

Sets the media source to a global memory handle.


#include "ltmf.h"

Language Syntax
C HRESULT IltmfPlay_put_SourceHGlobal(pPlay, HGlobal)
C++ HRESULT put_SourceHGlobal(HGlobal)


IltmfPlay *pPlay

Pointer to an IltmfPlay interface.

long HGlobal

Handle to the global memory (HGLOBAL) containing the media data.


Value Meaning
S_OK The function was successful.
<> S_OK An error occurred. Refer to the Error Codes or the HRESULT error codes in the MediaFoundation documentation.


This function allows the user to store a complete media file in global memory and use it as the source for the playback. The user is responsible for allocating, initializing, and freeing the global memory. However, the user should not free the global memory handle while the play object holds a reference to it. The ResetSource function should be called to stop the play object from accessing the global memory. The SourceType will be set to ltmfPlay_Source_HGlobal.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64.

See Also




For a C++ example, refer to the Simple Media Player for C++.

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