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DicomDataSet Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by DicomDataSet.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor DicomDataSet Initializes a new instance of the DicomDataSet class.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method AddLayerImageReference Adds a new item under the "Referenced Image Sequence" for the specified item under the "Graphic Annotation Sequence".
Public Method AddPresentationStateImageReference Adds a new item to the "Referenced Image Sequence" under the "Presentation State Module" from a disk file.
Public Method AddWaveformGroup Adds a new waveform group to the Data Set.
Public Method BeginEditItem Used to edit an existing item, or create a new item in a DICOM sequence.
Public Method BeginEditSequence Used to create a new DICOM sequence, or edit an existing DICOM sequence.
Public Method BeginReadItem Used to read an existing item from a DICOM sequence.
Public Method BeginReadSequence Used to read values from an existing DICOM sequence.
Public Method ChangeTransferSyntax Changes the Transfer Syntax of the Data Set, and saves resulting DicomDataSet to a file.
Public Method Copy Copies the data elements from one Data Set to another.
Public Method CreateCompoundGraphic Creates a new compound graphic annotation.
Public Method CreateGraphicAnnSQItem Adds a new item under the "Graphic Annotation Sequence".
Public Method CreateGraphicObject Creates a new graphic annotation object.
Public Method CreateLayer Adds a new item under the "Graphic Layer Sequence" (0070,0060) in the "Graphic Layer Module".
Public Method CreatePrivateCreatorDataElement Creates a Private Creator Data Element to reserve private data elements.
Public Method CreateSignature Creates a Digital Signature in the Data Set.
Public Method CreateTextObject Creates a new text annotation object.
Public Method DeleteElement Deletes the specified item from the Data Set.
Public Method DeleteImage Deletes one or more images from a Pixel Data element.
Public Method DeleteKey Deletes the specified key element from the Dicom Dir Data Set.
Public Method DeleteModalityLut Deletes all the elements that describe the Modality LUT.
Public Method DeleteModule Deletes a module from the Data Set.
Public Method DeleteOverlay Deletes all the elements that describe an overlay.
Public Method DeletePaletteColorLut Deletes all the elements that describe the "Palette Color Lookup Table".
Public Method DeleteSignature Removes one or all Digital Signatures from the Data Set.
Public Method DeleteVoiLut Deletes all the elements that describe a VOI LUT.
Public Method DeleteWaveformGroup Deletes a waveform group from the dataset.
Public Method DeleteWindow Deletes all the elements that describe "window center" and "window width".
Public Method EndEditItem Finalizes the changes when creating or editing an item in a DICOM sequence.
Public Method EndEditSequence Finalizes the changes when creating or editing a DICOM sequence.
Public Method EndReadItem Finalizes the read when reading an item from a DICOM sequence.
Public Method EndReadSequence Finalizes the read when reading a DICOM sequence.
Public Method ExistsElement Determines whether the specified object is valid.
Public Method FindFirstDescendant Finds the first descendant of a parentElement with the specified tag.
Public Method FindFirstElement Returns the first item in the Data Set with the specified Tag.
Public Method FindFirstGraphicAnnSQItem Retrieves the first item under the "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001) in the "Graphic Annotation Module".
Public Method FindFirstKey Returns the first item in the Dicom Dir Data Set with the specified key element type.
Public Method FindFirstPresentationStateReferencedSeriesItem Retrieves the first item under the "Referenced Series Sequence" (0008,1115) in the "Presentation State Module".
Public Method FindFirstPrivateCreatorDataElement Returns the Private Creator Data Element that matches the search constraints.
Public Method FindFirstPrivateElement Returns the first existing private element that is reserved by privateCreatorDataElement.
Public Method FindLastElement Returns the last item in the Data Set with the specified Tag.
Public Method FindLastKey Returns the last item in the Dicom Dir Data Set with the specified key element type.
Public Method FindModule Returns a DicomModule object that contains information about the specified module.
Public Method FindModuleByIndex Returns a DicomModule object that contains information about the module, on Level 0, at the specified index.
Public Method FindNextDescendant Finds the next descendant of parentElement with the specified tag.
Public Method FindNextElement Returns the next item in the Data Set with a specific Tag.
Public Method FindNextGraphicAnnSQItem Retrieves the next item under the "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001) in the "Graphic Annotation Module".
Public Method FindNextKey Returns the next item in the Dicom Dir Data Set with a specific key element type.
Public Method FindNextPresentationStateReferencedSeriesItem Retrieves the next item under the "Referenced Series Sequence" (0008,1115) in the "Presentation State Module".
Public Method FindNextPrivateCreatorDataElement Returns the next Private Creator Data Element that matches the search constraints.
Public Method FindNextPrivateElement Returns the next existing private element that is reserved by privateCreatorDataElement.
Public Method FindPreviousElement Returns the previous item in the Data Set with a specific Tag.
Public Method FindPreviousKey Returns the previous item in the Dicom Dir Data Set with a specific key element type.
Public Method FindSignature Returns the Digital Signatures Sequence Item that corresponds to the Digital Signature that has the specified Digital Signature UID, if found in the Data Set.
Public Method FreeElementValue Frees the memory for a value.
Public Method GetAgeValue Gets an array of DicomAgeValue objects, that contain age information stored in the Value Field of the specified element.
Public Method GetAutoScaleData Returns a DicomAutoScaleData object that specifies autoscale information about the DICOM pixel data.
Public Method GetBinaryValue Updates a buffer with the binary value of the specified data element.
Public Method GetByteValue Gets an array of byte values that is stored in the Value Field of the specified element.
Public Method GetByteValuePtr Returns a pointer to a byte value that is stored in the Value Field of the specified element.
Public Method GetChildElement Returns the item in the Data Set that is the first child of the specified item.
Public Method GetChildKey Returns the item in the Dicom Dir Data Set that is the first child of the specified item.
Public Method GetCompoundGraphicCount Retrieves the number of compound graphic annotation objects in a certain "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001) item.
Public Method GetCompoundGraphicElement Gets the Compound Graphic Sequence item element of the specified graphic annotation object.
Public Method GetCompoundGraphicInformation Gets the attributes of the specified compound graphic annotation.
Public Method GetCompoundGraphicMajorTickCount Retrieves number of items in the "Major Ticks Sequence" (0070,0287) of a compound graphic.
Public Method GetCompoundGraphicPointCount Retrieves number of points that represents a compound graphic annotation object.
Public Method GetConvertValue Converts the value of an element to a string.
Public Method GetDateRangeValue Gets a DicomDateRangeValue structure that contains date range information for the specified element.
Public Method GetDateTimeValue Gets an array of DicomDateTimeValue objects, that contain date-time information stored in the Value Field of the specified element.
Public Method GetDateValue Gets an array of DicomDateValue objects, that contains date information stored in the Value Field of the specified element.
Public Method GetDoubleValue Returns an array of double values, stored in the Value Field, of the specified element.
Public Method GetDoubleValueExt Returns an array of numeric values that are stored in the Value Field of the specified element.
Public Method GetDoubleValuePtr Returns a pointer to a double value, stored in the Value Field, of the specified element.
Public Method GetElementLevel Returns a value that indicates the level at which the specified element is located within the Data Set.
Public Method GetElementValueCount Gets the number of values stored in the Value Field of the specified element.
Public Method GetEncapsulatedDocument Retrieves an encapsulated document and corresponding DICOM elements from a DICOM data set and output the results to a disk file.
Public Method GetFirstElement Returns the first item in the Data Set.
Public Method GetFirstKey Returns the first item in the Dicom Dir Data Set.
Public Method GetFloatValue Returns an array of float values that are stored in the Value Field of the specified element.
Public Method GetFloatValuePtr Gets a pointer to a float value that is stored in the Value Field of the specified element.
Public Method GetGraphicObjectCount Retrieves the number of graphical annotation objects in a certain "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001) item.
Public Method GetGraphicObjectInformation Gets the attributes of the specified graphic annotation object.
Public Method GetGraphicObjElement Gets the item element of the specified graphic annotation object.
Public Method GetGraphicObjPointCount Retrieves number of points that represents a graphical annotation object.
Public Method GetImage Gets the image of a Pixel Data element.
Public Method GetImageCount Gets the number of frames in a Pixel Data element.
Public Method GetImageInformation Retrieves information about the specified image.
Public Method GetImages Gets the images of a Pixel Data element.
Public Method GetIntValue Returns an array of integer values, stored in the Value Field, of the specified element.
Public Method GetIntValuePtr Returns a pointer to a long value, stored in the Value Field, of the specified data element.
Public Method GetKeyValue Gets the key element type of the specified key element.
Public Method GetKeyValuePtr Gets the key element type of the specified key element.
Public Method GetKeyValueString Gets the key element type of the specified key element.
Public Method GetLastElement Returns the last item in the Data Set.
Public Method GetLastKey Returns the last item in the Dicom Dir Data Set.
Public Method GetLayerElementByIndex Gets the item element of the specified graphic layer.
Public Method GetLayerElementByName Gets the item element of the specified graphic layer.
Public Method GetLayerGraphicObjectCount Retrieves the number of graphical annotation objects, which correspond to the specified item under the "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001).
Public Method GetLayerImageReferenceCount Retrieves the number of referenced images, which correspond to the specified item under the "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001).
Public Method GetLayerImageReferenceElement Gets the item element of the specified SOP instance under the "Referenced Image Sequence" (0008,1140) in the specified "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001) item.
Public Method GetLayerImageReferenceSOPInstance Retrieves the SOP Instance UID for a referenced image (SOP Instance) under the "Referenced Image Sequence" in a certain graphic annotation item inside the "Graphic Annotation Module".
Public Method GetLayerIndex Retrieves the index of the layer with the specified name.
Public Method GetLayerInformation Retrieves the attributes of a layer at the specified index.
Public Method GetLayerName Retrieves the value of the "Graphic Layer" element under one of the items under the "Graphic Annotation Sequence" in the "Graphic Annotation Module".
Public Method GetLayerTextObjectCount Retrieves number of text annotation objects, which correspond to the specified item under the "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001).
Public Method GetLongValue Gets a pointer to an Int64 value that is stored in the Value Field of the specified element.
Public Method GetMacAlgorithm Returns the Message Authentication Code (MAC) Algorithm (0400,0015) used in the creation of the specified Digital Signature.
Public Method GetMacTransferSyntax Returns the Message Authentication Code (MAC) Calculation Transfer Syntax UID (0400,0010) used in the creation of the specified Digital Signature.
Public Method GetModalityLutAttributes Retrieves the attributes that describe the Modality LUT.
Public Method GetModalityLutData Retrieves "LUT Data" for a "Modality LUT Sequence".
Public Method GetNextElement Returns the item in the Data Set that immediately follows the specified item.
Public Method GetNextKey Returns the item in the Dicom Dir Data Set that immediately follows the specified item.
Public Method GetNextUnusedPrivateTag Returns the next available unused tag reserved by the Private Creator Data Element.
Public Method GetOverlayActivationLayer Retrieves the "Overlay Activation Layer".
Public Method GetOverlayAttributes Retrieves the attributes of the overlay at the specified index.
Public Method GetOverlayGroupNumber Gets the overlay group number.
Public Method GetOverlayImage Retrieves the "Overlay Data" (60xx,3000) for the specified overlay index.
Public Method GetOverlayImages Loads the image(s) with frames from the "Overlay Data" (60xx, 3000) element.
Public Method GetPaletteColorLutAttributes Retrieves the attributes that describe the "Palette Color Lookup Table".
Public Method GetPaletteColorLutData Retrieves red, green or blue "Palette Color Lookup Table Data".
Public Method GetParentElement Returns the item in the Data Set that is the parent of the specified item.
Public Method GetParentKey Returns the item in the Dicom Dir Data Set that contains the parent of the specified item.
Public Method GetPreamble Gets the contents of the file's preamble.
Public Method GetPresentationStateImageReference Retrieves the item element, which represents a referenced image (SOP Instance) under the "Referenced Image Sequence" in the "Presentation State Module".
Public Method GetPresentationStateImageReferenceCount Retrieves number of images (SOP Instances) that are referenced in an item under the "Referenced Series Sequence" (0008,1115) in the "Presentation State Module".
Public Method GetPresentationStateImageReferenceSOPInstance Retrieves the SOP Instance UID for a referenced image (SOP Instance) under the "Referenced Image Sequence" in the "Presentation State Module".
Public Method GetPresentationStateInformation Retrieves the attributes of the "Presentation State Module".
Public Method GetPreviousElement Returns the item in the Data Set that immediately precedes the specified item.
Public Method GetPreviousKey Returns the item in the Dicom Dir Data Set that immediately precedes the specified item.
Public Method GetRootElement Returns the root element of the specified item.
Public Method GetRootKey Returns the root of the specified item.
Public Method GetShortValue Returns an array of short values, stored in the Value Field, of the specified element.
Public Method GetShortValuePtr Returns a pointer to a short value, stored in the Value Field, of the specified element.
Public Method GetSignature Returns the Digital Signatures Sequence Item that corresponds to the Digital Signature at the specified index.
Public Method GetSignatureDateTime Returns the Digital Signature DateTime (0400,0105) of the specified Digital Signature.
Public Method GetSignaturesCount Returns the number of Digital Signatures in the main Data Set or in an item of a sequence of items.
Public Method GetSignatureUID Returns the Digital Signature UID (0400,0100) of the specified Digital Signature.
Public Method GetSignedElement Returns the signed Data Element at the specified index.
Public Method GetSignedElementsCount Returns the number of Data Elements covered by the specified Digital Signature.
Public Method GetStringValue Gets a string value that is stored in the Value Field of the specified element.
Public Method GetStringValuePtr Gets a pointer to a string value that is stored in the Value Field of the specified element.
Public Method GetTextObjectCount Retrieves the number of text annotation objects in the specified "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001) item.
Public Method GetTextObjectInformation Gets the attributes of a text annotation object.
Public Method GetTextObjElement Gets the item element of the specified text annotation object.
Public Method GetTimeRangeValue Gets a DicomTimeRangeValue structure that contains time range information for the specified element.
Public Method GetTimeValue Gets an array of DicomTimeValue objects, that contain time information stored in the Value Field of the specified element.
Public Method GetValue<T> Returns the value of a DICOM element.
Public Method GetVoiLut Retrieves the attributes that describe the VOI LUT.
Public Method GetVoiLutData Retrieves "LUT Data" for an item under "VOI LUT Sequence".
Public Method GetWaveformGroup Gets a waveform group from the dataset.
Public Method GetWindow Retrieves the attributes that describe the "Window Center" and "Window Width".
Public Method GetWindowCount Gets the number of values under the window center element.
Public Method Initialize Creates the Data Set object, inserting the appropriate elements for the specified class.
Public Method InitializeCommandSet Creates the Command Set and inserts the elements for the specified command.
Public Method InsertElement Inserts a new element in the Data Set.
Public Method InsertElementAndSetValue Finds or inserts (if not found) an element in the data set and sets the value of the element.
Public Method InsertImage Inserts an image in a Pixel Data element.
Public Method InsertImages Inserts image(s) in a Pixel Data element.
Public Method InsertKey Inserts a new key element in the Dicom Dir Data Set.
Public Method InsertModule Inserts a new module in the Data Set.
Public Method IsOverlayInDataSet Determines whether the overlay data exists inside this Data Set or inside another Data Set.
Public Method IsVolatileElement Determines whether the specified element is volatile.
Public Method Load Loads a Data Set from a disk file.
Public Method loadAsync Loads a file from an ILeadStream asynchronously.
Public Method RemoveAllCompoundGraphics Removes all compound graphic annotation objects under the specified "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001) item.
Public Method RemoveAllGraphicObjects Removes all graphical annotation objects under the specified "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001) item.
Public Method RemoveAllImageReferences Removes all the referenced images from the "Referenced Image Sequence" in all Graphic Annotation Sequence items.
Public Method RemoveAllImageReferencesFromLayer Removes all the referenced images from the "Referenced Image Sequence" in the specified "Graphic Annotation Sequence" item.
Public Method RemoveAllLayers Removes all layers under the "Graphic Layer Module".
Public Method RemoveAllPresentationStateImageReferences Removes all "Referenced Image Sequence(s)", which belong to the "Referenced Series Sequence" under the "Presentation State Module".
Public Method RemoveAllTextObjects Removes all text annotation objects under the specified "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001) item.
Public Method RemoveCompoundGraphic Removes the compound graphic annotation at the specified index.
Public Method RemoveGraphicObject Removes the graphic annotation object at the specified index.
Public Method RemoveImageReferenceFromLayer Removes a referenced image from the "Referenced Image Sequence" in the specified "Graphic Annotation Sequence" item.
Public Method RemoveLayerByIndex Deletes all the elements that describe a layer.
Public Method RemoveLayerByName Deletes all the elements that describe a layer.
Public Method RemoveLayerGraphicObjects Removes all graphical annotation objects, which correspond to the specified item under the "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001) in the "Graphic Annotation Module".
Public Method RemoveLayerTextObjects Removes all text annotation objects, which correspond to the specified item under the "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001) in the "Graphic Annotation Module".
Public Method RemovePresentationStateImageReference Removes an item from the "Referenced Image Sequence" under the "Presentation State Module".
Public Method RemoveTextObject Removes the text annotation object at the specified index.
Public Method RemoveType3EmptyElements Deletes type 3 empty elements from the dataset.
Public Method Reset Removes all items from the Data Set.
Public Method Save Saves the Data Set to the specified file.
Public Method saveAsync Saves the Data Set to a stream.
Public Method SaveCertificate Saves the signer's digital certificate associated with the specified Digital Signature to a file.
Public Method SetAgeValue Sets the Age values of a Data Element.
Public Method SetBinaryValue Sets the binary value of an element.
Public Method SetByteValue Sets the character value(s) of a Data Element.
Public Method SetCompoundGraphicInformation Updates the attributes of a compound graphic.
Public Method SetConvertValue Converts a string and sets the value of an element.
Public Method SetConvertValuePtr Converts a string and sets the value of an element.
Public Method SetDateRangeValue Sets the Date range values of a Data Element.
Public Method SetDateTimeValue Sets the Date-Time values of a Data Element.
Public Method SetDateValue Sets the Date values of a Data Element.
Public Method SetDoubleValue Sets the double value(s) of a Data Element.
Public Method SetDoubleValueExt Sets the double values, or any other numeric value representation of a Data Element.
Public Method SetEncapsulatedDocument Inserts an encapsulated document and corresponding DICOM elements into a DICOM data set in a disk file.
Public Method SetFloatValue Sets the float value(s) of a Data Element.
Public Method SetGraphicObjectInformation Updates the attributes of a graphic annotation object.
Public Method SetImage Replaces the image(s) in a Pixel Data element.
Public Method SetImages Replaces the images in a Pixel Data element.
Public Method SetIntValue Sets the integer value(s) of a Data Element.
Public Method SetLayerInformation Sets layer attributes for the layer at the specified index.
Public Method SetLayerName Sets the value of the "Graphic Layer" element under one of the items under the "Graphic Annotation Sequence" in the "Graphic Annotation Module".
Public Method SetLongValue Sets the integer _value_(s) or short _value_(s) of a Data Element.
Public Method SetModalityLut Sets the attributes that describe the Modality LUT.
Public Method SetOverlayAttributes Sets overlay attributes for a certain index.
Public Method SetOverlayImage Sets the "Overlay Data" (60xx,3000) for a certain overlay index.
Public Method SetOverlayImages Sets the "Overlay Data" (60xx,3000) for the specified overlay index.
Public Method SetPaletteColorLutAttributes Sets the attributes that describe the "Palette Color Lookup Table".
Public Method SetPaletteColorLutData Sets red, green or blue "Palette Color Lookup Table" data.
Public Method SetPreamble Sets the contents of the file's preamble.
Public Method SetPresentationStateInformation Sets the attributes of the "Presentation State Module".
Public Method SetShortValue Sets the short value(s) of a Data Element.
Public Method SetStringValue Sets the string value(s) of a Data Element.
Public Method SetStringValuePtr Sets the string value(s) of a Data Element.
Public Method SetTextObjectInformation Updates the attributes of a text annotation object.
Public Method SetTimeRangeValue Sets the Time range values of a Data Element.
Public Method SetTimeValue Sets the Time value of a Data Element.
Public Method SetValue Sets the value(s) of a Data Element. The value can be any supported type.
Public Method SetVoiLut Sets the attributes that describe the VOI LUT.
Public Method SetWindow Sets the attributes that describe the "Window Center" and "Window Width".
Public Method TestConformance Verifies the conformance of the Data Set.
Public Method VerifySignature Verifies Digital Signatures in the Data Set.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method Dispose Releases all resources used by the DicomDataSet.
Protected Method Finalize This member overrides Finalize.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property static  | Shared in VB DefaultDicomTempPath Gets or sets a global default location of the temporary files used by DicomDataSet and DicomNet objects.
Public Property DefaultJpeg2000Options Gets the default JPEG 2000 compression options.
Public Property GetValueResult Holds the result after a call to GetValue.
Public Property InformationClass Gets the IOD class of the Data Set.
Public Property InformationCommand Gets the command associated with the Command Set.
Public Property InformationFlags Gets the Meta-header flags and Transfer Syntax flags that indicate the file characteristics.
Public Property InsertElementAndSetValueResult Holds the result after a call to InsertElementAndSetValue.
Public Property IsRequestCommand Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Command Set is a request or a response.
Public Property Jpeg2000Options Gets or sets the JPEG 2000 compression options.
Public Property LayerCount Gets the number of the Graphic Layers.
Public Property ModuleCount Gets the number of modules in the entire Data Set.
Public Property OverlayCount Gets the number of overlays in the Data Set.
Public Property VoiLutCount Gets the number of items under the VOI LUT Sequence (0028,3010).
Public Property WaveformGroupCount Gets the number of waveform multiplex groups that are included in the dataset.

See Also

DicomDataSet Class

Leadtools.Dicom Namespace

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Leadtools.Dicom Assembly
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