
Processes each text token in the annotation text token table from the L_AnnEnumerateTextTokenTable function. This function is called zero or more times as a result of a call to L_AnnEnumerateTextTokenTable.


#include "l_bitmap.h"

L_INT pEXT_CALLBACK YourFunction(nTextTokenCount, nIndex, pTextToken, pUserData)


L_INT nTextTokenCount

Total number of tokens in the text token table.

L_INT nIndex

Index of the particular token. The index is zero-based.


A pANNTEXTTOKEN structure that defines the text token. For more information, see the documentation for the pANNTEXTTOKEN structure.

L_VOID *pUserData

Void pointer that you can use to access a variable or structure containing data that your callback function needs. This gives you a way to receive data indirectly from the function that uses this callback function. (This is the same pointer that you pass in the pUserData parameter of the L_AnnEnumerateTextTokenTable function.) Keep in mind that this is a void pointer, which must be cast to the appropriate data type within your callback function.


Value Meaning
SUCCESS The function was successful.
< 1 An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


The L_AnnEnumerateTextTokenTable function calls your callback function for each token in the annotation text token table. For example, suppose there are four entries in the text token table. A call to L_AnnEnumerateTextTokenTable will call your callback function four timesonce for each token. For each of the four calls, nTextTokenCount will be 4. Since nIndex is zero-based, nIndex will be 0 in the first call to your callback function, and 3 in the last call to your callback function.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For an example, refer to L_AnnEnumerateTextTokenTable.

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