

Returns the MAC type the sender used when sending a message. This function is available in the PACS Imaging toolkits.


#include "ltdic.h"

L_UINT32 LDicomNet::GetPeerMACISCL();


The current MAC type used by the sender. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
DICOM_ISCL_MAC_NONE No message authentication code was used.
DICOM_ISCL_MAC_MD5 A 128 bit MD5 message authentication code was transmitted with the message.
DICOM_ISCL_MAC_DESMAC A 64 bit DESMAC authentication code was transmitted with the message.


This function returns a value that represents the type of MAC the sender used when sending a message to the receiver. If the type of MAC is not the same for the sender and the receiver, the message will not be sent successfully. If the encryption mode is not the same on the sender and the receiver, the message will not be sent successfully.

This function can only be called by the receiver, once the sender has attempted to send a message.

To set the MAC type, call the LDicomNet::SetDefaultSigningISCL function.

To set the encryption mode, call the LDicomNet::SetDefaultEncryptionISCL function.

The encryption mode and the MAC are specified for every message, not for each connection. Every message can have a different encryption mode and MAC, keeping the connection parameters unchanged.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64

See Also




For an example, refer to LDicomNet::IsISCLQueueEmpty.

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