LEAD Video EFX Predator Filter User Interface

Creates an effect similar to those used in the Predator movies. The property page is shown in the figure below:

Video EFX Predator Filter property page

Use the Video EFX Predator Filter property page to change the properties of the filter. Changes will be applied directly to the streaming media with the ability to set them permanently by selecting Apply or OK, or abandoning them by selecting Cancel. To display general information about a control, position the mouse pointer over a control.

Control Description
Enable check box Enables/Disables the effect.
First frame as reference check box Enables or disables setting the first frame in every play session as the reference frame. If this is selected, the first frame in every play session will be set as the reference frame (Usually the first frame in a movie). If this is cleared, then the reference frame should be set manually after a number of frames. Setting this property after the stream starts will have no effect.
Set current frame as reference button Sets the current frame as the reference frame.
Threshold slider Value used to control an object's detection level. A lower threshold provides stronger object detection. Range: 1 to 100.
Horizontal Pixels edit box Value used to control the horizontal pixels that will be displace. Range 0 to video width.
Vertical Pixels edit box Value used to control the vertical pixels that will be displace. Range 0 to video height.
Horizontal Direction drop-down list box Value used to control the horizontal displacement direction.
Vertical Direction drop-down list box Value used to control the vertical displacement direction.
Help Version 22.0.2023.2.15
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