

Type Name Description
long DryMix Controls the level of unprocessed signals. Adjust to control the mixed amount of the unprocessed signal.
long WetMix Controls the level of processed signals. Adjust to control the mixed amount of the processed signal.
long Delay Controls the level of echo, increased values will result an increase in the delay time.
long Feedback Feedback of the repeated signal, by default from -100 to 100. Zero feedback will result in only a single repeat, while nonzero feedback settings will generate numerous repeats.
VARIANT_BOOL Enabled Indicates weather the echo effect is enabled (VARIANT_TRUE) or not (VARIANT_FALSE).
long DefaultDryMix Default Dry Mix value. Original default value is 70.
long DefaultWetMix Default Wet Mix value. Original default value is 50.
long DefaultDelay Default delay value. Original default value is 500.
long DefaultFeedback Default feedback value. Original default value is 25.
VARIANT_BOOL DefaultEnabled Default for bEnabled value. Original default value is VARIANT_TRUE.
long NumChannels Number of channels per sample of the current media format.
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