Using Annotation Bitmap Objects

(Document and Medical Imaging toolkits)

The following annotation objects utilize bitmaps or metafiles as part of the annotation:







In addition, the Automation object (ANNOBJECT_AUTOMATION) stores bitmap or metafile settings along with the other object default settings.

LEADTOOLS provides the following functions to work with bitmaps or metafiles associated with annotation objects:

L_AnnSetBitmap - Use this function with the ANNOBJECT_STAMP, ANNOBJECT_POINT, and ANNOBJECT_PUSHPIN objects to set the bitmap for the object. The ANNOBJECT_STAMP (including the different Rubber Stamp tools) object can display text, a bitmap, or a metafile. Only one of these three can be displayed at any time. Setting the object to one of these destroys any settings for the other two. Initially, the ANNOBJECT_STAMP displays text. In automation, there are different Rubber Stamp tools available: these are ANNOBJECT_STAMP objects set up to use the different metafiles for each rubber stamp selection (instead of text). The ANNOBJECT_PUSHPIN object displays a bitmap in design mode and a secondary bitmap in run mode.

L_AnnGetBitmap - Use this function with the ANNOBJECT_STAMP, ANNOBJECT_POINT, and ANNOBJECT_PUSHPIN objects to get the handle for bitmap being used for the object. The ANNOBJECT_STAMP (including the different Rubber Stamp tools) objects can display text, a bitmap, or a metafile. Only one of these three can be displayed at any time. Setting the object to one of these destroys any settings for the other two. Initially, the ANNOBJECT_STAMP displays text. In automation, there are different Rubber Stamp tools available, which are ANNOBJECT_STAMP objects set up to use the different metafiles for each rubber stamp selection (instead of text). The ANNOBJECT_PUSHPIN object displays a bitmap in design mode and a secondary bitmap in run mode.

L_AnnSetMetafile - Use this function with the ANNOBJECT_STAMP (including the Rubber Stamp tools), ANNOBJECT_HOTSPOT, ANNOBJECT_FREEHANDHOTSPOT, and ANNOBJECT_ENCRYPT objects to change the metafile for the selected objects. This function changes the metafile for the specified objects, but any new objects will still use the default metafiles. To reset a metafile to its original metafile, call the L_AnnSetPredefinedMetafile function and pass NULL to hMetafile.

L_AnnGetMetafile - Use this function with the ANNOBJECT_STAMP, ANNOBJECT_HOTSPOT, ANNOBJECT_FREEHANDHOTSPOT, and ANNOBJECT_ENCRYPT objects and the Rubber Stamp tools to retrieve the metafile for the selected objects.

L_AnnSetSecondaryBitmap - Sets the secondary bitmap used by the specified annotation object. Only PushPin objects (ANNOBJECT_POINT) use a secondary bitmap. A PushPin object has a primary bitmap, (manipulated using the L_AnnSetBitmap and L_AnnGetBitmap functions) which displays whenever the text is shown, and a secondary bitmap, changed using the L_AnnSetSecondaryBitmap function. The primary bitmap is shown with the note text. The secondary bitmap is shown by itself when the note is minimized. In design mode, the ANNOBJECT_PUSHPIN object shows the text and displays the primary bitmap. In the run mode the object shows or hides the text when clicked.

L_AnnGetSecondaryBitmap - Gets the secondary bitmap used by the specified annotation object. Only PushPin objects (ANNOBJECT_POINT) use a secondary bitmap. A PushPin object has a primary bitmap, (manipulated using the L_AnnSetBitmap and L_AnnGetBitmap functions) which displays whenever the text is shown, and a secondary bitmap, changed using the L_AnnSetSecondaryBitmap function. The primary bitmap is shown with the note text. The secondary bitmap is shown by itself when the note is minimized. In design mode, the ANNOBJECT_PUSHPIN object shows the text and displays the primary bitmap. In the run mode the object shows or hides the text when clicked.

L_AnnGetPredefinedBitmap - Gets a copy of the specified predefined bitmap, used for the annotation Point object (ANNOBJECT_POINT).

L_AnnSetPredefinedBitmap - Changes or resets the predefined bitmap, used for the annotation Point object (ANNOBJECT_POINT).

L_AnnGetSecondaryMetafile - Gets the metafile handle associated with an ANNOBJECT_ENCRYPT object when it is in the ‘decryptor’ state. The encrypt object has two states: Encryptor and Decryptor. Each state is displayed with its own metafile.

L_AnnSetPredefinedMetafile - Sets the default metafiles used by the following object types:




ANNOBJECT_STAMP (including the Rubber Stamp tools)

L_AnnGetPredefinedMetafile - Gets the default metafiles used by the following object types:





Rubber Stamp tools

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