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ILMONVIFSrc Interface

This is the interface for the LEAD ONVIF Source filter.

This filter can be controlled by using this interface and by passing parameters in the ONVIF Source URL. For more information on the URL parameters, refer to ONVIF Source URL Syntax.

Interface Properties:

Type Name Description
IUnknown * CallbackObj The user callback that will be called when certain events occur. At the moment, there is only one event (EVENTTYPE_NODATAAVAILABLE), which indicates the source filter has not received any data. You can use this callback to receive notifications indicating no data is arriving and cancel the wait.

The user callback object should implement the ILMSrcCallback interface.

LEADTOOLS uses this interface internally when you load a stream using the UDP source filter. The Play and Convert objects will automatically intercept the ILMSrcCallback notifications and will send the ltmmEC_LOADSTATUS event with the ltmmAM_LOADSTATUS_WAITING_FOR_DATA notification to inform you when EVENTTYPE_NODATAAVAILABLE is fired by the ONVIF source. In other words, you do not need to implement the ILMSrcCallback interface to take advantage of this feature. For more information, refer to Aborting Loading From The RTSP, ONVIF, and UDP Source Filters.

VARIANT_BOOL CallInSameThread Enables or disables the calling of the CallbackProc notifications in the same thread that set the ReceiveProcObj property. Possible values are:
Value Meaning
VARIANT_TRUE Call the notifications in the same thread that set the callback. This reduces the performance and requires the application to process messages, otherwise the callback will not get called. It is the default and is required for platforms that have problem with multithreading, like VB 6.0, MFC or DotNet.

This is the default.

VARIANT_FALSE Call the notifications in any thread of the process. Use this setting for best performance in platforms that can handle this. This is the recommended mode for C++ applications. But you should be aware that your callback will not be called in the main thread, so you need to take care when you interact with the user interface.

Enables or disables showing the message box asking the user to enter the username and password for ONVIF servers requiring a username and password.

The default value is VARIANT_FALSE (the ONVIF source filter will not show a message box for entering the username and password).

When VARIANT_FALSE, the ONVIF source will fail to stream from ONVIF servers using security, unless the correct username/password are entered in the URL. If the ONVIF server requires a username/password and the URL does not contain the correct username/password, the filter will fail to load or play the stream with the LTMM_E_RTSP_UNAUTHORIZED (0x80050037) error code. In that case, set this property to VARIANT_TRUE and enter the correct username/password via UI.

Another way to set this property and disable showing the message is to add the "?EnableSecurityUI=0" parameter to the URL. For more information, refer to ONVIF Source URL Syntax.

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