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The DOCWRTTXTOPTIONS structure provides information about a Text file.


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typedef struct _DOCWRTTXTOPTIONS 
   L_BOOL bAddPageNumber; 
   L_BOOL bAddPageBreak; 
   L_BOOL bFormatted; 
   L_UINT32 uFlags; 



Options structure that contains options for a Text file.


Value that indicates Text file type. For possible values, refer to DOCWRTTXTTYPE.


Flag that indicates whether to use page numbers in the created text file. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Write the page numbers in the created text file.
FALSE Do not write page numbers. This is the default value.


Flag that indicates whether to add page breaks in the created text file. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Add page breaks in the created text file.
FALSE Do not add page breaks. This is the default value.


Flag that indicates whether the created text file will be formatted. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Create a formatted text file.
FALSE Create a regular text file (not formatted). This is the default value.


Flag that indicates extra options for writing text files. Currently there are no flags. This is for future use.


pDOCWRTTXTOPTIONS is a pointer to DOCWRTTXTOPTIONS structure. Generally, where a function parameter type is pDOCWRTTXTOPTIONS, you can declare a DOCWRTTXTOPTIONS variable, update the structure's fields, and pass the variable's address in the parameter. Declaring a pDOCWRTTXTOPTIONS variable is necessary only if your program requires a pointer.

Text files are used extensively to provide human-readable representation of data that can easily be exchanged. Text files are generally single-page only, however, special markers can be inserted into the flow of text to denote a page break as well as page numbers.

The LEADTOOLS Document Writers support creating ASCII, UTF8 and UNICODE text documents. The following features are supported:

The uStructSize at Options structure should be set to the size of DOCWRTTXTOPTIONS, Use the sizeof() operator to calculate this value.

If the bFormatted member of this structure is set to TRUE the output file will maintain the same shape as the original file (i.e. margins, lines between paragraphs, etc).

The structure is used by:

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