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The L_FILEMETADATAITEMS structure contains metadata items in a list of key-value pairs.
L_UINT uStructSize;
L_UINT uFlags;
L_UINT uCount;
Size of this structure, in bytes. Use the sizeof operator to calculate this value.
Reserved for future use, pass 0.
Number of items in pItems.
The number of bytes in the data items.
pL_FILEMETADATAITEMS is a pointer to a L_FILEMETADATAITEMS structure. Where the function parameter type is pL_FILEMETADATAITEMS, you can declare a L_FILEMETADATAITEMS variable, update the structure's fields, and pass the variable's address in the parameter. Declaring a pL_FILEMETADATAITEMS variable is necessary only if your program requires a pointer.
Pass an address to pL_FILEMETADATAITEMS to L_ReadFileMetaDataItems to read the metadata items stored in an image file. This function will allocate this pointer with an array of pL_FILEMETADATAITEMS structures, one for each item found. When you are done using the pL_FILEMETADATAITEMS pointer, you must pass it to the L_FreeFileMetaDataItems to free the allocated memory.
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