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CellHeight Property

Gets or sets a value that represents the height of a rectangular cell.
public int CellHeight { get; set; } 
property int CellHeight { 
   int get(); 
   void set (    int ); 
CellHeight # get and set (PixelateCommand) 

Property Value

Value that represents the height of a rectangular cell, the number of rectangular cells present across the height of the image, the number of cells along the radius of a circular cell, or the length of each cell along the radius of a circular cell, based on the flags set in the Flags property.

If the Flags property contains: Then, the CellHeight property contains: And the range of possible values for the CellHeight property is:
PixelateCommandFlags.Radial |
the number of cells present along the radius of the circular cell. 1 to the diagonal of the image, if there is no region. If there is a region, then the range of values is just the diagonal of the region rectangle.
PixelateCommandFlags.Radial |
the radial length of each circular cell, in pixels. 1 to the diagonal of the image, if there is no region. If there is a region, then the range of values is just the diagonal of the region rectangle.
PixelateCommandFlags.Rectangle |
the number of cells present across the height of the image. 1 to the image height, if there is no region. If there is a region, then the range of values is just the region height.
PixelateCommandFlags.Rectangle |
PixelateCommandFlags.HeightPeriod |
the height of each rectangular cell, in pixels. 1 to the image height, if there is no region. If there is a region, then the range of values is just the region height.
using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Codecs; 
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing.SpecialEffects; 
public void PixelateCommandExample() 
   // Load an image 
   RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs(); 
   codecs.ThrowExceptionsOnInvalidImages = true; 
   RasterImage image = codecs.Load(Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "sample5.cmp")); 
   // Prepare the command 
   PixelateCommand command = new PixelateCommand(); 
   command.CenterPoint = new LeadPoint((image.Width / 2), (image.Height / 2)); 
   command.CellWidth = 5; 
   command.CellHeight = 10; 
   command.Opacity = 100; 
   command.Flags = PixelateCommandFlags.Radial | 
      PixelateCommandFlags.WidthPeriod | 
      PixelateCommandFlags.HeightPeriod | 
   codecs.Save(image, Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Result.jpg"), RasterImageFormat.Jpeg, 24); 
static class LEAD_VARS 
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS23\Resources\Images"; 

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