

Sets the channel sensitivity.


#include "Ltdic.h"

L_UINT16 LDicomWaveformChannel::SetChannelSensitivity(bInclude, dChannelSensitivity, pChannelSensitivityUnits, dChannelSensitivityCF= 1.0, dChannelBaseline= 0.0)


L_BOOL bInclude

Flag that specifies whether the function should insert or remove the following elements from the DICOM dataset: Channel Sensitivity (003A,0210), Channel Sensitivity Units Sequence(003A,0211), Channel Sensitivity Correction Factor (003A,0212), and Channel Baseline (003A,0213).

Value Meaning
TRUE Insert the elements related to channel sensitivity (that correspond to this channel) into the dataset and then set their value.
FALSE Delete the channel sensitivity-related elements (that correspond to this channel) from the dataset.

L_DOUBLE dChannelSensitivity

New channel sensitivity. For more information, refer to the Channel Sensitivity (003A,0210) element in the DICOM standard.


Pointer to a structure that describes the channel sensitivity units. For more information, refer to "Channel Sensitivity Units Sequence" (003A,0211) in the DICOM standard.

L_DOUBLE dChannelSensitivityCF

New channel sensitivity correction factor. For more information, refer to the "Channel Sensitivity Correction Factor" (003A,0212) element in the DICOM standard. The default value for this parameter is 1.0.

L_DOUBLE dChannelBaseline

New channel baseline. For more information, refer to the "Channel Baseline" (003A,0213) element in the DICOM standard. The default value for this parameter is 0.0.


Value Meaning
0 The function was successful.
> 0 An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


Use this function to insert and set the values for all the elements related to channel sensitivity.

This function fails and returns DICOM_ERROR_NULL_PTR if pChannelSensitivityUnits is NULL.

Before calling this function, initialize pChannelSensitivityUnits->uStructSize to be sizeof(DICOMCODESEQUENCEITEM) and initialize all the members of the structure.

In DICOM, it is mandatory to specify the channel sensitivity if the channel samples represent defined (not arbitrary) units. Since this is almost always the case, it is important to call this function to create a proper waveform channel.

To fill the members of the pChannelSensitivityUnits structure you can use the functions offered by the LDicomContextGroup class. For more information about this class and the use of Coded Concepts in DICOM, refer to Working with Context Groups.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64

See Also




For an example, refer to LDicomWaveformChannel::SetChannelSamples8.

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