ILMVBumpMap Interface


Type Name Description
VARIANT_BOOL Enabled Enables or disables the effect. If set to VARIANT_FALSE, the filter will pass the video samples intact.
long LightAngle Controls the light angle on a horizontal plane (360 degree). Range: 0 to 360.
long Elevation Controls the light angle on a vertical plane (90 degree). Range: 0 to 90.
long Depth Controls the depth of the object, which will affect the shadow. 0 creates no shadow; higher values create deeper shadows. Range: 1 to 65.
long XOffset Horizontal offset of the resulting frames. Negative values shift to the left; positive values shift to the right. Range: -(Width-1) to Width-1, where Width is the video width.
long YOffset Vertical offset of the resulting frames. Negative values shift down; positive values shift up. Range: -(Height-1) to Height-1, where Height is the video height.
long Ambient Controls the relative strength of a directional light. This property is used to control the shadow intensity. A higher value results in less shadow. Range: 0 to 255.
VARIANT_BOOL UseBuffer Flag that indicates which buffer to use. Possible values are:
• VARIANT_TRUE - Use the buffer set in the SetMapBuffer method.
• VARIANT_FALSE - Use the source video buffer.
If this property is VARIANT_TRUE but no buffer has been set using the SetMapBuffer method, the source video buffer is used.
VARIANT_BOOL Invert Flag that indicates whether to invert shadow and light in the movie. Possible values are:
• VARIANT_TRUE - Invert shadow and light.
• VARIANT_FALSE - Do not invert shadow and light.
VARIANT_BOOL EffectAreaEnabled Enables or disables the effect for a cropped video area. Area limits are set using the Left, Top, Right and Bottom properties.
long Left Left boundary of the effect area.
long Top Top boundary of the effect area.
long Right Right boundary of the effect area.
long Bottom Bottom boundary of the effect area.


HRESULT SetMapBuffer (byte *pBuffer, long lWidth, long lHeight)


Sets an unaligned buffer to be used in the bump effect.



Pointer to a map buffer.


Width of the map.


Height of the map.


Return Description
S_OK Successful.
S_FALSE Otherwise.
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