
The FILEPDFSAVEOPTIONS structure specifies options used when saving a PDF file.


   L_UINT uStructSize; 
   L_UCHAR szUserPassword[255]; 
   L_UCHAR szOwnerPassword[255]; 
   L_BOOL b128bit; 
   L_UINT dwEncryptFlags; 



Size of the structure. This should be sizeof(FILEPDFSAVEOPTIONS).


String that contains the user password. This should be provided to protect the document from being opened/read.


String that contains the owner password. This should be provided to prevent users from changing access/protection settings.


Flag that specifies the encryption method that will be used. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Use an RC4 128-bit encryption key.
FALSE Use an RC4 40-bit encryption key.


Flags that indicate the access rights users of the document will have. These values may be combined using a bitwise OR. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
PDF_SECURITYFLAGS_REV2_PRINTDOCUMENT Give the user of the PDF document permission to print the document.
PDF_SECURITYFLAGS_REV3_PRINTFAITHFUL (128 bit only) Give the user of the PDF document permission to print the document in high quality.
PDF_SECURITYFLAGS_REV2_MODIFYDOCUMENT Give the user of the PDF document permission to edit the document.
PDF_SECURITYFLAGS_REV2_EXTRACTTEXT Give the user of the PDF document permission to extract text from the document.
PDF_SECURITYFLAGS_REV3_EXTRACTTEXTGRAPHICS (128 bit only) Give the user of the PDF document permission to extract graphics from the document.
PDF_SECURITYFLAGS_REV2_MODIFYANNOTATION Give the user of the PDF document permission to edit annotations.
PDF_SECURITYFLAGS_REV3_FILLFORM Give the user of the PDF document permission to fill in forms in the document.
PDF_SECURITYFLAGS_REV3_ASSEMBLEDOCUMENT (128 bit only) Give the user of the PDF document permission to add pages to or delete pages from the document.


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