

Returns the key element type of the specified key element.


#include "ltdic.h"

L_TCHAR * LDicomDS::GetValueKey(pElement)



Pointer to a DICOMELEMENT structure that contains a key element.


The key element type of the specified key element. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
"PATIENT" Patient key element
"STUDY" Study key element
"SERIES" Series key element
"IMAGE" Image key element
"OVERLAY" Overlay key element
"MODALITY LUT" Modality-LUT key element
"VOI LUT" VOI-LUT key element
"CURVE" Curve key element
"STORED PRINT" Stored print key element
"RT DOSE" RT dose key element
"RT STRUCTURE SET" RT structure set key element
"RT PLAN" RT plan key element
"RT TREAT RECORD" RT treatment record key element
"TOPIC" Topic key element
"VISIT" Visit key element
"RESULTS" Results key element
"INTERPRETATION" Interpretation key element
"STUDY COMPONENT" Study Component key element
"PRESENTATION" Presentation key element
"WAVEFORM" Waveform key element
"SR DOCUMENT" Structured Reporting Document key element
"PRIVATE" Private key element
"KEY OBJECT DOC" Key Object Document key element
"SPECTROSCOPY" Spectroscopy key element
"RAW DATA" Raw Data key element
"REGISTRATION" Registration key element
"FIDUCIAL" Fiducial key element
"HANGING PROTOCOL" Hanging Protocol key element
"ENCAP DOC" Encapsulated Document key element
"HL7 STRUC DOC" HL7 Structured Document key element
"VALUE MAP" Real World Value Mapping key element
"STEREOMETRIC" Stereometric Relationship key element

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64

See Also



For an example, refer to LDicomDS::InsertKey.

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