Changes from Version 13 to Version 14
Version 14 of the LEADTOOLS VCL has changed from version 13 as follows:
The Common Dialog functionality has been
removed from this help file and is presented in the new LEADTOOLS Common
Dialog VCL objects help file. For information on the new version 14 of
the LEADTOOLS Common Dialog VCL objects, refer to the LEADTOOLS
Common Dialog VCL Objects Help File.
The Mixed Raster Content functionality has
been removed from this help file and is presented in the new LEADTOOLS
Mixed Raster Content VCL object help file. For information on the LEADTOOLS
Mixed Raster Content VCL object, refer to the LEADTOOLS
Mixed Raster Content VCL Object Help File.
LEADTOOLS now supports overlay bitmap drawing.
When loading PTOCA and AFP:PTOCA files, you
can get and change the current values for the control options used by
LEADTOOLS when loading a PTOCA file.
LEADTOOLS now lets you load embedded ICC
LEADTOOLS now supports the ability to instruct
the toolkit to react dynamically depending on the bitmap size or the amount
of available memory.
LEADTOOLS now can subtract the live (destination)
bitmap from the mask (source) bitmap to show the differences between the
two bitmaps.
LEADTOOLS now supports double buffering;
which is used to reduce flickering when painting windows.
LEADTOOLS now can detect the registration
LEADTOOLS has improved the brightness and
contrast functionality by adding the following new features:
Improve the brightness
of an image by adding bitmaps within a bitmap list.
Increase or decrease
the brightness in the bitmap by multiplying the colors in the specified
Performs an adaptive
contrast enhancement (ACE) to areas that are originally low in contrast.
Changes the distribution
of the red, green, or blue channels.
Applies brightness, contrast
and intensity adjustments to enhance the image tonal range.
Change the hue, saturation
and brightness of all or specified colors in the image.
Adjust the hue, saturation
and brightness of an image by applying one of five mathematical functions
to a bitmaps pixel values: square, square root, log, sine, and cosine
and then multiplying the results by specified factor.
Remap pixel values using
a lookup table, or by applying a linear transformation.
Set up window leveling
options for a bitmap using a lookup table or a linear transformation.
Converts a bitmap into
a black and white image without changing its bits per pixel by using a
local threshold value for each pixel of the image.
Wraps techniques of image
enhancements, such as contrast enhancement, edge enhancement and latitude
reduction, for Computed Radiography (CR).
Correcting nonuniform
LEADTOOLS has added Fourier Transforms to
remove noise from video signals, CCDs, and harmonic noise like:
Herringbone patterns seen in video images
Sine wave patterns
Moiré patterns
Halftone patterns
Interference patterns
LEADTOOLS has improved the Annotation Automation
Object by adding new features.
Functionality has been added with Version
14 that makes it possible for you to create custom annotations that look
and behave in almost any way imaginable.
LEADTOOLS has improved the automated annotation
by adding new six tools:
In addition, LEADTOOLS has made the following
Annotation improvements:
Ability to create handles
on existing annotation object to provide a custom user-interface or manipulating
Ability to create custom
Improved options for
all text annotations including
control of alignment
ability to rotate text
support for text tokens
import text from a file
Ability to fix annotations
so that they are attached to the window instead of the image. A fixed
annotation will not change size or move when the underlying image is scrolled
or moved.
Improved options for
annotation names
Improved ruler options
for polyruler, ruler, protractor, cross-product, including
Smart Unit display
Option to display tic-marks
Improved "Point
Annotation" options
Ability to store user-defined
data in an annotation object
Ability to change all
cursor associated with annotation automation
LEADTOOLS now supports the following file
LEADTOOLS now supports The PLT/RTF Options.
LEADTOOLS now supports AutoCAD Color Scheme.
LEADTOOLS now can compare all or part of
one bitmap with all the areas of the same dimensions in another bitmap and finds those areas that match according
to the measure of correlation.
LEADTOOLS now can be used to improve the
brightness of an image by adding bitmaps within a bitmap list.
LEADTOOLS now can increase or decrease the
brightness in the bitmap by multiplying the colors in the specified bitmap.
LEADTOOLS now filters a specified bitmap
to detect colors in a specified intensity range in all planes or a specific
LEADTOOLS now can combine image data from
the source bitmap (the slave) and the destination bitmap (the master),
using a perspective warp.
LEADTOOLS now supports linearizes the number
of pixels locally in a bitmap, based on the specified color space.
LEADTOOLS now supports averaging the bitmaps
in a list, eliminating random noise contained in the images.
LEADTOOLS now transforms the bitmap into
a binary image.
LEADTOOLS now deinterlaces video source images
by removing the black lines. It proceeds by merging lines in the image
together and/or blending them together.
LEADTOOLS now smoothes the edges of a bitmap.
LEADTOOLS now can detect the edges in a bitmap
by applying a statistical filter that analyzes the variations of colors
in all directions around each pixel.
LEADTOOLS now can find the skeleton of regions
or objects in a binary bitmap.
LEADTOOLS now converts a grayscale bitmap
into a colored one by mixing or replacing the original values of the pixels
with one or more new colors. Also it converts the image to a grayscale
level by reducing the saturation of each color to zero.
LEADTOOLS now can removes holes from a bitmap
LEADTOOLS has improved the artistic effects
by adding the following new features:
Adds shadows to a bitmap,
letting you specify the threshold value, the direction of the light source,
and whether the shadows are colored or grayscale.
Adds effects that simulate
random color changes, scratches, dust and pits, making a bitmap look like
it was made from an old film.
Splits the image into
square or rectangular blocks. If the blocks are square, rotates each block
by 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees. If the blocks are rectangular, flips the
blocks around the X-axis and Y-axis.
Adds light to the bitmap
according to a function-based distribution. This functional light will
be generated by one of the following methods: linear, quadratic, sine,
cosine, or using freehand points.
Splits the image into
square blocks and randomizes these blocks inside the image.
Divides the image into
a certain number of rings. Each ring is rotated according to a rotate
angle. The rotate angle for each ring will be chosen randomly by the function
or can be passed to the function.
Adds a pseudo-3D wave
effect to the bitmap by drawing horizontal lines across the bitmap and
basing each lines height at each point on its brightness at that point.
Divides the bitmap into
segments where each segments pixels have approximately the same color
(homogenous color).
LEADTOOLS now can combine
image data from the mask bitmap and underlay bitmap with an underlay effect.
Wraps the bitmap along
the inside or outside of an arc pattern.
Warps the bitmap to a
cylindrical shape.
Shears the bitmap by
the wave drawn using amplitude values
Distorts the bitmap by
the wave drawn using amplitude values
Makes a bitmap look like
it was painted by an impressionist painter.
Divides the bitmap into
rectangular or circular cells and then recreates the image using those
cells filled with the minimum, maximum, or average pixel value, depending
upon the effect that was set.
Converts the bitmap from
rectangular to polar coordinates and vice versa.
Warps the bitmap by pinching
it toward the center or expanding the bitmap away from its center.
Rotates the bitmap pixels
around a center point.
Distorts a bitmap using
a wave radiating from the specified center.
Warps the image in concentric
Warps the image around
a 3D spherical shape.
Produces a swirl pattern
by rotating the bitmap the specified number of degrees about the specified
Distorts the bitmap with
two perpendicular waves at the specified angle and with the specified
wave type.
Creates thin lines, directed
along the specified angle, on the specified bitmap.
Blurs the bitmap along
radial lines starting from the specified center point.
Distorts the bitmap with
a wave zoomed from the specified center.
Draws a water wave effect
LEADTOOLS has improved the adjusting colors
in an image by adding the following new features:
Performs specific Mathematical
or logical operations on the colors of a bitmap.
Replaces specified colors
by adjusting values of hue, saturation and brightness.
Using any one of eight
color spaces, resets those bitmaps pixel component values that fall inside
or outside of a specified range.
Changes the distribution
of the red, green, or blue channels.
Colors an 8, 12 or 16-bit
grayscale bitmap. The function changes the color bits/pixel of the bitmap
from the specified formats into 24-bit RGB format.
Selects a specified number
of bits of an 8, 12 or 16-bit grayscale bitmap and puts them into a mask,
then colors the bitmap depending on the mask. This can show bitmap variances
depending on user-defined conditions.
Selects a specified number
of bits from an 8, 12 or 16-bit grayscale bitmap into a mask and places
the mask in a new 8, 12 or 16-bit grayscale bitmap.
Makes dark values darker
and light values lighter to automatically enhance shadows and brighten
the image.
Adds a three-dimensional
texture pattern by applying the bump image to the destination image.
Rebalances the colors
in a bitmap in order to make color adjustments and to correct images which
have more color than others.
Applies color leveling
to an image. It changes the image shadows, midtones and highlights.
Remaps the bitmap into
a collection of rotated rectangles (cubic faces), in the Cubist style.
Draws a star on the bitmap.
Simulates painting an
image with the watercolor dry brush technique.
Wraps the bitmap onto
a 3D plane.
Wraps the bitmap along
its radius on a 3D surface.
Divides the image into
cells and makes it look as if it is being viewed through glass blocks.
Makes colored edges shine
with a neon-like glow.
Simulates the secondary
reflections caused when bright lights are facing the camera lens.
Adds many spots of directed
light sources to the bitmap.
Lightens or darkens all
or part of a bitmap by remapping the pixel values.
Reflects the bitmap on
an ocean surface.
Corrects color values
by shifting the sample colors to the target colors.
Places the bitmap on
parallel planes along the Z-axis bent towards a center point.
Places the bitmap on
parallel planes along the Z-axis.
Corrects color values
by shifting the sample colors to the target colors.
Changes the color of
a bitmap by altering the definitions of one or more colors used by the
Smoothes the rough edges
in the bitmap.
applies color leveling
to an image and changes the image's shadows, midtones and highlights.
Places the bitmap inside
a tunnel along the Z-axis.
Changed or Removed properties, methods and events:
The following properties, methods and events were changed or removed in version 14.
TransparentColor property (Obsolete Use BitmapTransparentColor property.)
UseTransparentColor property (Obsolete Use BitmapEnableTransparency property.)
New properties, methods and events:
The following list is the new properties, methods and events in version 14.
AnnBottomPreviousClip property
AnnDeleteTextTokenTable method
AnnGetSecondaryMetaFile method
AnnInsertTextTokenTable method
AnnRestrictToContainer property
ApplyTransformationParameters method
ClearDecryptorKey property (TAnnEncryptOptions)
ClearEncryptorKey property (TAnnEncryptOptions)
ClientX property (TAnnHandleInfo)
ClientY property (TAnnHandleInfo)
ContainerX property (TAnnHandle)
ContainerX property (TAnnHandleInfo)
ContainerY property (TAnnHandle)
ContainerY property (TAnnHandleInfo)
ContrastBrightIntensity method
ConvertUnsignedToSigned Method
DirectionEdgeStatistical Method
DiscreteFourierTransformation Method
DisplayFourierTransformation Method
Encryptor property (TAnnEncryptOptions)
FaceNameColor property (TAnnNameOptions)
FastFourierTransformation Method
FillColor property (TAnnHandle)
FillColor property (TAnnHandleInfo)
Flags property (TAnnEncryptOptions)
Flags property (TAnnNameOptions)
Flags property (TAnnPointOptions)
FontBold property (TAnnNameOptions)
FontItalic property (TAnnNameOptions)
FontName property (TAnnNameOptions)
FontSize property (TAnnNameOptions)
FontStrikeOut property (TAnnNameOptions)
FontUnderLine property (TAnnNameOptions)
FreeFourierTransformationData method
GetTransformationParameters method
Index property (TAnnHandleInfo)
InitFourierTransformationData method
Key property (TAnnEncryptOptions)
MagGlassPaintContrast property
MagGlassPaintIntensity property
NameRestrict property (TAnnNameOptions)
NeverEncrypted property (TAnnEncryptOptions)
OnAnnEnumerateTextTokenTable Event
OnAnnEnumerateTextTokenTable Event
PenColor property (TAnnHandle)
PenColor property (TAnnHandleInfo)
PointBitmap property (TAnnPointOptions)
PointBorderColor property (TAnnPointOptions)
PointFillColor property (TAnnPointOptions)
PointFixedSize property (TAnnPointOptions)
PointRadius property (TAnnPointOptions)
PointTransparentFill property (TAnnPointOptions)
PointUseBitmap property (TAnnPointOptions)
SaveDecryptorKey property (TAnnEncryptOptions)
SaveEncryptorKey property (TAnnEncryptOptions)
Shape property (TAnnHandleInfo)
ShowName property (TAnnNameOptions)
Totalhandles property (TAnnHandleInfo)
UpdateMagGlassFromHandle method