
The DICOMDIROPTIONS structure contains information concerning the Dicom Directory options.


typedef struct tagDICOMDIROPTIONS 
   L_INT nSize; 
   L_BOOL bIncludeSubfolders; 
   L_UINT32 uFlags; 



Size of the structure. This must be set before passing the structure to the function LDicomDir::SetOptions.


Specifies whether the function LDicomDir::InsertDicomFile should add the DICOM files in the subfolders of the destination folder (when the function is passed a NULL). Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE (Default) Add the files in the subfolders of the destination folder to the DICOM directory. This DICOM directory will be saved to the DICOMDIR file.
FALSE Add only the files in the destination folder to the DICOM directory. This DICOM directory will be saved to the DICOMDIR file.


Specifies flags that control the behavior of some functions. This can be set to 0 (the default value) or:

Value Meaning
DICOMDIR_REJECT_INVALID_FILEID [0x01] If this flag is set, then any function of the LDicomDir class that takes a filename as a parameter will fail if the number of components in the File ID exceeds 8, if the number of characters in any component of the File ID exceeds 8 (the latter case is possible only for the last component, since the short format of filenames is used for File IDs), or if any character other than those allowed by the DICOM specification is used (valid characters include capital letters (A-Z), digits (0-9), and underscores).
DICOMDIR_INSERT_ICON_IMAGE_SEQUENCE [0x02] If this flag is set, then an Icon Image Sequence key (0088,0200) will be added to the Image Directory Record when adding a DICOM file or Data Set to the Directory. The icon image used is representative of the image stored.


As an example, if the destination folder is specified as "C:\DICOM Images\", then the following filenames will be rejected if DICOMDIR_REJECT_INVALID_FILEID is specified:

"C:\DICOM Images\Sub1\Sub2\Sub3\Sub4\Sub5\Sub6\Sub7\Sub8\Brain"

"C:\DICOM Images\Patient 1\CT-10-Knee.dic"

The first filename is rejected because the number of components in the File ID exceeds 8 (there are 9 components, starting from "Sub1") and because lower case letters and spaces are used. The second filename is rejected because the number of characters in the last component, which is the short format of "CT-10-Knee.dic" (e.g., "CT-10-~1.dic") exceeds 8 and because lower case letters and spaces are used. On the other hand, the following filenames will not be rejected:

"C:\DICOM Images\Sub1\Sub2\Sub3\Sub4\Sub5\Sub6\Sub7\Brain"

"C:\DICOM Images\ Patient 1\Knee.dic"


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