ILMScrCapUserCallback Interface

This is a user callback interface that should be implemented and registered using SetCallbackObject method of the ILMScrCap interface.

Interface Methods:

HRESULT RegionDataProc (long lLeft, long lTop, long lRight, long lBottom, long pUserData)



left border of the selected region in screen coordinates.


top border of the selected region in screen coordinates.


right border of the selected region in screen coordinates.


bottom border of the selected region in screen coordinates.


pointer to user-defined data passed to the SetCallbackObject method of the ILMScrCap interface.


The Screen Capture filter calls this method when the region selection tool is active, to report region selection. It is called only when the user releases the left button of the mouse indicating the end of region selection.

For more information on selecting a region, refer to the SelectRegionTool method of the ILMScrCap interface.


S_OK if successful, S_FALSE otherwise.

HRESULT WindowDataProc (long lWindow, WindowSelectStatusConstants WindowStatus, long pUserData)


lWindow the window handle of the window under the mouse cursor.
WindowStatus a constant that specifies the event for which the method is called. Possible values are:
  WINDOW_SELECT_STATUS_UPDATE The mouse is moved over a new window.
  WINDOW_SELECT_STATUS_SELECTED The left button is pressed; the selection is done.
  WINDOW_SELECT_STATUS_CANCELED The selection process is cancelled. The selection process can be cancelled by pressing the Esc key.
pUserData pointer to user-defined data passed to the SetCallbackObject method of the ILMScrCap interface.


The filter will call this method while the window selection tool is active, to report window selection events. This method will be called in the following situations:

1. When the mouse moves, provided that the window under the cursor is different from the previously reported window.

2. When the selection process is cancelled. The selection process can be cancelled by pressing the Esc key.

3. When the selection process is concluded, by pressing the left button of the mouse.


S_OK if successful, S_FALSE otherwise.

HRESULT NotifyCallbackProc (NotifyCallbackConstants NotifyCallback, long pUserData)


NotifyCallback constant that indicates the event for which this method was called. Possible values are:
  Value Meaning
  NOTIFY_CLOSE The window (capture source) has been closed.
  NOTIFY_MINIMIZE The window (capture source) has been minimized.
  NOTIFY_AREACHANGE The capture area of the window has been changed; this happens if the window was resized or the visible area was changed.
  NOTIFY_CAPWIDTH_EXCEEDED_LIMIT The selected region width exceeded the values in LowerWidthLimit or/and UpperWidthLimit properties.
  NOTIFY_CAPHEIGHT_EXCEEDED_LIMIT The selected region height exceeded the values in LowerHeightLimit or/and UpperHeightLimit properties.
pUserData pointer to user-defined data passed to the SetCallbackObject method of the ILMScrCap interface.


The filter will call this method when the capture source window is closed, minimized, changed or the selected region dimensions exceeded the lower/upper width/height values.


S_OK if successful, S_FALSE otherwise.

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