
The ANNENCRYPTOPTIONS structure provides options on an annotation encrypt object. This encrypt object may be in the encryptor state or the decryptor state.


typedef struct tagANNENCRYPTOPTIONS 
   L_UINT uStructSize; 
   L_UINT uFlags; 
   L_BOOL bEncryptor; 
   L_UINT32 uKey; 
   L_BOOL bNeverEncrypted; 
   pBITMAPHANDLE pEncryptBitmap; 
   L_BOOL bSaveEncryptorKey; 
   L_BOOL bSaveDecryptorKey; 
   L_BOOL bClearEncryptorKey; 
   L_BOOL bClearDecryptorKey; 
   L_UINT uBitmapStructSize; 
   L_INT32 nReserved; 



Size of this structure. Use sizeof(ANNENCRYPTOPTIONS)


Flags that identify which files to set or get. Possible values are one or more of the following constants "or"ed together:

Value Meaning
ANNENCRYPT_TYPE [0x001] Get or set the bEncryptor field.
ANNENCRYPT_KEY [0x002] Get or set the uKey field.
ANNENCRYPT_RESERVED1 [0x004] Reserved for future use.
ANNENCRYPT_NEVER_ENCRYPTED [0x008] Get or set the bNeverEncrypted field.
ANNENCRYPT_ENCRYPT_BITMAP [0x010] Get or set the pEncryptBitmap field.
ANNENCRYPT_SAVE_ENCRYPTOR_KEY [0x020] Get or set the bSaveEncryptorKey field.
ANNENCRYPT_SAVE_DECRYPTOR_KEY [0x040] Get or set the bSaveDecryptorKey field.
ANNENCRYPT_CLEAR_ENCRYPTOR_KEY [0x080] Get or set the bClearEncryptorKey field.
ANNENCRYPT_CLEAR_DECRYPTOR_KEY [0x100] Get or set the bClearDecryptorKey field.
ANNENCRYPT_VIEWPERSPECTIVE [0x200] Reserved for internal use.
ANNENCRYPT_ALL [0x3FF] Get or set all fields.


Flag that indicates whether the object is an encryptor or decryptor. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE The object is an encryptor.
FALSE The object is a decryptor.


Key that is used for the encryption/decryption. This is an unsigned integer with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 4294967295 (0xffffffff). When used in automation using the Encrypt dialog (right-clicking an encryptor), the maximum value is 999999999. When decrypting, use the same key that was used when the encryptor was applied.


Flag that indicates whether you can change the key and location of the decryptor. This field is only relevant for decryptors (bEncryptor is FALSE). Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE The decryptor has never been encrypted. This means that in automation, the key and location of the decryptor can be changed.
FALSE The decryptor was originally an encryptor that was applied. You cannot change the key or location of this kind of decryptor.


Pointer to the bitmap that is being encrypted or decrypted.


Flag that indicates if encryptor keys are saved. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Encryptor keys are saved with L_AnnSave, L_AnnSaveOffset, L_AnnSaveMemory, L_AnnSaveTag.
FALSE Encryptor keys are saved with a value of 0 with L_AnnSave, L_AnnSaveOffset, L_AnnSaveMemory, L_AnnSaveTag.


Flag that indicates if decryptor keys are saved. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Decryptor keys are saved with L_AnnSave, L_AnnSaveOffset, L_AnnSaveMemory, L_AnnSaveTag.
FALSE Decryptor keys are saved with a value of 0 with L_AnnSave, L_AnnSaveOffset, L_AnnSaveMemory, L_AnnSaveTag.


Flag that indicates what happens to encrypt keys after calling L_AnnEncryptApply. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE All encrypt objects whose state has become ‘encryptor’ have the key set to 0.
FALSE All encrypt objects whose state has become ‘encryptor’ have the key unchanged.


Flag that indicates what happens to encrypt keys after calling L_AnnEncryptApply. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE All encrypt objects whose state has become ‘decryptor’ have the key set to 0.
FALSE All encrypt objects whose state has become ‘decryptor’ have the key unchanged.


Size of the BITMAPHANDLE structure. Use sizeof(BITMAPHANDLE).


Reserved for future use. Must set this field to zero.


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