

Sets the number of samples per channel.


#include "Ltdic.h"

L_BOOL LDicomWaveformGroup::SetNumberOfSamplesPerChannel(uNumberOfSamples)


L_UINT32 uNumberOfSamples

New number of samples for a channel included in this waveform group.


Value Meaning
TRUE The number of samples per channel was set successfully.
FALSE An error occurred.


In DICOM all channels within a multiplex group are synchronously digitized at a common sampling frequency and have the same number of samples. Use this function to set the number of samples per channel in this group.

The initial value for the number of samples per channel is zero.

Make sure to call this function before you call any functions that are used to set the data for a channel that is included in the waveform group. The functions that are used to set the data for a channel include LDicomWaveformChannel::SetChannelSamples8, LDicomWaveformChannel::SetChannelSamples16 and LDicomWaveformChannel::SetChannelSamples32

If you call this function after setting the data for one or more channels that are included in this group, then the function will expand or shrink the internal buffers that hold the data for each of the channels accordingly. For example, if you initially call this function and pass it 150 as the number of samples per channel and then call LDicomWaveformChannel::SetChannelSamples8 and set 150 samples for a channel that is included in the waveform group and then call this function again and pass it 125, then this will shrink the buffer that holds the data for the channel to be 125 samples long and will discard all the samples that do not fit in the buffer any more.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64

See Also




For an example, refer to LDicomWaveformChannel::SetChannelSamples8.

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