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Inserts a new item in the Data Element Tag Table.
#include "Ltdic.h"
static pDICOMTAG LDicomTag::Insert(nCode, nMask, pszName, nVR, nMinVM, nMaxVM, nDivideVM)
Code that indicates the tag. For a list of default values, refer to Data Element Tag Constants.
Masking value. Masking allows you to insert multiple elements in the same entry in the table.
Character string that contains the name of the tag. For the default values for the Tag Names, refer to the Default Data Element Tag Table.
Value representation code that indicates the type of value stored in the data element. For a list of default values supported by DICOM, refer to Value Representation Constants.
Value that indicates the minimum number of values that may be stored in the Value Field of the Data Element.
Value that indicates the maximum number of values that may be stored in the Value Field of the Data Element.
Value used to divide the value multiplicity. When multiple values are stored in the value field of a data element, the number of values present must be evenly divisible by nDivideVM. For most items nDivideVM will be 1. However, if the values stored in the value field are RGB triplets, for example, you would have to store three values for each triplet. You could store 12 values, since 12 values would be 4 triplets, however, you could not store 13 values. In this case nDivideVM would be 3.
Value | Meaning |
!NULL | A pointer to a DICOMVR structure containing the newly inserted item. |
NULL | Not enough memory to insert the item. |
All items are inserted at the bottom of the table.
For the default values for the Data Element Tag Table, refer to the Default Data Element Tag Table.
For more information on the DICOM file format, refer to An Overview of Dicom or the DICOM Spec.
Win32, x64
This example inserts 2 new items in the Tag table.
L_INT LDicomTag_InsertExample()
LDicomTag::Insert(0x12345678, 0xFFFFFFFF, TEXT("New XXX Tag"), VR_US, 1, 1, 1);
LDicomTag::Insert(0x87654321, 0xFFFFFFFF, TEXT("New YYY Tag"), VR_LO, 1, 1, 1);
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