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Loads annotations from a position within a file. This enables you to load an annotation file that is embedded in another file.
#include "l_bitmap.h"
L_LTANN_API L_INT L_AnnLoadOffset(fd, nOffset, nLength, phObject, pLoadOptions)
The Windows file handle of the file to load.
The position, from the beginning of the file, of the first byte to load. (The byte count starts at zero.)
The number of bytes of annotation data to read from the file. If you saved the offset using L_AnnSaveOffset, the variable pointed to by puSizeWritten in that function contains the length of data saved. If you do not know the length of the data, pass 0xFFFFFFFF for this parameter.
Address of the variable to be updated with the handle to the container object of the loaded annotations.
Pointer to optional extended load options. Pass NULL to use the default load options.
Value | Meaning |
SUCCESS | The function was successful. |
< 1 | An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes. |
Before calling this function, you must declare a variable of data type HANNOBJECT. Then, pass the address of the variable in the phObject
parameter. This function will update the variable with the handle to the container object of the loaded annotations.
For more information about loading and pasting automated annotations, refer to Loading and Pasting Automated Annotations.
Win32, x64.
This example loads an annotation file with a 30-byte offset.
For how the test file is created, refer to L_AnnSaveOffset.
#include <Tchar.h>
L_INT AnnLoadOffsetExample(L_HWND hWnd, HANNOBJECT hContainer /* Container annotation object */)
HANNOBJECT TmpContainer;
L_HANDLE OffsetFile = NULL; /* File handle */
L_HANDLE hFile = NULL; /* File handle */
L_INT nRet;
L_HDC hdc;
L_RECT rAnnBounds;
L_RECT rAnnBoundsName;
DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0;
L_SIZE_T SizeWritten = 0;
// Create a file
// Write header information -- 29 characters and a terminator
//_write(NewFile, "This is a 29-character string", 30);
WriteFile(hFile, "This is a 29-character string", 30, &dwBytesWritten, NULL);
// Save the file with an offset
nRet = L_AnnSaveOffset((L_HFILE)hFile, 30, &SizeWritten, hContainer, ANNFMT_XML, L_FALSE, NULL);
if (nRet != SUCCESS)
return nRet;
_tprintf(_T("%s"), TEXT("Notice: File saved with offset"));
// Close the file
/* Open the file and get the file handle */
/* Load the file with a 30-byte offset */
nRet = L_AnnLoadOffset((L_HFILE)OffsetFile, 30, 0xFFFF, &TmpContainer, NULL);
if (nRet != SUCCESS)
return nRet;
/* if successfully loaded, view them */
nRet = L_AnnInsert(hContainer, TmpContainer, L_TRUE);
if (nRet != SUCCESS)
return nRet;
hdc = GetDC(hWnd);
nRet = L_AnnGetBoundingRect(hContainer, &rAnnBounds, &rAnnBoundsName);
if (nRet != SUCCESS)
return nRet;
nRet = L_AnnDraw(hdc, &rAnnBounds, hContainer);
if (nRet != SUCCESS)
return nRet;
/* Close the file */
return SUCCESS;
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