalidLicense Invalid runtime license.
The LEADTOOLS runtime license you provided is invalid.
-1755 InvalidServerLicense Invalid runtime server license.
The LEADTOOLS runtime license you provided is invalid.
-1756 UserNotRegisteredForServerLicense Specified user for server license was not registered.
-1757 AppNotRegisteredForServerLicense Specified app for server license was not registered.
-1758 ConnectionToLicenseServerFailed Connection to license server failed.
-1759 ServerLicenseNotActivated Server runtime license has not been activated or machine has changed.
If you have moved your application to a new machine, you must de-activate and re-active your server license. Contact LEAD.
-1760 OcrNotEnabled OCR not enabled.
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD.
-1761 OcrPdfNotEnabled OCR PDF not enabled.
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD.
-1762 OcrOmrNotEnabled OCR OMR not enabled.
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality. Contact LEAD.
-1763 OcrEngineNotStarted OCR engine not started.
-1764 OcrLanguageNotSupported OCR language not supported.
-1765 OcrComponentMissing OCR component missing.
-1766 OcrInvalidSettingName Invalid OCR setting name.
-1767 OcrInvalidSettingType Invalid OCR setting type.
-1768 OcrInvalidSettingValue Invalid OCR setting value.
-1769 OcrInvalidZoneType Invalid OCR zone type.
-1770 OcrInitialization OCR engine initialization error, or there is no appropriate license.
-1771 OcrError OCR generic error.
-1772 OcrSpellcheckerNotFound Error loading spell checker or one of its dependencies.
-1773 PstCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Pst.dll library is missing.
-1774 OcrMultipleAsianLanguagesNotAllowed Enabling multiple Asian languages not allowed.
-1775 MediaStreamingNotEnabled LEADTOOLS Media Streaming is required to use this function
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality.
Contact LEAD.
-1776 XmpCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Xmp.dll library is missing.
-1777 X9fCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.X9f.dll library is missing.
-1778 FileSizeTooBig The file size is too big for selected format (eg: trying to create a TIFF file > 4GB).
-1779 FormatMismatch File format mismatch (eg: trying to save a TIFF page into a BigTIFF file).
-1780 FileInfoUpdated The FILEINFO structure has been updated. The file can be reloaded.
-1781 TagValueTooBig LONG/SLONG tag value exceeded the 32-bit range (can occur in CompactTIFF when you convert BigTIFF file to regular TIFF).
-1782 InvalidYuvFormat The YUV format is not supported.
-1783 InvalidYuvSize The size of the YUV buffer is incorrect.
-1784 DrawingDllMissing The Leadtools.Drawing.dll library is missing.
-1785 InvalidLicenseVersion Invalid runtime license version.
-1786 MaxOpenFiles Too many open files.
-1787 InvalidPageNumbers The first or last page number is incorrect.
-1788 DocumentWriterMissing The Leadtools.Document.Writer.dll library is missing.
-1789 ThreeJSCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.3js.dll library is missing.
-1790 NoLicense No runtime license was set.
You must set a LEADTOOLS runtime license. For more information see: Setting a Runtime license
Contact LEAD to obtain a runtime license file.
-1791 SpecialEffectsDllMissing The library is missing.
-1792 TxtCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Txt.dll library is missing.
-1793 MrcDllMissing The library is missing.
-1794 PdfCompressorDllMissing The Leadtools.PdfCompressor.dll library is missing.
-1795 CreditCardDllMissing The Leadtools.CreditCards.dll library is missing.
-1796 PdfDllMissing The Leadtools.Pdf.dll library is missing.
-1797 CmxCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Cmx.dll library is missing.
-1798 DgnCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Dgn.dll library is missing.
-1799 E00CodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.E00.dll library is missing.
-1808 PtkCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Ptk.dll library is missing.
-1809 DocCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Doc.dll library is missing.
-1810 DoxCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Dox.dll library is missing.
-1811 PptCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Ppt.dll library is missing.
-1812 PpxCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Ppx.dll library is missing.
-1813 XlsCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Xls.dll library is missing.
-1814 XlxCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Xlx.dll library is missing.
-1815 PnmCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Pnm.dll library is missing.
-1816 WmpCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Wmp.dll library is missing.
-1817 CutCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Cut.dll library is missing.
-1818 ImgCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Img.dll library is missing.
-1819 MacCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Mac.dll library is missing.
-1820 SmpCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Smp.dll library is missing.
-1821 XpmCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Xpm.dll library is missing.
-1822 AnzCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Anz.dll library is missing.
-1823 SctCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Sct.dll library is missing.
-1824 TfxCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Tfx.dll library is missing.
-1825 AniCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Ani.dll library is missing.
-1826 DrawingMPDllMissing The Leadtools.Drawing.MP.dll library is missing.
-1827 GbrCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Gbr.dll library is missing.
-1828 NapCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Nap.dll library is missing.
-1829 PclCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Pcl.dll library is missing.
-1830 PctCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Pct.dll library is missing.
-1831 AfpCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Afp.dll library is missing.
-1832 CalCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Cal.dll library is missing.
-1833 IcaCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Ica.dll library is missing.
-1834 LmaCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Lma.dll library is missing.
-1835 StlCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Stl.dll library is missing.
-1836 Barcode1dWriteMissing The Leadtools.Barcode.OneD.dll library is missing.
-1837 BarcodePdfWriteMissing The Leadtools.Barcode.PdfWrite.dll library is missing.
-1838 BarcodeDatamatrixWriteMissing The Leadtools.Barcode.DatamatrixWrite.dll library is missing.
-1839 BarcodeQrWriteMissing The Leadtools.Barcode.QrWrite.dll library is missing.
-1840 Barcode2dWriteMissing The Leadtools.Barcode.Lead2DWrite.dll library is missing.
-1841 CodecIgnored The file filter needed to support this format has been marked as ignored.
-1842 EcwCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Ecw.dll library is missing.
-1843 FpxCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Fpx.dll library is missing.
-1844 AwdCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Awd.dll library is missing.
-1845 XbmCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Xbm.dll library is missing.
-1846 FileAccessDenied Access denied.
-1847 FileDelete Error deleting file.
-1848 NoPages The document has no pages.
-1849 FolderCreate Error creating folder.
-1850 FilenameAlreadyRegistered (Internal) Filename already registered.
-1851 InvalidUnicodeString The Unicode string could not be converted to ANSI because it contains characters not supported by the current ANSI page.
-1852 InvalidFileHandle (Internal error) Invalid file handle.
-1853 TempFileDiskDisabled Feature requires physical disk temporary files.
-1854 FileWriteOnly File/stream is write-only. Cannot open file/stream with read access.
-1855 FileReadDenied Read access was denied. The operation needs to be able to read from the file/stream.
-1856 FileWriteDenied Write access was denied. The operation needs to be able to write to the file/stream.
-1857 WebKitEngineMissing The Leadtools.WebKitEngine.dll library is missing.
-1858 FeatureNotSupportedOnThisPlatform Support for the requested feature is unavailable on this platform.
-1859 FileCorrupted The file format is recognized, but is corrupted.
-1860 InvalidIndex Invalid index.
-1861 GdiError Generic GDI error.
-1862 DocumentWriterAltoMissing The library is missing.
-1863 FileOperationFailed The file format is recognized, but the operation failed.
-1864 OpenSSLDllMissing OpenSSL DLL is missing.
-1865 ExternalProcessTerminated The external process was terminated abnormally.
-1866 DocWrtInvalidAltoXmlIndentation The Alto XML indentation contains invalid (non-space) characters.
-1867 OcrZoneOutsideBitmap One or more zones is completely outside the bitmap (zones were probably created for a bigger bitmap).
-1868 PdfUtilitiesInvalid The Leadtools.Pdf.Utilities.dll library is invalid or out of date.
-1869 AttachmentNotFound The requested attachment was not found.
-1870 NoAttachments The file has no attachments.
-1871 ColorConversionDllInvalid Leadtools.ColorConversion.dll is invalid or corrupted.
-1872 NotTiffFile The file passed to this function is not a TIFF file.
-1873 SvgNotEnabled SVG support is locked
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality.
Contact LEAD.
-1874 AnnotationsNotEnabled Annotations support is locked
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality.
Contact LEAD.
-1875 IcrMissing The library is missing.
-1876 Encrypted The source file is encrypted and no password was provided.
-1877 RedirectToFilter Internal error - redirect to another filter.
-1878 MLMissing The Leadtools.ML.dll library is missing.
-1879 HeifGettingItemData Error getting the item data.
-1880 HeifTilesDifferentSize Not all tiles have the same size.
-1881 HeifInvalidGridData The grid data is invalid.
-1882 HeifInvalidCompressionParams Invalid compression parameters - call LEAD.
-1883 HeifCodecMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Heif.dll library is missing.
-1884 HeifInvalidBoxSize Invalid box size.
-1885 HeifComponentsHaveDifferentBitDepths Luma & Chroma components have different bit depths.
-1886 HeifInvalidExifMetadata The exif metadata format is invalid - call LEAD.
-1887 HeifUnsupportedImageType Unsupported image type - call LEAD.
-1888 HeifReferencesMissing Some references are missing.
-1889 HeifEncoderFailure Generic error encoding the data.
-1890 HeifUnsupportedChromaFormat Unsupported chroma format - call LEAD.
-1891 HeifDecoderFailure Generic error decoding the data - call LEAD.
-1892 HeifCompressedDataHasNoFrame The compressed data stream contains no frame.
-1893 NoExifMetadata The file has no Exif metadata.
-1894 TooManyTempFiles There are too many files in the temp folder.
-1895 DocumentCoreMissing The Leadtools.Document.Core.dll library is missing.
-1896 AllPagesOutRange All the specified pages are out of document page range.
-1897 DocumentEditingNotEnabled Document Editing support is locked
Your runtime license does not include support for this functionality.
Contact LEAD.
-1898 DocumentWriterDocxMissing The library is missing.
-1899 DocumentWriterRtfMissing The library is missing.
-1900 DocumentWriterTxtMissing The library is missing.
-1901 ImageReadOnly Image processing is not allowed on this image because it is part of a RasterImage allocated with NoFreeDataOnDispose.
-1902 TempFileCreateAccessDenied An access denied error occurred trying to create a temporary file. Check the access rights for the temp folder.
-1903 TempFileCreate An unknown error occurred trying to create a temporary file. Make sure you can create files in the temp folder.
-1904 FeatureNotSupportedForThisFormat Feature not supported for this format.
-1905 MemoryLimit You have exceeded the amount of memory allowed for RasterImage allocations. See RasterDefaults::MemoryThreshold::MaximumGlobalRasterImageMemory.
-1906 BitmapTooBig The bitmap is too big. Try loading it at a lower resolution.
-1907 FeatureNotSupportedOnThisOperatingSystem Support for the requested feature is unavailable on this operating system.
-1908 TwainMissing The Leadtools.Twain.dll library is missing.
-1909 WiaMissing The Leadtools.Wia.dll library is missing.
-1910 InvalidCodecsRasterizeDocumentOptions The RASTERIZEDOCOPTIONS are invalid.
-1911 ColorConversion Generic color conversion error.
-1912 CommonDialogsFileMissing The Leadtools.WinForms.CommonDialogs.File.dll library is missing.
-1913 ScreenCaptureMissing The Leadtools.ScreenCapture.dll library is missing.
-1914 SpecialEffectsMissing The Leadtools.SpecialEffects.dll library is missing.
-1915 PrinterMissing The Leadtools.Printer.dll library is missing.
-1916 CommonDialogsKernelMissing The library is missing.
-1917 CommonDialogsUtilitiesMissing The library is missing.
-1918 CommonDialogsCommonMissing The library is missing.
-1919 CommonDialogsControlsMissing The library is missing.
-1921 SpeechRecognitionMissing The library is missing.

Target Platforms

See Also


Leadtools Namespace

Help Version 22.0.2023.5.16
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© 1991-2023 LEAD Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Leadtools Assembly
Products | Support | Contact Us | Intellectual Property Notices
© 1991-2023 LEAD Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.