LEADTOOLS Visual Component Library (VCL) Help
    Introduction to LEADTOOLS VCL
    Version History
    Introduction and Overview
    Known Problems
    Programming with LEADTOOLS
    Redistributables/Files to be Included With Your Application
    File Formats
    Tutorials and Code Samples
       C++ Builder
          C++ Builder Tutorials
          C++ Builder Miscellaneous Examples
             Miscellaneous Examples (C++ Builder)
             AboutBox example for C++ Builder
             AdaptiveContrast example for C++ Builder
             AddBitmaps example for C++ Builder
             AddBorder example for C++ Builder
             AddFrame example for C++ Builder
             AddMessage example for C++ Builder
             AddNoise example for C++ Builder
             AddShadow Example for C++ Builder
             AddWeightedBitmaps Example for C++ Builder
             Aging Example for C++ Builder
             AlphaBlend Example for C++ Builder
             AnimationEnable Example for C++ Builder
             AnnAddUserHandle example for C++ Builder
             AnnAdjustPoint example for C++ Builder
             AnnAutoCursor example for C++ Builder
             AnnAutoDialogFontSize Example for C++ Builder
             AnnAutoDrawEnable Example for C++ Builder
             AnnAutomation Example for C++ Builder
             AnnAutoHilightPen example for C++ Builder
             AnnAutoMenuEnable Example for C++ Builder
             AnnAutoResize Example for C++ Builder
             AnnAutoRotate Example for C++ Builder
             AnnBoundingRect... example for C++ Builder
             AnnChangeUserHandle example for C++ Builder
             AnnDataPath Example for C++ Builder
             AnnDefine2 example for C++ Builder
             AnnDeletePage example for C++ Builder
             AnnDeletePageMemory example for C++ Builder
             AnnDeleteUserHandle example for C++ Builder
             AnnDestroy Example for C++ Builder
             AnnEncryptApply example for C++ Builder
             AnnEnumerateHandles example for C++ Builder
             AnnEnumerateTextToken example for C++ Builder
             AnnFixed example for C++ Builder
             AnnGetAngle Example for C++ Builder
             AnnGetAutoMenuItemEnable Example for C++ Builder
             AnnGetBitmapDpiX Example for C++ Builder
             AnnGetDistance example for C++ Builder
             AnnGetDistance2 example for C++ Builder
             AnnGetGrouping Example for C++ Builder
             AnnGetHyperlinkParam Example for C++ Builder
             AnnGetHyperlinkString Example for C++ Builder
             AnnGetHyperlinkType Example for C++ Builder
             AnnGetNameOffsetX example for C++ Builder
             AnnGetNameRestrict example for C++ Builder
             AnnGetNodes Example for C++ Builder
             AnnGetObjectFromTag Example for C++ Builder
             AnnGetPointCount Example for C++ Builder
             AnnGetPredefinedMetafile Example for C++ Builder
             AnnGetSecondaryMetafile example for C++ Builder
             AnnGetSelectList Example for C++ Builder
             AnnGetTopContainer Example for C++ Builder
             AnnGetUserHandles example for C++ Builder
             AnnGetVisible Example for C++ Builder
             AnnGroup Example for C++ Builder
             AnnHandle example for C++ Builder
             AnnHitTestExt example for C++ Builder
             AnnHyperlinkMenuEnable Example for C++ Builder
             AnnInsert Example for C++ Builder
             AnnInsertTextTokenTable example for C++ Builder
             AnnIsFixedRect example for C++ Builder
             AnnLock Example for C++ Builder
             AnnMove Example for C++ Builder
             AnnNameBoundingRectLeft example for C++ Builder
             AnnNameOptions example for C++ Builder
             AnnNameRectLeft example for C++ Builder
             AnnOptions Example for C++ Builder
             AnnPointOptions example for C++ Builder
             AnnPopFixedState example for C++ Builder
             AnnPredefinedBitmap example for C++ Builder
             AnnPushFixedState example for C++ Builder
             AnnRectHeight Example for C++ Builder
             AnnRectLeft Example for C++ Builder
             AnnRectTop Example for C++ Builder
             AnnRectWidth Example for C++ Builder
             AnnRestrictCursor example for C++ Builder
             AnnRestrictToContainer example for C++ Builder
             AnnRotate Example for C++ Builder
             AnnRTFText example for C++ Builder
             AnnSaveMemory Example for C++ Builder
             AnnSaveTag Example for C++ Builder
             AnnSelectRect Example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetAutoMenuItemEnable Example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetAutoText Example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetBackColor example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetBitmap Example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetFillMode example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetFillPattern example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetFontBold example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetFontItalic example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetFontName example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetFontSize example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetFontStrikeThrough example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetFontUnderline example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetForeColor example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetGaugeLength example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetGrouping Example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetHyperlinkMsg Example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetLineStyle example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetLineWidth example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetMetafile Example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetPoints example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetPolyFillMode example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetROP2 Example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetScalarX example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetSecondaryBitmap Example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetShowFlags Example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetText example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetUnit example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetUser Example for C++ Builder
             AnnSetWnd example for C++ Builder
             AnnShowLockedIcon Example for C++ Builder
             AnnTextAlign example for C++ Builder
             AnnTextExpandTokens example for C++ Builder
             AnnTextRotate example for C++ Builder
             AnnTicMarkLength example for C++ Builder
             AnnUndo Example for C++ Builder
             AnnUndoDepth Example for C++ Builder
             AnnUndoEnable Example for C++ Builder
             AnnUngroup Example for C++ Builder
             AnnUnlock Example for C++ Builder
             AnnUnrealize Example for C++ Builder
             AnnUserHandle example for C++ Builder
             AntiAlias Example for C++ Builder
             ApplyMathLogic Example for C++ Builder
             ApplyModalityLUT Example for C++ Builder
             ApplyVOILUT Example for C++ Builder
             AutoAnimate Example for C++ Builder
             AutoBinary Example for C++ Builder
             AutoCADFilesColorScheme example for C++ Builder
             AutoColorLevel Example for C++ Builder
             AutoSize Example for C++ Builder
             AutoTrim example for C++ Builder
             Average example for C++ Builder
             BackColor (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             BackColor example for C++ Builder
             BackErase example for C++ Builder
             BalanceColors example for C++ Builder
             Bending Example for C++ Builder
             BinaryFilter example for C++ Builder
             BitmapAlpha example for C++ Builder
             BitmapCompression Example for C++ Builder
             BitmapDataPath Example for C++ Builder
             BitmapOrder Example for C++ Builder
             BitmapToClient example for C++Builder
             BitmapXres and BitmapYres example for C++ Builder
             BitonalScaling (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             BitonalScaling example for C++ Builder
             BorderColor (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             BorderRemove example for C++ Builder
             BrowseDir (Thumbnail Browser Control) example for C++ Builder
             BumpMap Example for C++ Builder
             ButtonColumns Example for C++ Builder
             ButtonMenuTool Example for C++ Builder
             ButtonRows Example for C++ Builder
             ButtonVisible Example for C++ Builder
             CancelFloater example for C++ Builder
             Capture example for C++ Builder
             CenterImage example for C++ Builder
             ChangeHueSatInt Example for C++ Builder
             ChannelMix Example for C++ Builder
             Clear (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             ClientToBitmap example for C++Builder
             ColorCount example for C++ Builder
             ColorIntensityBalance Example for C++ Builder
             ColorizeGray Example for C++ Builder
             ColorLevel Example for C++ Builder
             ColorReplace Example for C++ Builder
             ColorRes example for C++ Builder
             ColorResList Example for C++ Builder
             ColorThreshold Example for C++ Builder
             Combine example for C++ Builder
             CombineExt example for C++ Builder
             CombineWarp example for C++ Builder
             Comment example for C++ Builder
             ContinueBrowse (Thumbnail Browser Control) example for C++ Builder
             ContourFilter example for C++ Builder
             Contrast example for C++ Builder
             ContrastBrightIntensity Example for C++ Builder
             ConvertToColoredGray example for C++ Builder
             ConvertUnsignedToSigned example for C++ Builder
             CopyMarkers example for C++ Builder
             Correlation Example for C++ Builder
             CountLUTColors Example for C++ Builder
             CreateBitmap, Size, and Combine example for C++ Builder
             CreateMaskFromBitmapRgn example for C++ Builder
             CreateTB Example for C++ Builder
             CreateThumbnailFromFile example for C++ Builder
             Creating and Saving an Animated GIF File example for C++ Builder
             Cubism Example for C++ Builder
             CurveToBezier example for C++ Builder
             Cylindrical Example for C++ Builder
             DDB example for C++ Builder
             Deinterlace Example for C++ Builder
             DeleteBitmapListItems example for C++ Builder
             DeleteMarker example for C++ Builder
             DeleteMarkerAt example for C++ Builder
             DeletePage example for C++ Builder
             Desaturate Example for C++ Builder
             Deskew example for C++ Builder
             Despeckle example for C++ Builder
             DIB example for C++ Builder
             DiceEffect Example for C++ Builder
             DigitalSubtract Example for C++ Builder
             DirectionEdgeStatistical Example for C++ Builder
             DiscreteFourierTransformation Example for C++ Builder
             DisplayFourierTransformation Example for C++ Builder
             DJVResolution example for C++ Builder
             DocCleanBitmap example for C++ Builder
             DocCleanSuccess example for C++ Builder
             DrawShape example for C++ Builder
             DrawStar Example for C++ Builder
             DrawTextStr example for C++ Builder
             DropFilesAllowed example for C++ Builder
             Dry Example for C++ Builder
             Dst... example for C++ Builder
             DynamicBinary Example for C++ Builder
             EdgeDetectEffect Example for C++ Builder
             EdgeDetector example for C++ Builder
             EdgeDetectStatistical Example for C++ Builder
             Emboss example for C++ Builder
             EnableFloater example for C++ Builder
             EnableKeyboard (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             EnableMethodErrors (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             EnableMethodErrors (Thumbnail Browser Control) example for C++ Builder
             EnableMethodErrors example for C++ Builder
             EnableOLEDragMethod (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             EnableOLEDragMethod (Main Control) example for C++ Builder
             EnableZoomInRect example for C++ Builder
             EnumTags example for C++ Builder
             Error (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             ErrorMsg (Main Control) example for C++ Builder
             Exif example for C++ Builder
             ExportBitmapList example for C++ Builder
             ExtractMessage Example for C++ Builder
             FastFourierTransformation Example for C++ Builder
             FastRotate example for C++ Builder
             FeatherAlphaBlend example for C++ Builder
             FeatherAlphaBlendExt example for C++Builder
             FeedLoad example for C++ Builder
             Fill example for C++ Builder
             Flip example for C++ Builder
             FloaterDstClip... example for C++ Builder
             Font (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             ForeColor (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             Frame... example for C++ Builder
             FreeHandShear Example for C++ Builder
             FreeHandWave Example for C++ Builder
             FreePlaneBend Example for C++ Builder
             FreeRadBend Example for C++ Builder
             FrequencyFilter Example for C++ Builder
             FrequencyFilterMask Example for C++ Builder
             FunctionalLight Example for C++ Builder
             GammaCorrect example for C++ Builder
             GaussianFilter example for C++ Builder
             GetBitmapClipSegments example for C++ Builder
             GetBitmapDC example for C++ Builder
             GetBitmapRow example for C++ Builder
             GetBitmapRowCol example for C++ Builder
             GetDIB example for C++Builder
             GetFeretsDiameter Example for C++ Builder
             GetFileInfo example for C++ Builder
             GetFloaterHandle example for C++ Builder
             GetFunctionalLookupTable example for C++ Builder
             GetHistogram example for C++ Builder
             GetHistogramGray example for C++Builder
             GetLinearVOILUT Example for C++ Builder
             GetMarkers example for C++ Builder
             GetMemoryThresholds example for C++ Builder
             GetMinMaxBits example for C++ Builder
             GetMinMaxVal example for C++ Builder
             GetObjectInfo Example for C++ Builder
             GetPixelData example for C++ Builder
             GetRgnBounds example for C++ Builder
             GetRgnHandle example for C++ Builder
             GetRgnPerimeterLength Example for C++ Builder
             GetStatisticsInfo Example for C++ Builder
             GetTransformationParameters Example for C++ Builder
             GetUserLookupTable example for C++ Builder
             GlassEffect Example for C++ Builder
             GlowFilter Example for C++ Builder
             Grayscale example for C++ Builder
             GrayscaleExt example for C++ Builder
             GrayScaleToDuotone Example for C++ Builder
             GrayScaleToMultitone Example for C++ Builder
             h_Wnd example for C++ Builder
             Halftone example for C++ Builder
             HasMagGlass example for C++ Builder
             HasRgn example for C++ Builder
             hDocCleanRgn example for C++ Builder
             HistoContrast example for C++ Builder
             HistoEqualize example for C++ Builder
             HistogramTableSize example for C++ Builder
             HitTest (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             HolesRemovalRgn Example for C++ Builder
             HScrollInfo example for C++ Builder
             HScrollStep example for C++ Builder
             HSV_HfromRGB example for C++Builder
             Hue example for C++ Builder
             IgnoreFilters Example for C++ Builder
             ImportBitmapList example for C++ Builder
             Impressionist Example for C++ Builder
             InfoColorSpace example for C++ Builder
             InfoHasAlpha example for C++ Builder
             InfoLayers example for C++ Builder
             InfoViewPerspective example for C++Builder
             Insert (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             InsertAt (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             InsertBitmapListItem Example for C++ Builder
             InsertFromBitmapList (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             InsertMarker example for C++ Builder
             Intensity example for C++ Builder
             IntensityDetect example for C++ Builder
             Invert example for C++ Builder
             InvertedText example for C++ Builder
             ISISAcquire example for C++Builder 4.0
             ISISAcquireMulti example for C++Builder 4.0
             ISISGetASCIITag example for C++ Builder
             ISISGetASCIITagChoiceCount example for C++ Builder
             ISISGetTagChoiceCount example for C++ Builder
             IsISISAvailable example for C++Builder 4.0
             ISISSelect example for C++Builder 4.0
             ISISSetScanOptions example for C++Builder 4.0
             IsPtInRgn (Main Control) example for C++ Builder
             IsRegMark Example for C++ Builder
             IsSigned example for C++ Builder
             IsSupportLocked (ISIS Control) example for C++Builder 4.0
             Item (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             ItemBackgroundColor (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             ItemWidth (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             J2KCompressionControl example for C++ Builder
             J2KCompressionRatio example for C++ Builder
             J2KSetDefaults example for C++ Builder
             J2KTargetFileSize example for C++ Builder
             J2KUseROI example for C++ Builder
             JBIG2Options example for C++ Builder
             LensFlare Example for C++ Builder
             LevelLowBit example for C++ Builder
             LevelLUT example for C++ Builder
             LevelLUTLength example for C++ Builder
             Light Example for C++ Builder
             LightControl Example for C++ Builder
             LineProfile example for C++ Builder
             LineRemove example for C++ Builder
             LoadDatabase example for C++ Builder
             LoadFast example for C++ Builder
             LoadFileTile example for C++ Builder
             LoadFromFile (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             LoadIFD example for C++ Builder
             LoadMarkers example for C++ Builder
             LoadMemory example for C++ Builder
             LoadMemoryTile example for C++ Builder
             LoadResize example for C++ Builder
             LoadUseViewPerspective example for C++ Builder
             LocalHistoEqualize Example for C++ Builder
             MagGlassPaintContrast Example for C++ Builder
             MagGlassPointer example for C++ Builder
             MathFunction Example for C++ Builder
             MaxFilter example for C++ Builder
             Median example for C++ Builder
             MinFilter example for C++ Builder
             Mosaic example for C++ Builder
             MotionBlur example for C++ Builder
             Multiply Example for C++ Builder
             MultiScaleEnhancement Example for C++ Builder
             Ocean Example for C++ Builder
             OCXBitmap example for C++ Builder
             Oilify example for C++ Builder
             OnAnimate Event Example for C++ Builder
             OnAnnChange Example for C++ Builder
             OnAnnEnumerate Example for C++ Builder
             OnAnnLocked Example for C++ Builder
             OnAnnMenu Example for C++ Builder
             OnAnnMouseDown Example for C++ Builder
             OnAnnSelect Example for C++ Builder
             OnAnnToolChecked Example for C++ Builder
             OnAnnToolDestroy Example for C++ Builder
             OnAnnUnlocked Example for C++ Builder
             OnBitmapDataPathClosed example for C++ Builder
             OnChange example for C++ Builder
             OnEnumerateMarkers example for C++ Builder
             OnFilePage Event Example for C++ Builder
             OnItemSelected (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             OnLoadInfo example for C++ Builder
             OnOLECompleteDrag (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             OnOLECompleteDrag (Main Control) example for C++ Builder
             OnPaint event example for C++ Builder
             OnRgnChange example for C++ Builder
             OnScroll event example for C++ Builder
             OnZoomInDone example for C++ Builder
             OwnerDrawItem event example for C++ Builder
             OwnerDrawItems example for C++ Builder
             PageCount (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             PaintContrast example for C++ Builder
             PaintDither (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             PaintDither example for C++ Builder
             PaintEffect example for C++ Builder
             PaintGamma example for C++ Builder
             PaintIntensity example for C++ Builder
             PaintMaxPasses example for C++ Builder
             PaintPalette example for C++ Builder
             PaintRgnOnly example for C++ Builder
             PaintROP3 example for C++ Builder
             PaintScaling example for C++ Builder (ImageList Control)
             PaintScaling example for C++ Builder (Main Control)
             PaintSizeMode Example for C++ Builder
             PaintSizeUseDPI example for C++ Builder
             PaintWhileLoad example for C++ Builder
             PaintZoomFactor Example for C++ Builder
             PatternStyle example for C++ Builder
             PCDRes example for C++ Builder
             PDFEncryptFlags example for C++ Builder
             PDFInitDir example for C++ Builder
             PDFSaveUseDPI example for C++ Builder
             PDFXResolution example for C++ Builder
             Picturize example for C++ Builder
             PicturizeBitmapList example for C++ Builder
             PicturizeSingle example for C++ Builder
             Pixel example for C++ Builder
             Pixelate Example for C++ Builder
             Plane Example for C++ Builder
             PlaneBend Example for C++ Builder
             PLTPenColor example for C++ Builder
             Polar Example for C++ Builder
             Posterize example for C++ Builder
             PreferredLoadFormat example for C++ Builder
             PreLoadFilters Example for C++ Builder
             ProgressivePasses Example for C++ Builder
             PTKResolution example for C++ Builder
             Punch Example for C++ Builder
             PuzzleEffect Example for C++ Builder
             RadialBlur Example for C++ Builder
             RadWave Example for C++ Builder
             RasterizeViewportWidth Example for C++ Builder
             RawLoad example for C++ Builder
             RawSave example for C++ Builder
             ReadLoadResolutions Example for C++ Builder
             ReadTagMemory example for C++ Builder
             ReadyState Example for C++ Builder
             RemapHue example for C++Builder
             RemapTableSize example for C++ Builder
             Remove (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             RemoveRedeye example for C++ Builder
             RenderCenter Example for C++ Builder
             RepaintRect example for C++ Builder
             ResizeRgn example for C++ Builder
             RevEffect Example for C++ Builder
             Reverse example for C++ Builder
             RGBfromHSV example for C++Builder
             RgnFrameColor example for C++ Builder
             RgnFrameType example for C++ Builder
             RgnHeight example for C++ Builder
             RgnMarkingMode example for C++ Builder
             RingEffect Example for C++ Builder
             Ripple Example for C++ Builder
             Rotate example for C++ Builder
             RowCount (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             RTFPaperHeight example for C++ Builder
             SampleTarget Example for C++ Builder
             Saturation example for C++ Builder
             Save example for C++ Builder
             SaveBuffer example for C++ Builder
             SaveDatabase example for C++ Builder
             SaveIFD example for C++ Builder
             SaveInterlaced example for C++ Builder
             SaveLayers example for C++ Builder
             SaveLSB example for C++ Builder
             SaveMemory example for C++ Builder
             SaveOffset example for C++ Builder
             SaveOldJTIF example for C++Builder
             SavePage example for C++ Builder
             SaveResolutionCount example for C++ Builder
             SaveTileWidth example for C++ Builder
             SaveToFile (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             SaveWithStamp example for C++ Builder
             ScrollItems (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             ScrollStyle (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             Segment Example for C++ Builder
             SelectAll (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             SelectData Example for C++ Builder
             SelectedItems example for C++ Builder
             SelectionColor (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             SelectionStyle (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             SelectiveColor Example for C++ Builder
             SetMemoryThresholds example for C++ Builder
             SetRgn... example for C++ Builder
             SetRgnBorder example for C++ Builder
             SetRgnColorHSVRange example for C++Builder
             SetRgnColorRGBRange example for C++Builder
             SetRgnFromMask example for C++ Builder
             SetRgnMagicWand example for C++ Builder
             SetRgnRect example for C++ Builder
             SetRgnRoundRect example for C++ Builder
             SetSelectionBitmap example for C++ Builder
             SetSrcClipRect example for C++ Builder
             SetSrcRect example for C++ Builder
             SetTag example for C++ Builder
             Sharpen example for C++ Builder
             Shear example for C++ Builder
             ShiftData Example for C++ Builder
             ShowMagGlass Example for C++ Builder
             Skeleton Example for C++ Builder
             SkipFile example for C++ Builder
             SmoothEdges Example for C++ Builder
             Solarize example for C++ Builder
             Sort (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             SortExt example for C++ Builder
             SpatialFilter example for C++ Builder
             Spherize Example for C++ Builder
             Src... example for C++ Builder
             STable example for C++Builder
             StartMagGlass example for C++ Builder
             StretchIntensity example for C++ Builder
             SubtractBackground Example for C++ Builder
             SwapColors example for C++ Builder
             Swirl Example for C++ Builder
             TextFont example for C++ Builder
             TextPointerFixed example for C++ Builder
             TextureAlphaBlend Example for C++ Builder
             TextWordWrap example for C++ Builder
             TransitionEffect example for C++ Builder
             TransparentColor example for C++ Builder
             Trim example for C++ Builder
             Tunnel Example for C++ Builder
             Underlay example for C++ Builder
             UnlockSupport (ImageList Control) example for C++ Builder
             UnlockSupport (ISIS Control) example for C++Builder 4.0
             UnlockSupport (Thumbnail Browser Control) example for C++ Builder
             UnSharpMask example for C++ Builder
             UseLUT Example for C++ Builder
             UserFilter Example for C++ Builder
             UserPalette and BitmapPalette example for C++ Builder
             Version... example for C++ Builder
             ViewSize example for C++ Builder
             VScrollStep example for C++ Builder
             VTable example for C++Builder
             Wave Example for C++ Builder
             Wind Example for C++ Builder
             WindowLevel example for C++ Builder
             WindowLevelBitmap example for C++ Builder
             WindowLevelFillLUT example for C++Builder
             WMFResolution example for C++ Builder
             WMFResolutionX Example for C++ Builder
             WriteComment example for C++ Builder
             WriteMarkerAction example for C++ Builder
             WriteMetaData example for C++ Builder
             ZoomBlur Example for C++ Builder
             ZoomIn example for C++ Builder
             ZoomWave Example for C++ Builder
    Quick Reference
    Properties, Methods, and Events
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