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ILMRTSPResponseBuilder Interface

This interface is used for building the RTSP command response which will be sent by the RTSP Server to the RTSP client. The interface is created by the LEAD RTSP Sink filter and passed to the ILMRTSPServerMedia::HandleCommand method whenever an RTSP command is received from the RTSP client.

You are expected to parse and interpret the RTSP command using the ILMRTSPCommandParser interface and build a response into this interface.


Type Name Description
long ResponseCode This property indicates the response code. The default is 551 (indicating an error).So you must change this property to 200 to indicate success. For a full list of the possible RTSP responses, see "RFC 2326 - Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)".
BSTR ResponseString A string to be sent along with the ResponseCode to the client. This property is updated automatically whenever you update the ResponseCode property. But you can also update it yourself with a more meaningful string after you change ResponseCode.
BSTR ContentType A string indicating the content type. The default value is empty string ". This value will be put in the response with the "Content-Type: " prefix and tells the RTSP client the form of the content. You should set this in commands that expect content, like DESCRIBE. The most common content type is "application/sdp", which is what most RTSP clients will expect for the DESCRIBE command.


HRESULT AddHeaderField(BSTR fieldName, BSTR fieldValue)


Adds a header field.



String indicating the field name.


String indicating the field value.


The header fields have the format:

<header-field>: <header-value>

For example, the following call can be used to add the sessionID field:

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hr = pBuilder->AddHeaderField(L"Session", L"MySessionString;timeout=70"); 

After this, the RTSP response will contain the following information in the header:

Session: MySessionString;timeout=80


Return Description
S_OK Successful.
< 0 An error occurred.
E_OUTOFMEMORY Out of memory.
E_POINTER At least one of the parameters is NULL.

HRESULT AddContent(BSTR content)


Adds one or more lines of content. And end-of-line is added to any existing content to separate previous content from this content being added.



String indicating one or more lines of content.


The content being added should match the type indicated by the ContentType property.

For example, the following code will set the content type, add a few lines of content and call ILMRTSPServerSession::HandleCommand to finalize the response for a DESCRIBE command:

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// In this example, CRTSPServerFolderMedia is implementing the ILMRTSPServerMedia 
// The class has a sink interface used to get the DESCRIBE information declared as follows: 
//      ILMRTSPServerSession *m_pDescribeSession; 
HRESULT CRTSPServerFolderMedia::HandleDescribeCommand(ILMRTSPServer *pServer, ILMRTSPCommandParser *pParser, ILMRTSPResponseBuilder *pBuilder, DWORD_PTR socket) 
   /* UpdateDescribeSessionFilename is another class member that updates the graph containing m_pDescribeSession filter instance with the source file indicated in pParser */ 
   HRESULT hr = UpdateDescribeSessionFilename(pParser); 
      // if UpdateDescribeSessionFilename failed, then the file does not exist or is not supported 
      // so just set the ResponseCode to an appropriate error code and return 
      pBuilder->put_ResponseCode(hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) ? 404 : 415); 
      return hr; 
   // I can handle the file, so set the ContentType to application/sdp and 
   // add the content values the filter does not know about 
   hr = pBuilder->put_ContentType(L"application/sdp"); 
      hr = AddContent(pBuilder, L"v=0"); 
      hr = AddContent(pBuilder, L"o=- 0 0 IN IP4"); 
      hr = AddContent(pBuilder, L"s=Test session"); 
   // in this case, I am playing the whole file from start (position 0sec) 
      hr = AddContent(pBuilder, L"a=range:npt=0-"); 
   // let ILMRTSPServerSession::HandleCommand fill the other content values describing the media streams 
      hr = m_pDescribeSession->HandleCommand(pServer, pParser, pBuilder, socket); 
      hr = pBuilder->put_ResponseCode(200); // SUCCESS! 
   return hr; 


Return Description
S_OK Successful.
< 0 An error occurred.
E_OUTOFMEMORY Out of memory.

HRESULT RemoveAllContent()


Removes all content previously added with AddContent.


S_OK (the function never fails).

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